Top 30 Quotes From Jiya

Jiya: Okay, what about my visions?
Rufus: What about your visions?
Jiya: I had a vision about a man dying and he died. You tried to stop it, but history doesn't change as easily as you want it to.
Rufus: Okay, that's more like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Jiya: Or maybe it's just a prophecy.
Connor: Sorry, what are we talking about?
Jiya: Never mind. Forget it.

Agent: What's going on?
Jiya: Flynn's gone. To March 2, 1836. Looks like... around San Antonio.
Wyatt: That's days before the Alamo.
[seeing Christopher's expression of surprise]
Wyatt: I'm from Texas. We all know that one.

Jiya: San Antonio, Texas. November 23, 1936.
Denise: Lucy?
Lucy: The Texas Centennial Exposition? Six million people attended, including President Roosevelt.
Wyatt: FDR sounds like a Rittenhouse target to me.
Lucy: Agreed, but the Exposition took place in Dallas, a few hundred miles away.
Denise: [to Flynn] What about you? Ever pick up any Rittenhouse intel about this?
Garcia: Zilch.
Wyatt: Well, if you're not here to provide intelligence, what are you good for?

Wyatt: Flynn just jumped again?
Jiya: Uh, yeah, to Illinois this time. May 30, 1893.
Rufus: It's the month the Chicago World's Fair opened.
Denise: Why would he go there?
Rufus: I don't know. We're kind of short a historian.

Wyatt: Let's go.
Lucy: Wait.
Lucy: There's no time. Just focus on the journal. Okay? Just start with page...
[she groans and rubs her temple in pain]
Lucy: What's wrong? What's happening? Is she okay? Or... am I okay?
Wyatt: [leading future-Lucy to the Lifeboat] It's the side effects. We gotta go now. Take our Lifeboat. It's a lot easier to fly. A few upgrades.
Jiya: You guys can fly ours?
Wyatt: We've learned a lot in the last five years.
Lucy: What's wrong with her?
Wyatt: She'll be fine. Merry Christmas, by the way.

Jake: Do you remember Maria Thompkins? Wyatt Logan met her during your NASA mission.
Lucy: Yeah. Garcia Flynn's mother. Yes. But what does she have to do with it?
Jake: In 1962, Thompkins was a seventeen year old junior at Sam Houston High School. The mission is to eliminate her.
Jiya: Whoa.
Rufus: You can't be serious.
Lucy: No, no, no. There is no way that we are doing that. She's... she's innocent.
Jake: We don't expect either of you to pull the trigger. Meet your new tactical commander, Sergeant Major Caleb Sullivan. You just lead him to the front door, and he'll take care of the rest.

Rufus: So, what do we know about JFK? Uh, does he serve a second term? Does he have, like, ten more kids?
Denise: What second term? JFK was assassinated two years into office.
Rufus: That's not right. I-I told him. I told him not to go to Dallas.
Denise: Dallas? It happened in Austin.
Jiya: [his face falls as Christopher leaves] Guess it was just meant to be.

Jiya: Are you OK?
Lucy: Could be worse. Could be the French and Indian War.

Rufus: Are you drunk?
Connor: "Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more."
Rufus: So, yes, then?
Connor: [handing them a tablet] But I have something to add to the merriment. "Icarus Descending: The Fall & Catastrophe of Connor Mason."
Jiya: Yikes.
Rufus: Why are you even reading this stuff?
Connor: Because, Rufus, today is the day I finally lose control... of Mason Industries and all of my holdings. Today, Connor Mason, is officially, um... nobody.
[raising his wine bottle]
Connor: A toast. To oblivion.

Wyatt: Rufus, what do you mean you lost 'em?
Rufus: There aren't cameras on every street. They drove out of range.
Wyatt: Well, what direction were they heading?
Rufus: South on Willow.
Wyatt: All right. What's in the area?
Jiya: There's a Chinese restaurant, Starbucks, Bailey's Bar and Grill, a hospital, a park...
Jessica: I don't know much about JFK, but a bar sounds right up his alley.
Lucy: No, no, no, I bet he's going to the hospital.
Wyatt: What makes you say that?
Lucy: Well, John suffered from health issues his entire life. Spent most of his childhood in and out of hospitals. I mean, Bobby even joked that if someone ever were to write a book about his brother, it would be titled "John F. Kennedy: A Medical History".
Wyatt: Doesn't mean he's sick now.
Lucy: Stress probably makes his conditions worse. And I'm imagining he's probably pretty stressed right now.
Wyatt: If we're wrong...
Jessica: Hey, I'd go with the historian on this one. I mean, she's kept you alive this long, right?
Wyatt: Hospital it is.

Jiya: Wait, where's Flynn?
Wyatt: We had to split up.
Denise: You left him there?
Wyatt: We're gonna go back and pick him up. After we deal with our, uh, situation.

Jiya: If you think that scares me, then you don't know me very well.
Connor: Try to deceive me again, and we'll see how scared you get.

Connor: [after one of Jiya's seizures] That's the second one today. It's barely noon.
Jiya: I'm fine.
Connor: No, you need to rest. Why don't you have a glass of water?
Jiya: [fighting him off] Do you mind? We're kind of trying to stop the apocalypse here.

Jiya: Hey. You're awake. Fever dropped. That's a good sign.
Lucy: Wyatt?
Jiya: He's on a mission.
Lucy: He went without me?
Jiya: You were stabbed with a knife full of 17th century germs and running a fever of 105, remember?
Lucy: [Jiya tends to her wound] Ow. I don't care. He shouldn't have gone without me.
Jiya: Flynn's pinch hitting. I'm sure he and Wyatt have everything under control.
Lucy: [sarcastic] Sure. What could go wrong?

Jiya: You said we can get Rufus back. How?
Lucy: [handing present-Wyatt her journal] Everything you need is in there.
Lucy: Uh, my journal? But... what... what are we supposed to do with it?
Lucy: Just figure it out together.
Lucy: Together?
Lucy: Yes, both of you.
Wyatt: What about the baby?
Wyatt: There is no baby. Jessica lied to manipulate me. Us.

Garcia: The day I've had. Someone needs to figure out how to put more seats into this damn Lifeboat.
Jiya: We're working on it.
Garcia: Well, work faster, 'cause next time, it won't be me who's left behind.
Denise: Did you take care of the sleeper?
Garcia: [with a sarcastic salute] Yes, ma'am. All three of them.

Jiya: If you care about someone, if you trust someone, if you might even love someone, you tell them about something like this.

Jiya: Any luck adding a fourth seat to the Lifeboat?
Rufus: Well, unlike the Mothership, this baby was put together with tinfoil and Juicy Fruit. But the math is good as long as the coding checks out.
[seeing the results, he kisses her in excitement]
Rufus: And that, my love, is how you upgrade a time machine.

Jiya: [interrupting Wyatt in the bathroom] Whoa! Sorry.
Wyatt: Be done in a second.
Jiya: Are you all right?
Wyatt: Maybe you could knock next time.
Jiya: Maybe you could follow the system we have in place and put the chair in front of the door.

Lucy: [learning JFK escaped from the bunker] Oh, my god. If we don't put JFK back where he belongs, he doesn't become president, no JFK, no Peace Corps, no Civil Rights Act...
Jiya: No immigration reform.
Lucy: But there is nuclear war with Cuba.

Jiya: What are Lucy and Wyatt doing?
Denise: Reading the journal, trying to figure out where we take this new toy.
Jiya: Okay, well, how long will that take? Let's just go. I mean, if we can go back to our own timelines...
Connor: Go back to our own timelines? Are you overlooking the fact that future Lucy's head nearly exploded? For all we know, that was their one and only trip before she...
Garcia: It wasn't the only trip. She came to see me in Sao Paolo, before all of this began.
Denise: What are you talking about?
Garcia: Christmas Eve, 2014, Lucy showed up and handed me the journal.
Connor: The Lucy we just saw?
Garcia: It was Lucy. She traveled to a same time she existed before. It's possible.
Connor: But not without side effects it isn't, and headaches are just the beginning. If you stay too long, even just minutes, there are... there are nosebleeds, seizures, and brain damage. And memory loss, and then...
Garcia: And then?
Connor: Well, everybody's tolerance is different, but eventually insanity and death.
Jiya: If Lucy and Wyatt are willing to risk their lives for Rufus, then so am I.

Jiya: They're in Nevada. Uh... somewhere in this fifty-mile radius.
Connor: Uh, not exactly a pinpoint. Can we do any better than fifty miles?
Jiya: Sorry, no.
Wyatt: Well, it's either the desert or Vegas, so... Vegas.
Agent: But why would Flynn go there?
Lucy: I'm looking. Okay, September 21. Vegas, 1962. President Kennedy was in town for a DNC fundraiser at the Sands hotel. Sinatra headlining.
Rufus: So what are we thinking? Flynn's gonna "JFK" JFK one year early?
Lucy: Maybe. That room was filled with celebrities, politicians, Mafia. Flynn could kill any of them, and it would be a disaster.
Wyatt: Well, we need to get there first.

Rufus: Ah, friggin clockblocker!
Denise: What happened?
Rufus: You wanna check my work? I may have miscalculated the second derivative of the time dilation equation.
Jiya: Okay. It's okay. We'll just adjust the levels on the capacitor and we'll try again.
Rufus: You should get some rest. You know, take a break. We don't need you having another one of those headaches.
Jiya: You're sweet, and a tiny bit condescending, and I'm totally fine.

Jiya: What's this?
Wyatt: Rufus picked it up in 1981. Hid it behind Spaghetti-Os so you wouldn't find it 'till Christmas, but... I think he'd want you to have it.
Jiya: [reading the tag] "Merry Christopher. A little pun from '81." He couldn't help himself, could he?
[opening the gift, she finds a Rubik's Cube]
Jiya: Original-issue packaging?
Wyatt: Rufus always told me there was no puzzle you can't solve.

Jiya: Hang on, that is not good.
Wyatt: What?
Jiya: The Mothership landed two days ago. What have they been doing?
Wyatt: Rufus, right now.
Jiya: Wyatt, your clothes.
Wyatt: We'll find 'em there.

Jiya: This thing is incredible. It has advanced re-entry stabilization, and templar cylinders.
Denise: Nice work, Jiya. I'm guessing you're the one who built it.
Connor: I might have made a suggestion or two.

Jiya: You don't ever wonder if there's something bigger out there?
Rufus: What, like extraterrestrials?
Jiya: No, there's definitely extraterrestrials. I mean... a higher power.
Rufus: Okay, where's this coming from? Is this about your visions?
Jiya: Okay, look, I know it sounds crazy, but I feel like I'm having them for a reason.
Rufus: Look, they're side effects of-of-of time travel, okay? There's no such thing as a higher power.
Jiya: Okay, then how do you explain my heart murmur being cured? Or the fact that all my visions have come true?
Rufus: All side effects, okay? If everything happens for a reason, then what's the reason for JFK getting shot by some crazy dude with three names?
Jiya: I don't know.
Rufus: Look... when I was a kid, my mom used to thank God for every good thing that happened. And when something bad happened, she's say "Everything happens for a reason", or "God has a plan." I watched my mom get on her knees and pray every night, begging God to take us out of our crappy neighborhood. But you know who did? Me. God doesn't exist.

Clifford: [catcalling at Lucy] Ow! I'd like to mine that gold. Come back and say hi.
Lucy: Has any woman ever responded positively to that?
Clifford: Just admiring the view, miss.
Lucy: Oh!
Clifford: We don't see many women around here, especially pretty ones.
Stevens: First that redhead and the blonde this morning, and now these two.
Garcia: What were these other women here for?
Clifford: Probably gold. Rumor has it someone found some up by the mill.
Jiya: You think she's here to activate a sleeper?
Lucy: Maybe we should talk to Sutter first. There's a reason that Emma didn't go straight to the mill.
Wyatt: Guys? They weren't here for Sutter.
[he shows them wanted posters of themselves]
Garcia: Okay, now that's our cue to steal some horses and catch up with the sleeper at Sutter's Mill.
Lucy: We need to change.
Jiya: Into what?

Wyatt: Where's the Mothership?
Jiya: Um... it's all over the place.
Wyatt: What the hell does that mean, Jiya?
Jiya: Flynn jumped to Sacramento, present day. He was there for maybe an hour, and then he jumped again to New York, 1780. I don't get it.
Denise: Well, how does Flynn jump so fast and so many times in a row?
Rufus: The nuke; the one he got in Vegas, if he's using it as a battery, the way we think he is.

Jiya: Flynn went to September 25, 1780.
Lucy: Let me guess. Just north of Manhattan.
Jiya: How'd you know?
Lucy: Oh, this is bad. This is really, really bad.
Denise: What would Flynn want in New York City in the middle of the Revolutionary War?
Lucy: It's not New York City; it's West Point.
Rufus: The military academy?
Lucy: In 1780, West Point was just a fort, but Washington thought whoever had control over it would win the war.
Rufus: So what happened on September 25?
Lucy: Well, Washington was over at Benedict Arnold's house for breakfast when he learned that Arnold was plotting to give West Point to the British. Arnold fled before Washington got there.
Wyatt: Benedict Arnold, huh? The guy whose name basically means "total jerkoff".