The Best Jessie Cave Quotes

Hermione: How does it feel, Harry? When you see Dean with Ginny?
Harry: [slightly taken aback] Oh. Um...
Hermione: I know. I've seen the way you look at her. You're my best friend.
[Ron bursts in with Lavender, laughing, then sobers when he sees Hermione and Harry]
Lavender: Oops!... I think this room's taken.
[runs off]
Ron: [awkwardly] ... What's with the birds?
Hermione: [stands, glares at Ron] Oppugno!
[Hermione's flock of birds fly at Ron, who flees the room. Hermione sinks next to Harry and breaks down crying]
Harry: It feels like this.

[in the hospital wing, Ron stirs]
Lavender: Ah! See? He senses my presence.
[leans down]
Lavender: Don't worry, Won-Won! I'm here. I'm here.
Ron: [croaks] Her... my... nee. Hermione...
[Hermione takes Ron's hand. Lavender runs out, sobbing. Awkward silence]
Albus: Oh, to be young and to feel love's keen sting.

Lavender: [runs into the hospital wing, after Ron's been poisoned] Where is he? Where's my Won-Won? Has he been asking for me?
[sees Hermione sitting next to Ron's bed]
Lavender: What is she doing here?
Hermione: [stands] I might ask you the same question!
Lavender: I happen to be his girlfriend!
Hermione: Well, I happen to be his... friend.
Lavender: Friend? Don't make me laugh! You haven't spoken in weeks. I guess you want to make up with him now that's he's suddenly all interesting!
Hermione: He's been poisoned, you daft dimbo! And as a matter of fact, I've always found him interesting.