The Best Narrator Quotes

Narrator: We're looking for family from the moment we're born. Turns out, we just never know where we're going to find it. And sometimes our families end up looking nothing like we thought they would. And sometimes, we do things for family that we never thought we could. Because family is always worth it.

Narrator: It's a difficult thing, letting go. It's tough to say goodbye. But the thing we don't always realize, when we let go of something, it opens up a little space to grow. It shows us who we are, what we're capable of. We find out what really matters, and who we really were, all along.

Narrator: The past is a funny thing. We like to hold onto it so tight. But sometimes it's better to let go. Sometimes we just gotta move on.

Narrator: In life, you're always searching for answers. Where do you come from? Where do you belong? But most importantly, why are you here? For some, these answers come quite easily. For others, they have to search the ends of the Earth to find them. And when the answers you've been searching for are finally revealed, so is your purpose. But sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes those answers leave us more in the dark than ever.

Narrator: If we can see past the fear, we find out what really matters. And we learn that sometimes, the things that set us apart can also bring us together. Because family is what we make it. Each one of us. Together.