The Best Mark Russell Quotes

Madison: Dad, I'm telling you, there's something provoking him that we're not seeing here. Why else would Godzilla flash an intimidation display if there wasn't another Titan around?
Mark: That podcast is filling your head with garbage. You should be in school.
Madison: I am just trying to help.
Mark: I don't want you to help. I want you to be safe. We needed a plan to keep peace with these things, and the best one we had just went down in flames. I don't have any more. And the last thing that I need is to be worrying about you.

Madison: Godzilla saved us. You were there with Mom. You saw it. How could you doubt him? There has to be a pattern.
Mark: There doesn't.
Madison: A reason why he was provoked.
Mark: There isn't.
Madison: How do you know that?
Mark: Because creatures, like people, can change. And right now, Godzilla's out there and he's hurting people, and we don't know why.