The Best Dave Baumgardner Quotes

Denise: Lucy Preston, Rufus Carlin, this is Master Sergeant David Baumgardner.
Rufus: Bam Bam. Uh, Wyatt mentioned you before.
Dave: Dave's fine.
Denise: We've had him on standby since the Alamo mission.
Dave: I thought Agent Christopher was yanking my chain when she said "time travel", but...
[glancing at the Lifeboat]
Dave: Holy crap.
Lucy: I know how you feel.
Denise: He's been thoroughly briefed, but show him the ropes. You're the varsity squad now.
Rufus: That is not comforting.

Ernest: If there's anyone who can help us find the folks you're looking for, Josie can.
Rufus: Josephine Baker? My mom had a record cover of her that got me through some lonely nights.
Dave: That is some antique porn, my friend.
Rufus: I prefer the term "vintage".

Lucy: What's that?
Dave: It's a 1927 Colt .38.
Lucy: But where's your modern gun, like whatever Wyatt uses?
Dave: I was told not to bring anything back from 2017. Those are the rules.
Lucy: You're supposed to ignore *that* rule.
Dave: Now you tell me.

Dave: Thought you said the ride would be bumpy.
Rufus: Nothing? You're not nauseous at all? Not even "Tea Ride at Disneyland" type queasy?