Top 30 Quotes From Connor Mason

Connor: There's nothing on this recorder.
Rufus: That's 'cause I erased the recording.
Connor: And why would you do that?
Rufus: Because if Rittenhouse heard it, they'd know we killed their founder.
Connor: You did what?
Rufus: Well, technically, Flynn did, but we helped a little.

Garcia: Are you... you are afraid of riding in your own invention.
Lucy: Wait a minute. All those test trips before we met you? You never once time traveled yourself?
Connor: Well, it's bloody dangerous.
Lucy: Yeah, I know.
Connor: And perhaps Rufus and Jiya have made the correct calculations to safely transport a fourth person.
Rufus: We did.
Connor: Yes, but perhaps you didn't, so, no.

Garcia: Are you saying Rittenhouse is going after some blues singer?
Connor: *The* blues singer. Look, if it wasn't for Robert Johnson, there'd be no modern blues. No modern blues, no rock and roll; none of your Elvis, Beatles, Stones, Zeppelin. None of them.
Rufus: Which is bad, no doubt; no one wants to listen to Pat Boone on a radio 24/7, but I think I'm missing the larger geopolitical point.
Lucy: Actually, Mason makes sense. It wouldn't just be Rittenhouse killing rock and roll at its source, it would be them killing the cultural revolution of the 1960s, the civil rights movement, the... the fall of Nixon, the end of the Vietnam War. The counterculture as we know it.
Wyatt: Wait, wait, wait. You're saying all of this happens because two guys don't record an album?
Connor: Precisely.

Denise: Why would Rittenhouse care about a hotel?
Connor: Because in that hotel on November the 23rd, 1936, Robert Johnson and Don Law changed the world.
Wyatt: How?
Connor: By recording a series of albums.
Garcia: Okay, keep drinking.
Connor: No, Robert Johnson.
[blank stares]
Connor: King of the Delta blues?
[more blank stares]
Connor: Father of rock and roll?
[blank stares again]
Connor: You people are philistines!

Connor: It's not possible.
Wyatt: Well, actually, it is.
Wyatt: Where are you from?
Lucy: When are you from?
Lucy: 2023.
Connor: How are you even here, in your own timelines? If the side effects...
Lucy: We're not immune to the effects.
Wyatt: We don't have much time.
Lucy: I know.
Connor: Why would you endanger yourselves like this?
Wyatt: We didn't have much of a choice.
Lucy: We can't stop Rittenhouse without Rufus.
Denise: Rittenhouse still exists?
Garcia: In 2023?

Jiya: If you think that scares me, then you don't know me very well.
Connor: Try to deceive me again, and we'll see how scared you get.

Jiya: This thing is incredible. It has advanced re-entry stabilization, and templar cylinders.
Denise: Nice work, Jiya. I'm guessing you're the one who built it.
Connor: I might have made a suggestion or two.

Connor: This is like being stoned to death with popcorn. We're never gonna find the boy using such primitive technology.
Rufus: At least we have computers. Try doing this with a Civil War spyglass.

Rufus: Are you drunk?
Connor: "Life is but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more."
Rufus: So, yes, then?
Connor: [handing them a tablet] But I have something to add to the merriment. "Icarus Descending: The Fall & Catastrophe of Connor Mason."
Jiya: Yikes.
Rufus: Why are you even reading this stuff?
Connor: Because, Rufus, today is the day I finally lose control... of Mason Industries and all of my holdings. Today, Connor Mason, is officially, um... nobody.
[raising his wine bottle]
Connor: A toast. To oblivion.

Connor: The mysterious gunman also attempted to shoot General Grant, but he was saved by an obscure actress named Juliet Shakesman. Never seen again... though there is a high school in Point Pleasant, Ohio, named after her.

Rufus: Okay, so you just want us to play wingman to the Terminator over there?
[to Mason]
Rufus: And you? You're fine with this? You're just gonna stand there and let this happen?
Connor: Flynn's mother may be innocent, but she still raised a monster. And given your performances, this may be the only way to get this done.
Rufus: Forget it. We refuse.
Lucy: You cannot make us do this. This is not right.
Jake: Maybe I haven't been clear. This operation has been green-lit at the highest levels. It's a go. You refuse, we will charge you with aiding and abetting a wanted terrorist. So, you can either spend the next few hours working for me, or the next ten to fifteen years wishing you had. That clear enough for you?

Connor: [after one of Jiya's seizures] That's the second one today. It's barely noon.
Jiya: I'm fine.
Connor: No, you need to rest. Why don't you have a glass of water?
Jiya: [fighting him off] Do you mind? We're kind of trying to stop the apocalypse here.

Jiya: What are Lucy and Wyatt doing?
Denise: Reading the journal, trying to figure out where we take this new toy.
Jiya: Okay, well, how long will that take? Let's just go. I mean, if we can go back to our own timelines...
Connor: Go back to our own timelines? Are you overlooking the fact that future Lucy's head nearly exploded? For all we know, that was their one and only trip before she...
Garcia: It wasn't the only trip. She came to see me in Sao Paolo, before all of this began.
Denise: What are you talking about?
Garcia: Christmas Eve, 2014, Lucy showed up and handed me the journal.
Connor: The Lucy we just saw?
Garcia: It was Lucy. She traveled to a same time she existed before. It's possible.
Connor: But not without side effects it isn't, and headaches are just the beginning. If you stay too long, even just minutes, there are... there are nosebleeds, seizures, and brain damage. And memory loss, and then...
Garcia: And then?
Connor: Well, everybody's tolerance is different, but eventually insanity and death.
Jiya: If Lucy and Wyatt are willing to risk their lives for Rufus, then so am I.

Jiya: Okay, what about my visions?
Rufus: What about your visions?
Jiya: I had a vision about a man dying and he died. You tried to stop it, but history doesn't change as easily as you want it to.
Rufus: Okay, that's more like a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Jiya: Or maybe it's just a prophecy.
Connor: Sorry, what are we talking about?
Jiya: Never mind. Forget it.

Connor: Rufus, do you have any idea how much trouble you're in? This was your last chance. Um... you should run.
Rufus: Run? Run where?
Connor: I'll help you. Um, you... you need a new identity and a new passport. Uh... your family will come with you, too, of course, and then I need to set up an offshore account for you, and that way you can...
[seeing Rufus is distracted]
Connor: Are you listening to me?
Rufus: I'm not going to run.
Connor: I don't think you're appropriately frightened here.
Rufus: Of course I am scared. Be crazy not to be. But I'm not going anywhere until we find Lucy.
Connor: By then, it may be too late.

Connor: What did you think would happen? That you'd get on your proud little soap box, make a speech and they'd just slink away into the darkness?
Rufus: Please don't do this.
Connor: You asked me to pick a side. Well, I did. Now I suggest you reconsider your allegiances, because once she's trained, you become expendable.

Jiya: They're in Nevada. Uh... somewhere in this fifty-mile radius.
Connor: Uh, not exactly a pinpoint. Can we do any better than fifty miles?
Jiya: Sorry, no.
Wyatt: Well, it's either the desert or Vegas, so... Vegas.
Agent: But why would Flynn go there?
Lucy: I'm looking. Okay, September 21. Vegas, 1962. President Kennedy was in town for a DNC fundraiser at the Sands hotel. Sinatra headlining.
Rufus: So what are we thinking? Flynn's gonna "JFK" JFK one year early?
Lucy: Maybe. That room was filled with celebrities, politicians, Mafia. Flynn could kill any of them, and it would be a disaster.
Wyatt: Well, we need to get there first.

Connor: In their haste to find our rogue team and get the Lifeboat back, Rittenhouse... handed me an all-access pass to government servers.
Denise: I am the government, remember?
Connor: Not your pathetic servers, which, by the way, get hacked by the Russians on a regular basis. No. The other servers. The ones no one talks about.
Denise: You mean the NSA? That's...
Connor: Illegal? Immoral? Yes. Well, you can thank me later. But instead of searching for our intrepid time travelers, I found... this. Everything you've ever wanted to know about Benjamin Cahill. Enough to convict him seven times over. See, anyone, even you, can play the, um, crusading cop, but I was playing the long game. Rittenhouse thinks we were playing checkers while I was playing 3-D chess.
Denise: Why are you telling me all this?
Connor: Because... you're dull, but honest. So you can take this to the dull, honest authorities.
Denise: Why should I believe you after everything you've done?
Connor: Um, because, um... once Jiya can pilot the Lifeboat, Rittenhouse is going to eliminate Rufus. Just... see, I have no illusions about who I am. Whatever's coming, I richly deserve it. But Rufus... Rufus deserves better.

Connor: Before our system was operational, the Mothership visited ten different destinations in the previous six weeks.
Lucy: My mother never told me about that.
Wyatt: All those trips couldn't have been about Amy.
Denise: History could've changed, and we wouldn't even know it.

Rufus: Fourth seat's ready. I say Connor takes it.
Lucy: Yeah.
Denise: Absolutely.
Connor: Absolutely not.
Rufus: Connor, you obviously know more about Robert Johnson and his albums than any of us.

Connor: Our earliest prototype. She isn't fancy, but she works, usually. Now, we kept her operational in case the crew of the mothership ever needed a rescue. We call this one the Lifeboat. Their CPUs are linked. But unfortunately, she can't tell us exactly where the mothership has gone. But she can tell us when.
Wyatt: [sarcastic] Naturally. Only tells you when. Time machine problems.
Connor: Yes, we're working on it, but for the moment, that's the best we have.
Lucy: 3:30 pm. May 6, 1937.
Agent: We found this on the dead shooter. It's an address; a tavern in Manchester, New Jersey.
Lucy: That's the Hindenburg. About four hours before it crashed. You're telling me that this guy actually went back in time, for real, to *the* Hindenburg?
Connor: Lucy, if Flynn kills people in '37 who aren't supposed to die, they don't have the kids they're supposed to have, do the things they're supposed to do, history changes. Reality changes.
Lucy: So why would you be stupid enough to invent something so dangerous?
Connor: I didn't count on this happening.
Lucy: Why would Flynn do it?
Agent: We don't know. But there's room in there for three passengers.
Lucy: Wait, to... to do what? Go after him?
Agent: Why else would we bring you here?

Connor: You need to come with me.
Denise: Why the hell would I go anywhere with you?
Connor: Because I've disabled the security systems, and the guards still work for me. They'll look the other way. Trust me.
Denise: I'll take my chances.
Connor: With what? There's no due process here. Please, come with me, or let your family spend the rest of their lives wondering what happened to you.

Connor: You need to go with them.
Rufus: I can't. I am a coder. Okay? That is what I'm good at. All right? I don't like to leave my desk, let alone go in there or back then. Also, I don't know how it works across the pond, but I am black. There is literally no place in American history that'll be awesome for me.

Denise: How'd you do it?
Jiya: Rufus told me to double-check the time dilation equation, and when I uploaded it to the motherboard, eight flight systems came online.
Connor: You fixed it?
Jiya: Yeah.
Wyatt: Where's the Mothership.
Jiya: I'll check.
Jiya: September 14, 1918, France.
Wyatt: That's World War I. Where?
Jiya: Uh, the nearest town is St. Mihiel.
Wyatt: Rufus, we gotta go. That's the Western Front. The Battle of St. Mihiel was the first one the American forces led. I mean, thousands died. It was... it was a bloodbath.

[Lucy, Wyatt, Flynn, and Mason arrive in 1936. This is Mason's first time travel mission]
Connor: Our earliest pilots would report that, like present, the past initially seems. The sand, the air, like nothing's changed. Except space-time compression.
[looking at his fingers]
Connor: Look, I can see the hairs... stand from the quantum gravitational bursts. And I can hear the faintest sparks... crackle in the air. Oh, this is quite ex...
[Mason suddenly feels nauseous and vomits]
Garcia: And boom goes the dynamite.

Rufus: Seven million people in the Bay Area, and we're supposed to find one horny teenage boy?
Jiya: It's gonna be fine. We'll find him.
Connor: You sound quite sure of that.
Jiya: Well, think about it. We all still know who JFK is, right? Must mean we're gonna find him.
Rufus: Come again?
Connor: What a fascinating loop. Jiya is suggesting that because we still know JFK becomes president in '61, very fact that we're still aware of him, really, proves that he eventually makes it back to where he's supposed to be.
Rufus: Yeah, for now, until he gets hit by a car or shot by Rittenhouse, then history changes in an instant and we don't even know it.
Connor: Yeah, that's true, too.

Jiya: I could use some help getting the rest of the systems online.
Connor: You're all correct, you know. I don't know how to turn a wrench, and my maths has gone to crap. Schematics seem to be written in Greek.
Jiya: You're just rusty. You're a great engineer, Mason.
Connor: Yes, I was. Once. I think becoming rich and powerful has made me useless. At least I don't have to worry about that anymore.

Connor: January 28, 1848, near Sacramento. Lucy?
Lucy: That's four days after gold was discovered in Sutter's Mill, which instigated the Gold Rush, which basically made California a... a state.
Garcia: So Rittenhouse wants gold? Shocker.
Jiya: A time-travel robbery?
Wyatt: Let them have the gold. Let them have California. We need to focus on getting Rufus back.
Denise: Listen, when the Mothership jumps, we chase it. That's been protocol since day one. What is the point of getting Rufus back if we just let Rittenhouse decimate history?
Connor: Are you joking?
Jiya: Future Lucy said we need Rufus to stop Rittenhouse.
Connor: Yes.
Denise: Rufus trained you to pilot the Lifeboat for this very reason. The world needs saving. It's what Rufus would want. We need to find and stop their sleeper agent.

Connor: I think I fixed the problem. There was a pin missing from the converter.
Rufus: That's the right lateral particle converter.
Connor: Yes, I know it's the right lateral particle converter. I invented it.

Connor: What happened to Lucy?
Wyatt: We lost track of her. I lost track of her. Flynn got her.