The Best Jia Quotes

Ilene: [signing] Tell him there may be others like him down there.
Jia: Family?
Ilene: I don't know. I hope so.

Jia: [to Kong] Godzilla. Not. Enemy.
[points at MechaGodzilla]
Jia: That, is enemy. It's true. Please... be careful.

Nathan: [Kong doesn't go into the Hollow Earth entrance] It's not working.
Ilene: Just wait. Wait, wait, wait.
Nathan: What if she tells him there are others down there like him.
Ilene: But you don't know that.
Nathan: We lost our entire fleet getting here. There's no way back for him. And he can't survive here.
Ilene: All right. All right.
[to Jia]
Ilene: Hey.
[In sign language]
Ilene: Tell him... There could be more like him... Inside
Jia: Family?
Ilene: I don't know. I hope so.
Jia: [to Kong bin sign language about the Hollow Earth] Your family might be down there.
[Kong goes through the entrance]