30 Best Ian Malcolm Quotes

Ian: Jurassic World? Not a fan.

Ian: Human beings have no more right to safety or liberty than any other creature on this planet. We not only lack dominion over nature, we're subordinate to it and now here we are - with the opportunity to rewrite life at our fingertips that, just like nuclear power, nobody knew what to expect with genetic engineering, but they pressed the button and hoped for the best, just like you are doing now. Yep. You... you control the future of our survival on planet earth. According to you the solution is genetic power, but that same power could devastate the food supply, create new diseases, alter the climate even further. Unforeseen consequences occur and every time, every single time we all act surprised, because deep down, I don't think that any of us actually believe that these dangers are real. In order to instigate revolutionary change, we must transform human consciousness.

Sarah: [referring to the T-Rexes] This isn't hunting, Ian, it's searching. They're looking for their infant.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Let's not disappoint them.

[after taking the baby T-Rex and putting it in the car]
InGen: Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?
Dr. Ian Malcolm: I'm taking the kid. If you really want to stop us, shoot us.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: I'll be right back. I give you my word.
Kelly: [pounds her fists on the railing] But you *never* keep your word!

Dr. Ian Malcolm: What are you talking about? Five years of work and a hundred miles of electrified fence couldn't prepare the other island. And you think that, what? A couple dozen Marlboro men were going to make a difference here?

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Did you find him?
Roland: Just the parts they didn't like.

[to Ludlow as the T-Rex terrorizes San Diego]
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Now you're John Hammond.

Sarah: What's everybody looking at?
Dr. Ian Malcolm: [spots the T-Rex transfer ship speeding towards the harbor]
Dr. Ian Malcolm: We should've stayed in the damn car.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: [to Kelly] Hey, you want some good parental advice? Don't listen to me.

- We don't have time for complex!
- Primary system compromised.
Ian: Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
- Aerial deterrent system active.
- Victory. Victory.
- Damn, that felt good.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Why don't people listen to me? I use plain and simple English, I don't have any accent that I'm aware of...
Sarah: Oh, shut up.

[searching the island for Sarah]
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Sarah! Sarah!
Nick: Sarah Harding!
Dr. Ian Malcolm: How many Sarahs you think are on this island? Sarah!

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Sarah, when Hammond called you, uh, why didn't you say something to me?
Sarah: Because I knew you would have stopped me from coming.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: I would have tied you to the bed. Right.
Sarah: I figured out how the animals survive without lysine.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: I don't care!

John: Don't worry, I'm not making the same mistakes again.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: No, you're making all new ones.

Ian: Hey, when the adult sees us once again with his baby, uh, isn't he gonna be like, "You"? You know, there may be some, uh, angry recognition.
Sarah: Who knows? He may be just happy to see us.

Roland: Rex just fed, so he won't be hunting for a while.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Just fed? I assume you're talking about Eddie? You might show a little more respect, the man saved our lives by giving his.
Roland: Then his troubles are over. My point is, predators don't hunt when they're not hungry.
Nick: No, only humans do.
Roland: Oh, you're breaking our hearts! Saddle up, let's get this moveable feast under way!

Ian: I know this may seem precarious, but... no, we're... we're teetering.
Maisie: Should we all lean to the left or something?
Ian: That's very constructive. Thank you, Maisie.
Maisie: Yeah.
Ellie: [carefully shifting their weight] Slow. Slow. Slow.
Ian: Yay. We're fine. See this?
Ellie: Mm-hmm.
Ian: This is fine.
[teetering anyway, their jeep rolls down a hill]

Ian: [from trailer] Let's all try to stay positive.

Eddie: It's a high hide. A high hide. You know, you go up and hide, high. It goes up to where the trees are and keeps the researchers out of harm's way.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Actually, it would put them at very convenient biting height.

[while luring the T-rex to follow them to the docks]
Sarah: Ian, slow down.
[Ian looks behind him and sees the T-rex coming]
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Uh... I don't think so.

Ian: It's always darkest just before eternal nothingness.
Alan: [confused] What?

Sarah: You know, I have made a career out of waiting for you.
Kelly: You know, Sarah does have a pretty good p...
Dr. Ian Malcolm: It's so important to your future that you not finish that sentence.

Dr. Ian Malcolm: When you try to sound like Hammond, it just comes off like a hustle. I mean, it's not your fault. They say talent skips a generation. So, uh, hey, I'm sure your kids are gonna be sharp as tacks.
Peter: Hammond's reach exceeded his grasp. Mine does not.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Taking dinosaurs off this island is the worst idea in the long, sad history of bad ideas. And, uh, I'm gonna be there when you learn that.

[after re-capturing the baby T-Rex in San Diego]
Sarah: How do we find the adult?
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Just follow the screams.

[about the poison on the darts in their guns]
Eddie: The most powerful neurotoxin in the world. It works faster than the nerve conduction velocity, which means the animal's down before it actually feels the - P! - prick of the dart.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Is there an antidote?
Eddie: What, like if you shot yourself in the foot? Don't do that, you would be dead before you even knew you had an accident.

Kelly: Dad, are you mad?
Dr. Ian Malcolm: No, I'm not mad - I'm furious!
[Looks around the messy trailer]
Dr. Ian Malcolm: What is this? This looks like your room.

Alan: [from trailer] A baby raptor?
Owen: I made a promise we would bring her home.
Ian: You made a promise to a dinosaur?
Owen: Yeah, why?

Dr. Ian Malcolm: Oh, yeah. Oooh, ahhh, that's how it always starts. Then later there's running and um, screaming.

[Eddie finds Ian, Sarah, and Nick trapped in a trailer hanging over a cliff]
Eddie: What do you need?
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Rope!
Eddie: OK, rope! Anything else?
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, three double cheeseburgers with everything!
Nick: No onions on mine!
Sarah: And an apple turnover!