50 Best Denise Christopher Quotes

Denise: What happened?
Wyatt: Things got messy. Without Lucy, we were scrambling 'till we figured out who they were after.
Rufus: We were almost too late. Sleeper agent started shooting at us.
Wyatt: Yeah, and we couldn't shoot back 'cause there was kids.
Denise: Kids?
Rufus: We barely made it out alive.

Wyatt: Please, you don't trust Flynn any more than Rufus or me. What the hell is going on here? Why am I not with the team?
Denise: How'd you like to take out Rittenhouse for good?

Denise: They blew up Mason Industries. We have no idea how powerful they still are. I'm already down one asset.
Wyatt: That's what you think Lucy is? An asset?
Denise: Master Sergeant Logan, you are not leaving this bunker.
Wyatt: Court-martial me.

Denise: Flynn jumped. May 21, 1927.
Lucy: Paris.
Rufus: What's Paris?
Lucy: That's the day that Charles Lindbergh landed in Paris; the first transatlantic solo flight. But I cannot do this, not now.
Rufus: Okay, where's Wyatt? I mean, we're not doing this without him.
Denise: After his little stunt, there's zero chance he's going on this trip. My hands are tied. You can either jump into that Lifeboat, or you can sit back and let Flynn torch history.
Lucy: Maybe we let Flynn torch history.

Jiya: Wait, where's Flynn?
Wyatt: We had to split up.
Denise: You left him there?
Wyatt: We're gonna go back and pick him up. After we deal with our, uh, situation.

Wyatt: All right, look. Nothing is gonna happen to JFK. We're gonna find him. Rufus.
Rufus: Jiya and I will check traffic and security cams.
Wyatt: Okay, great. I'm gonna need a car.
Denise: No, not a chance. Rittenhouse could come after you.
Wyatt: Rittenhouse will come after him. So unless we're okay with finding out what a world looks like after a few dozen mushroom clouds...
Denise: All right. I'll run point from my office. I need all of you to stay in touch with me, okay?

Garcia: The day I've had. Someone needs to figure out how to put more seats into this damn Lifeboat.
Jiya: We're working on it.
Garcia: Well, work faster, 'cause next time, it won't be me who's left behind.
Denise: Did you take care of the sleeper?
Garcia: [with a sarcastic salute] Yes, ma'am. All three of them.

Rufus: Fourth seat's ready. I say Connor takes it.
Lucy: Yeah.
Denise: Absolutely.
Connor: Absolutely not.
Rufus: Connor, you obviously know more about Robert Johnson and his albums than any of us.

Denise: The only thing you do by leaving is give what's left of Rittenhouse another opportunity to kill you.
Wyatt: Yeah, well, I'll take my chances. After everything we did, there can't be that many of them.

Lucy: You're insane! I mean, even if I believed you, which I don't, I am not getting in that thing to... what? Go after some terrorist? I am not a soldier.
Agent: We have a soldier. We need a historian. A good one who knows the customs, can travel incognito, help us keep a low profile.
Lucy: Great. I'll e-mail you some names.
Agent: I think someone who loved history would want to save it. Besides, what if I am telling the truth? Don't tell me you're not the least bit curious.

Rufus: So, what do we know about JFK? Uh, does he serve a second term? Does he have, like, ten more kids?
Denise: What second term? JFK was assassinated two years into office.
Rufus: That's not right. I-I told him. I told him not to go to Dallas.
Denise: Dallas? It happened in Austin.
Jiya: [his face falls as Christopher leaves] Guess it was just meant to be.

Connor: It's not possible.
Wyatt: Well, actually, it is.
Wyatt: Where are you from?
Lucy: When are you from?
Lucy: 2023.
Connor: How are you even here, in your own timelines? If the side effects...
Lucy: We're not immune to the effects.
Wyatt: We don't have much time.
Lucy: I know.
Connor: Why would you endanger yourselves like this?
Wyatt: We didn't have much of a choice.
Lucy: We can't stop Rittenhouse without Rufus.
Denise: Rittenhouse still exists?
Garcia: In 2023?

Denise: I'm coming with you.
Wyatt: No, you're not.
Denise: The Lifeboat has three seats. You need all the help you can get.
Wyatt: No one is going in that seat except for Lucy. We're bringing her home.
Denise: Wyatt, you don't even know if she's alive. Or if Rittenhouse has her or if they took her on this trip. I'm sympathetic, I am, but there is no room for error here. We need to stop Rittenhouse, whatever they...
Wyatt: Agent Christopher, we are bringing Lucy home.

Wyatt: Okay, so what the hell were they doing in all these places?
Rufus: I've been reading these plans they have. They're nothing like Flynn's old run and gun. It's about pressure points.
Denise: Pressure points?
Rufus: Key moments in history to change the present. Mostly a bunch of crazy ideas on how to make a perfect world somewhere between "Hunger Games" and "Handmaid's Tale".

Wyatt: I never meant for you to get pulled off your detail. I'm sorry.
Denise: The hours sucked.
Wyatt: Yeah, but... changing horses midstream, that's risky. Wait, so this Neville guy just shows up with how many people?
Denise: A dozen, maybe more.
Wyatt: On a top secret project like this? How do you get that much clearance for that many people? Overnight? In Delta, we once ran a two-month op in the Ghazni province where the village chiefs were itching for a fight. Well, we showed up as an international peacekeaping force. Painted the schools, built the wells, all that stuff. By the time the Afghans realized that we controlled their village, there was nothing they could do about it. Takeovers don't have to be hostile. Nah. No, I don't think you got canned 'cause of my little joyride. This thing feels organized. It feels coordinated. They had to be planning this thing for weeks. This is a coup.

Wyatt: Where's Flynn?
Denise: Why? What's going on?
Wyatt: He got Lucy.
Denise: What are you talking about? What do you mean "He got Lucy"?

Denise: Flynn, you're on board this mission. Wyatt, you're staying here with me.
Wyatt: What?
Lucy: But why?
Rufus: You can't be serious.
Denise: Look, Flynn's already been on a couple of missions. We either start trusting him or we don't.
Rufus: We don't. We definitely don't.

Wyatt: Two lefts from headquarters, thirty minutes on the freeway, and four gravel roundabouts. That should put us somewhere in the... National Park. Smart place for a black site.
Denise: You stole a time machine, Wyatt. We can't exactly throw you in county jail.
Wyatt: Hey, you think you could, uh, slip me a snorkel before the waterboarding starts?

Lucy: [as she is coming out of the lifeboat] Who did you vote for in the last election?
Denise: Hillary Clinton.
Rufus: Hey, who's president?
Denise: Donald Trump. Was that not supposed to happen?
Lucy: I don't know, but it wasn't us.

Rufus: What the hell are we supposed to do?
Wyatt: It's one problem at a time. And right now, that is Flynn taking the Mothership to 1931.
Rufus: Except now Rittenhouse has taken over Mason Industries, and they might be ten times worse than Flynn. Maybe we're fighting the wrong battle.
Denise: You're the one who said we can't let Flynn take a wrecking ball to everyone and everything.
Rufus: That was before we stole a time machine, became fugitives, and Jiya was forced to work next to a bunch of homicidal dicks!

Denise: Lucy Preston, Rufus Carlin, this is Master Sergeant David Baumgardner.
Rufus: Bam Bam. Uh, Wyatt mentioned you before.
Dave: Dave's fine.
Denise: We've had him on standby since the Alamo mission.
Dave: I thought Agent Christopher was yanking my chain when she said "time travel", but...
[glancing at the Lifeboat]
Dave: Holy crap.
Lucy: I know how you feel.
Denise: He's been thoroughly briefed, but show him the ropes. You're the varsity squad now.
Rufus: That is not comforting.

Jiya: They're in Nevada. Uh... somewhere in this fifty-mile radius.
Connor: Uh, not exactly a pinpoint. Can we do any better than fifty miles?
Jiya: Sorry, no.
Wyatt: Well, it's either the desert or Vegas, so... Vegas.
Agent: But why would Flynn go there?
Lucy: I'm looking. Okay, September 21. Vegas, 1962. President Kennedy was in town for a DNC fundraiser at the Sands hotel. Sinatra headlining.
Rufus: So what are we thinking? Flynn's gonna "JFK" JFK one year early?
Lucy: Maybe. That room was filled with celebrities, politicians, Mafia. Flynn could kill any of them, and it would be a disaster.
Wyatt: Well, we need to get there first.

Connor: In their haste to find our rogue team and get the Lifeboat back, Rittenhouse... handed me an all-access pass to government servers.
Denise: I am the government, remember?
Connor: Not your pathetic servers, which, by the way, get hacked by the Russians on a regular basis. No. The other servers. The ones no one talks about.
Denise: You mean the NSA? That's...
Connor: Illegal? Immoral? Yes. Well, you can thank me later. But instead of searching for our intrepid time travelers, I found... this. Everything you've ever wanted to know about Benjamin Cahill. Enough to convict him seven times over. See, anyone, even you, can play the, um, crusading cop, but I was playing the long game. Rittenhouse thinks we were playing checkers while I was playing 3-D chess.
Denise: Why are you telling me all this?
Connor: Because... you're dull, but honest. So you can take this to the dull, honest authorities.
Denise: Why should I believe you after everything you've done?
Connor: Um, because, um... once Jiya can pilot the Lifeboat, Rittenhouse is going to eliminate Rufus. Just... see, I have no illusions about who I am. Whatever's coming, I richly deserve it. But Rufus... Rufus deserves better.

Denise: I am seriously pissed at you, but I put in a call to Sam Dwyer. He's a JAG defense lawyer, a good one.
Wyatt: I don't want a defense. I deserve this.
Denise: [standing to leave] Good luck.

Denise: Our secret bunker's getting kind of crowded.

Connor: Before our system was operational, the Mothership visited ten different destinations in the previous six weeks.
Lucy: My mother never told me about that.
Wyatt: All those trips couldn't have been about Amy.
Denise: History could've changed, and we wouldn't even know it.

Denise: How'd you do it?
Jiya: Rufus told me to double-check the time dilation equation, and when I uploaded it to the motherboard, eight flight systems came online.
Connor: You fixed it?
Jiya: Yeah.
Wyatt: Where's the Mothership.
Jiya: I'll check.
Jiya: September 14, 1918, France.
Wyatt: That's World War I. Where?
Jiya: Uh, the nearest town is St. Mihiel.
Wyatt: Rufus, we gotta go. That's the Western Front. The Battle of St. Mihiel was the first one the American forces led. I mean, thousands died. It was... it was a bloodbath.

Carol: You know, despite what you must think, I do care about my daughter very much. I was young when I got pregnant with Lucy. I naively thought that I could give her up for adoption without my family knowing.
Denise: So you didn't want your child to be Rittenhouse?
Carol: Unlike Lucy, I've known about my place in Rittenhouse since I was fifteen years old. It was a burden. So I convinced myself that not keeping my child was the right thing to do.
Denise: That must have been tough.
Carol: It wasn't. Not at first. Then the weeks went by, and I felt her growing inside me. Then I started to wonder what she might be like. And by the time she came into this world, I knew there was no way I was gonna let her go.
Denise: Why are you telling me this?
Carol: Because I can't protect my daughter anymore. Rittenhouse will kill Lucy if she continues to interfere with their plans. So I need you to keep my daughter off of these missions. It's the only way to keep her safe.
Denise: What do you expect me to do? Tie Lucy up...
Carol: Yes!
Denise: ...until all this is over?
Carol: Yes. If that's what it takes.
Denise: If you think that's gonna work, then you don't know your daughter at all.
Carol: Oh, I was hoping that you of all people would understand. You know, I would think long and hard about this, Agent Christopher. It'd be a shame if your children grow up without a mother.

Denise: [after the team returns from their mission] I've waited 37 years to say thank you to you.
[shakes Wyatt's hand]
Wyatt: No thanks necessary, ma'am.
Denise: Well, you saved my life twice. Guess that's why I always knew you were the right man for this job.
[turns to Lucy and Jiya]
Denise: "Cagney" and "Lacey."
[Jiya and Lucy walk up to her laughing]
Denise: You saved my family. I've never forgotten that.
[Lucy hugs her]
Lucy: I'm so sorry to put that kind of pressure on you. I can't imagine the stress.

Wyatt: Locking the door from the outside now? What are we, prisoners?
Denise: I have trust issues with you, Wyatt, obviously with good reason.
[blocking him as he moves to leave]
Denise: My agents are looking for her. They're using drones, satellites, cell records, every resource we have.
Wyatt: Yeah, what's the latest? Let me guess, you got nothing.

Connor: Our earliest prototype. She isn't fancy, but she works, usually. Now, we kept her operational in case the crew of the mothership ever needed a rescue. We call this one the Lifeboat. Their CPUs are linked. But unfortunately, she can't tell us exactly where the mothership has gone. But she can tell us when.
Wyatt: [sarcastic] Naturally. Only tells you when. Time machine problems.
Connor: Yes, we're working on it, but for the moment, that's the best we have.
Lucy: 3:30 pm. May 6, 1937.
Agent: We found this on the dead shooter. It's an address; a tavern in Manchester, New Jersey.
Lucy: That's the Hindenburg. About four hours before it crashed. You're telling me that this guy actually went back in time, for real, to *the* Hindenburg?
Connor: Lucy, if Flynn kills people in '37 who aren't supposed to die, they don't have the kids they're supposed to have, do the things they're supposed to do, history changes. Reality changes.
Lucy: So why would you be stupid enough to invent something so dangerous?
Connor: I didn't count on this happening.
Lucy: Why would Flynn do it?
Agent: We don't know. But there's room in there for three passengers.
Lucy: Wait, to... to do what? Go after him?
Agent: Why else would we bring you here?

Jiya: This thing is incredible. It has advanced re-entry stabilization, and templar cylinders.
Denise: Nice work, Jiya. I'm guessing you're the one who built it.
Connor: I might have made a suggestion or two.

Connor: January 28, 1848, near Sacramento. Lucy?
Lucy: That's four days after gold was discovered in Sutter's Mill, which instigated the Gold Rush, which basically made California a... a state.
Garcia: So Rittenhouse wants gold? Shocker.
Jiya: A time-travel robbery?
Wyatt: Let them have the gold. Let them have California. We need to focus on getting Rufus back.
Denise: Listen, when the Mothership jumps, we chase it. That's been protocol since day one. What is the point of getting Rufus back if we just let Rittenhouse decimate history?
Connor: Are you joking?
Jiya: Future Lucy said we need Rufus to stop Rittenhouse.
Connor: Yes.
Denise: Rufus trained you to pilot the Lifeboat for this very reason. The world needs saving. It's what Rufus would want. We need to find and stop their sleeper agent.

Denise: Rufus, like it or not, we're the only ones who can stop Flynn from hurting people.
Lucy: And what about my sister, huh? I mean, this was my last shot. If we don't do this now, I may never see my sister again. They track us down after we get back from Chicago, it is over. My sister will be gone forever.
Wyatt: Okay, look, I get it. None of us should have to give up our families. I know. I'm the last person that should be saying that, because I'm the selfish ass that went after my wife, but still. Letting Flynn murder through time, that's madness. And I thinks somewhere deep down, we all can admit that. Rittenhouse or not, Flynn's not gonna stop until we stop him. So why us? There's nobody else but us.

Rufus: The Lifeboat's battery is drained after two jumps. It'll need four hour to recharge, if it even can, and that's...
Wyatt: Okay. Okay! It's all right. One step at a time. First step: let's go get your sister back.
Lucy: What?
Denise: I think that's reckless. Flynn is still out there.
Wyatt: With all due respect, ma'am, we don't work for the government anymore. I think Lucy deserves a shot.

Denise: Why would Rittenhouse care about a hotel?
Connor: Because in that hotel on November the 23rd, 1936, Robert Johnson and Don Law changed the world.
Wyatt: How?
Connor: By recording a series of albums.
Garcia: Okay, keep drinking.
Connor: No, Robert Johnson.
[blank stares]
Connor: King of the Delta blues?
[more blank stares]
Connor: Father of rock and roll?
[blank stares again]
Connor: You people are philistines!

Wyatt: Where's the Mothership?
Jiya: Um... it's all over the place.
Wyatt: What the hell does that mean, Jiya?
Jiya: Flynn jumped to Sacramento, present day. He was there for maybe an hour, and then he jumped again to New York, 1780. I don't get it.
Denise: Well, how does Flynn jump so fast and so many times in a row?
Rufus: The nuke; the one he got in Vegas, if he's using it as a battery, the way we think he is.

Denise: April 3, 1882.
Lucy: It's the day that Jesse James died.
Wyatt: Check it out, Rufus.
Lucy: He was planning a robbery with Robert and Charles Ford. They're members of his gang. What he didn't know was that they had already made a deal with the governor to double-cross him for the reward money. And when they got the drop on him, they shot him in back while he was dusting a painting. I always remembered that detail.
Rufus: So, why's Flynn want Jesse James? Great psychos think alike?
Denise: Well, there's only one way to find out. Off you go, cowboys.

Carol: I hope you've had sufficient time to reconsider.
Denise: I have. In my line of work, we all have that one case we can't shake. Mine was a school shooting in 2011. After it happened, I yanked my kids out of their classrooms and decided that they were going to be homeschooled. There was no discussion. I needed them to be safe.
Carol: You did what was best for your family.
Denise: I did what was best for me. My son... he was so angry. It created such a rift between us that finally I had to give in and let go. We all have to do that at some point.
Carol: What are you talking...
[realization dawns on her]
Carol: You're stalling.
[checking her restraints first, she then notices a small mark on Christopher's neck]
Carol: She's chipped.
Denise: Your tax dollars at work. Thanks for giving me that time to reconsider. Someone should be here any minute now.

Wyatt: Somebody wanna tell me how that guy became a billionaire? I mean, he can't do anything. Can't weld. He can't cook. Doesn't even remember how the Lifeboat works.
Denise: He lost his whole life. 22 employees, his company, his fortune. Maybe he's grieving like all of us.
Wyatt: I'm not grieving. Because Lucy is not dead. Rittenhouse has her.
Denise: Wyatt, look, I think you need to prepare yourself for the possibility that Lucy...
Wyatt: Lucy's father was a member of Rittenhouse. They're not trying to kill her, he was trying to recruit her.
Denise: I hope you're right.
Wyatt: I am right. Lucy's alive. And as soon as I get out of this damn pit, I'm gonna find her.

Agent: Badges should get you into Mission Control.
Wyatt: [impressed] FBI.
Lucy: I just feel like I would be able to cover a lot more ground if I weren't a secretary in the typing pool.
Rufus: She says to the guy whose only possible cover is janitor.
Lucy: Touché.
Agent: You want to fit in to NASA in 1969, that's the best I got for you. Now get dressed and get going.

Jiya: What are Lucy and Wyatt doing?
Denise: Reading the journal, trying to figure out where we take this new toy.
Jiya: Okay, well, how long will that take? Let's just go. I mean, if we can go back to our own timelines...
Connor: Go back to our own timelines? Are you overlooking the fact that future Lucy's head nearly exploded? For all we know, that was their one and only trip before she...
Garcia: It wasn't the only trip. She came to see me in Sao Paolo, before all of this began.
Denise: What are you talking about?
Garcia: Christmas Eve, 2014, Lucy showed up and handed me the journal.
Connor: The Lucy we just saw?
Garcia: It was Lucy. She traveled to a same time she existed before. It's possible.
Connor: But not without side effects it isn't, and headaches are just the beginning. If you stay too long, even just minutes, there are... there are nosebleeds, seizures, and brain damage. And memory loss, and then...
Garcia: And then?
Connor: Well, everybody's tolerance is different, but eventually insanity and death.
Jiya: If Lucy and Wyatt are willing to risk their lives for Rufus, then so am I.

Denise: I stationed two armed guards upstairs to keep the bad guys out and keep you guys in.
Wyatt: You see, Rufus? We really are prisoners in this hell hole.
Denise: It is government-owned. It's off the grid. And it was available on extremely short notice.
Wyatt: [sarcastic] Gee, I wonder why.
Denise: The only way you're leaving this bunker is in that time machine.
Wyatt: [getting off the elevator] Screw you.
Rufus: It does suck down here.

Wyatt: Flynn just jumped again?
Jiya: Uh, yeah, to Illinois this time. May 30, 1893.
Rufus: It's the month the Chicago World's Fair opened.
Denise: Why would he go there?
Rufus: I don't know. We're kind of short a historian.

Denise: It's been a tough week for you.
Lucy: I'm on the mend.
Denise: That's not what I meant. You've been quiet since you got back from Salem, and I have a feeling I know why.
Lucy: You do?
Denise: Your mother tried to have you hanged as a witch. I imagine that'd be just a little bit upsetting. Do you want to talk about it?
Lucy: Not really, but thanks for asking.

Jiya: San Antonio, Texas. November 23, 1936.
Denise: Lucy?
Lucy: The Texas Centennial Exposition? Six million people attended, including President Roosevelt.
Wyatt: FDR sounds like a Rittenhouse target to me.
Lucy: Agreed, but the Exposition took place in Dallas, a few hundred miles away.
Denise: [to Flynn] What about you? Ever pick up any Rittenhouse intel about this?
Garcia: Zilch.
Wyatt: Well, if you're not here to provide intelligence, what are you good for?

Denise: So why did they visit so many places?
Wyatt: [a thought strikes him] Sleeper cells.
Denise: What?
Wyatt: Think about it. The captain we met in 1918, he worked his way up through the ranks. Emma, she'd been in the late 1880s for, what, like ten years? Maybe they're playing a long game here. I mean, what if they've already planted who knows how many agents in history? What if they're all just biding their time, leading regular lives, just waiting to be activated?
Lucy: Was there anything in there about a Nicholas Keens? That's the soldier that they saved and brought back to the present.
[seeing his expression]
Lucy: What?
Wyatt: Lucy, these plans, this manifesto... Nicholas Keens wrote it.

Connor: You need to come with me.
Denise: Why the hell would I go anywhere with you?
Connor: Because I've disabled the security systems, and the guards still work for me. They'll look the other way. Trust me.
Denise: I'll take my chances.
Connor: With what? There's no due process here. Please, come with me, or let your family spend the rest of their lives wondering what happened to you.

Denise: How soon before the Lifeboat's fixed?
Rufus: We're close. I was just about to run a test.

Jiya: Flynn went to September 25, 1780.
Lucy: Let me guess. Just north of Manhattan.
Jiya: How'd you know?
Lucy: Oh, this is bad. This is really, really bad.
Denise: What would Flynn want in New York City in the middle of the Revolutionary War?
Lucy: It's not New York City; it's West Point.
Rufus: The military academy?
Lucy: In 1780, West Point was just a fort, but Washington thought whoever had control over it would win the war.
Rufus: So what happened on September 25?
Lucy: Well, Washington was over at Benedict Arnold's house for breakfast when he learned that Arnold was plotting to give West Point to the British. Arnold fled before Washington got there.
Wyatt: Benedict Arnold, huh? The guy whose name basically means "total jerkoff".