The Best Jake Neville Quotes

Jake: I, for one, am sick of waiting for Garcia Flynn to dictate our actions. No more playing defense. We're gonna take the son of a bitch out once and for all.

Jake: Do you remember Maria Thompkins? Wyatt Logan met her during your NASA mission.
Lucy: Yeah. Garcia Flynn's mother. Yes. But what does she have to do with it?
Jake: In 1962, Thompkins was a seventeen year old junior at Sam Houston High School. The mission is to eliminate her.
Jiya: Whoa.
Rufus: You can't be serious.
Lucy: No, no, no. There is no way that we are doing that. She's... she's innocent.
Jake: We don't expect either of you to pull the trigger. Meet your new tactical commander, Sergeant Major Caleb Sullivan. You just lead him to the front door, and he'll take care of the rest.

Rufus: Okay, so you just want us to play wingman to the Terminator over there?
[to Mason]
Rufus: And you? You're fine with this? You're just gonna stand there and let this happen?
Connor: Flynn's mother may be innocent, but she still raised a monster. And given your performances, this may be the only way to get this done.
Rufus: Forget it. We refuse.
Lucy: You cannot make us do this. This is not right.
Jake: Maybe I haven't been clear. This operation has been green-lit at the highest levels. It's a go. You refuse, we will charge you with aiding and abetting a wanted terrorist. So, you can either spend the next few hours working for me, or the next ten to fifteen years wishing you had. That clear enough for you?