Top 30 Quotes From James Brolin

Zurg: Buzz Lightyear, we meet again... for the last time!

Jackson: Well, there was a massive breach at the CIA. Someone hacked the files containing the identities of our deep-cover operatives.
Richard: Do you know who?
Jackson: No. But it was an inside job at the highest level. That's why they called me. Because I'm outside. My orders were to find the mole and recover the files.
Kate: What does any of this have to do with Ted?
Jackson: Ted was one of my best guys. I recruited him to help me find Gemini.
Martha: Gemini?
Jackson: Code name for the mole. He was planning on selling the DCO list. But we couldn't find him. If these files get out, the consequences will be very real. Then yesterday we had a breakthrough. Ted identified the buyer, and he signaled me to meet so he could tell me who it was, but, uh...
Richard: But Gemini got there first. *He* killed Ted.
Jackson: Leaving me SOL. Until you told me about the Iranian rial.
Kate: You... You told him about the rial?
Richard: I...
Jackson: Ted left that as a fail-safe message... about the buyer.
Richard: Right. It's old-school spy craft. But... Gemini knows all the old tricks, so he took that coin to throw you off his scent.
Jackson: Yeah. Once I found out the Iranians were involved, I traced Ted's trail back to an apartment on East 38th Street across from the Iranian mission. Only Gemini got there ahead of me.
Richard: And he ambushed you.
Jackson: From a rooftop across the way. Soon as I opened the door, all hell broke loose. But I'm good at hell. And I made my way back to the car, but he was right on my tail. I had to drive into the East River just to get away from him.
Kate: Look, this is an *incredible* story and I can see where Castle gets his talent, but it doesn't mean that any of what you said is true.
Jackson: You don't believe me?
Kate: Mm-mm.
Jackson: Well, turn on the news.

Jackson: Given how you're feeling so bad about your two hundred buck phone, you might want to pick up that $3,000,000 briefcase... Take it with you.

Charles: This is really wonderful. If we go along with you and lie our asses off, the world of truth and ideals is, er, protected. But if we don't want to take part in some giant rip-off of yours then somehow or other we're managing to ruin the country. You're pretty good, Jim. I'll give you that.

Jackson: We've met before. Yeah. When you were about ten years old, your mother took you to the library and, you were looking for a book, and, uh I gave you a copy of...
Richard: [remembering] "Casino Royale".
Jackson: Yeah.
Richard: That was you?... That book made me want to become a writer.

[Jackson takes Castle's phone and shoots it]
Richard: [loudly] What are you doing? That was a $200 phone!
Jackson: That's how they track you. Now get in the car.
Richard: Hey, I am *not getting* in the car!
Jackson: Aw, don't be an idiot. I'm the good guy.
Richard: Oh, you expect me to trust you?
Jackson: Well, you're still alive, aren't you?

Narrator: It's a difficult thing, letting go. It's tough to say goodbye. But the thing we don't always realize, when we let go of something, it opens up a little space to grow. It shows us who we are, what we're capable of. We find out what really matters, and who we really were, all along.

Jackson: Trust kills faster than bullets.

Zurg: I'm going back, Buzz! I'm going to matter again! And you will have never existed... So... Prepare to Die.
Buzz: Not today, Zurg!

Richard: So, you wanna tell us how you got shot?
Jackson: Not particularly.
Richard: What about the three guards you murdered while escaping from prison? You want to tell us about that?
Jackson: Don't believe everything you read.
Richard: So you didn't kill 'em?
Jackson: I work outside the system. Which means I need an effective cover. Hired assassin, wanted by Uncle Sam... opens a lot of doors.

Buzz: [during a final standoff] I don't wanna fight you, Buzz.
Zurg: I wouldn't wanna fight me neither.

Jackson: Martha, hand me the needle and thread.
Martha: Uhh... Okay, here it is. And here we go.
[gives them to Hunt]
Martha: All right. You've stitched yourself up before, I take it?
Jackson: At least this time I got a needle.

Richard: [answering phone] Alexis?
Gregory: I'm afraid not, Mr. Castle. But I am the one holding her. If you value her life, you will give the phone to the man standing next to you. The one responsible for all the bloodshed in the woods.
[Castle hands the phone to Jackson]
Jackson: [on phone] Yeah.
Gregory: It's you. After all these years, it's finally you.
Jackson: Time to let her go, Volkov.
Gregory: The way you let Anna go? No. It's time to end things. A life for a life. Tomorrow, six a.m., outside the Palais Bourbon. If you show, I'll spare her. But if you don't, I will put the bullet in her brain instead of yours. And we start again.

Zurg: What I'm about to do to your stubborn, annoying little planet, I'm gonna enjoy it... very, very much.

Narrator: In life, you're always searching for answers. Where do you come from? Where do you belong? But most importantly, why are you here? For some, these answers come quite easily. For others, they have to search the ends of the Earth to find them. And when the answers you've been searching for are finally revealed, so is your purpose. But sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes those answers leave us more in the dark than ever.

[having been shot and talking Castle through removing the bullet]
Jackson: Okay, now make an incision through the wound, about an inch long.
[Martha hands Castle an X-Acto knife]
Martha: Here you go.
Richard: Okay. About an inch.
[Jackson grunts as Castle makes the incision]
Richard: Okay.
Martha: Ooh.
Jackson: All right, now here comes the fun part. Carefully, and I do mean carefully, pull the slug out.
[Martha hands Castle a pair of pliers]
Jackson: But do me a favor. Try not to make *my* nose light up, huh?
[Martha laughs sarcastically]
Richard: Right. Okay.
[he digs into the wound for the bullet]
Richard: I think I have it... I got it.
[he pulls the pliers out, empty handed]
Martha: Oh!
Richard: I don't got it. Sorry.
Martha: Careful, Richard.
Jackson: Now that you know how not to do it, why don't you try the other way?

[showing up on Castle's doorstep]
Jackson: Sorry to miss our meeting, but, uh, I was a little busy getting shot.

Narrator: We're looking for family from the moment we're born. Turns out, we just never know where we're going to find it. And sometimes our families end up looking nothing like we thought they would. And sometimes, we do things for family that we never thought we could. Because family is always worth it.

Charles: [Cockpit indicator alarming] Oh, Christ. Fuel. There's no goddamn fuel!
Lt. Col Peter Willis: I told you never to take a trip without checking the tank.

Catwoman: [explaining away her radio call] Oh, he he. That was my 11-year-old nephew Marshall. I gave him this little intercom. We--he likes to play cops and robbers.
Driver: He's got a mighty deep voice for an 11-year-old.
Catwoman: He matured early.

Narrator: If we can see past the fear, we find out what really matters. And we learn that sometimes, the things that set us apart can also bring us together. Because family is what we make it. Each one of us. Together.

Jackson: Ted Rollins, your victim. What have you learned?
Richard: What have I lea... I'm sorry, until a year ago I had no idea who you were, and now you come out of the blue and the only thing you have to say is, "What have you learned?" How about a, "Hello, son. How you been?"
Jackson: You're getting emotional. And now's not the time.
Richard: Really? 'Cause it's been about forty years. So when would be a good time?
Jackson: With what I do? Never. Or did you forget what happened in Paris?
Richard: No. How can I forget?
Jackson: Well, then stop acting like you did. You know what I do. You know who I am. I let my guard down, people die.

Richard: How will I know if you made it?
Jackson: Oh, you won't. Not officially, at least. I know this has been tough for you, Richard, and... I just want you to know, son, I've always been proud of you. Always.

Charles: We... are dead. We are dead.
Lt. Col Peter Willis: Shit. I was such a terrific guy.

Charles: [dividing up the first aid kit] John, you take the flint. Peter and I will split up the matches. Anybody want the gun?
Lt. Col Peter Willis: I'd shoot my foot.
Cmdr. John Walker: I'd shoot his foot.

Jackson: Well, after the shootout at the apartment, I knew I was blown. But I still had to recover this list.
Richard: So to keep the upper hand, you let Beckett and me walk into a trap. We could have been killed.
Jackson: I would never let anything happen to you two.
Richard: The way you never let anything happen to Ted?
Jackson: There are reasons I have to do what I do, Richard. One day you'll understand.

Narrator: The past is a funny thing. We like to hold onto it so tight. But sometimes it's better to let go. Sometimes we just gotta move on.

Catwoman: Well... you drive very well, Mr, uh...
Driver: Staphylococcus.
Catwoman: Eh?
Driver: Ralph Staphylococcus. My friend calls me Ralph.
Catwoman: Ralph, eh? Have you had this job long?
Driver: Four years next July 22nd, ma'am. I'm studying to be an accountant at night. Can't raise three kids on this salary.
Catwoman: Oh, you're married? Heh-heh. How nice... for you.

Jackson: Let's run this just so we know we're all on the same page. Richard, what do you do?
Richard: As soon as the Kingfish network goes online, I log in, I download the list.
Jackson: You don't just log in, you gotta be first.
Richard: Right.
Martha: But why does he have to be first?
Richard: Because it locks out the Iranians from downloading the list.
Kate: Right. And while Castle's downloading, I'll track the signal using the Wi-Fi analyzer on my phone.
Martha: You can find a spy on your phone?
Richard: Mother, there's an app for everything now.

Richard: This is about you?
Jackson: Yeah.
Richard: I don't understand. What does this have to do with Alexis? Why would they take her?
Jackson: Because I was careless. Because, somehow, he found out who she was, who you were, and he knew I'd come for her.
Richard: Why? Why would you come for her?
Jackson: Because she's my granddaughter!
[Castle is stunned into silence]
Jackson: Richard, I'm your father.