The Best Jodi Benson Quotes

Barbie: Authority should derive from the consent of the governed, not from threat of force!

Big: [the rest of the League is objecting to Batman joining the team] I thought we were a team. Slaves on Apokolips are treated with more respect.
Green: Please. Anger just clouds the issue.
Warhawk: Does it? My beak tells me this stinks.
Aquagirl: I'm afraid Barda and Warhawk have a point. No offense.
Superman: This isn't up for discussion. Like it or not, Batman stays.
[Nobody says anything. Barda and Lantern exit without saying anything to Batman. Warhawk stops in front of him]
Warhawk: Just keep out of my way, junior. Hawks eat rodents like you for breakfast.
[Aquagirl follows him out, giving Batman a sympathetic look as she does]
Batman: Maybe this was a mistake.
Superman: No, I need someone I can trust.

Hamm: Excuse me, ladies, but could any of you tell us where we might the Al of Al's Toy Barn?
Tour: I can help!
[slides down the slide and into the toy car]
Tour: I'm Tour Guide Barbie! Please keep your hands, arms, and accessories in the car, and no flash photography. Thank you.
Mr. Potato Head: I'm a married spud, I'm a married spud...
Hamm: [Hopping into the front seat of the car] Then make way for the single fellas.

[Aquagirl walks in on Batman as he's reviewing the files of the League]
Aquagirl: Going over my file?
Batman: [shutting the screen off] Aquagirl.
Aquagirl: You can call me Mareena.
Batman: Mareena, it's all a bit overwhelming. I don't think I got off to a good start today.
Aquagirl: Give it time. Everyone's been on edge since Micron's accident.
Batman: I'm sorry.
Aquagirl: Occupational hazard I guess. Want to join me for a swim?
Batman: Thanks, but I've gotta cram. This League stuff's still new to me.

Stinky Pete the Prospector: Idiots! Children destroy toys. You'll be ruined, forgotten, spending eternity rotting in some landfill!
Woody: [staring at The Prospector in the eyes, then chucking his chin] Well, Stinky Pete, I think it's time you learned the true meaning of playtime.
[points to something off screen]
Woody: Right over there, guys!
Stinky Pete the Prospector: No, no, noooooooo!
[the scene changes to show a Barbie backpack come out of the baggage room with the Prospector sitting in the netting in front]
Amy: [offscreen] Look, Barbie! A big ugly man-doll! Ooh, he needs a makeover.
[Amy grabs her backpack and puts her Barbie doll in. The doll's head is facing to the left of the screen]
Barbie: Hi, you'll like Amy.
[Turns her face to reveal a bunch of make up on her cheek; The Prospector gasps]
Barbie: She's an artist!

Woody: Day care is a sad lonely old place for toys who don't have a home.
Barbie: ...WAAAAGH!
Hamm the Piggy Bank: Quite the charmer, ain'tya?

Lotso: Ken? New toys!
Ken: Far out! Down in a jiff, Lotso.
[goes down the elevator]
Ken: So, who's ready for Ken's dream tour?
Lotso: Let's show our new friends where they'll be staying!
Ken: Uh, folks, if you'll just want to step right this way...
[he sees Barbie]
Ken: Hi, I'm Ken.
Barbie: Barbie. Have we ever met?
Ken: I would have remembered.
[she laughs]
Ken: Love your leg wamers!
Barbie: Nice ascot!
Lotso: Come on, Ken, recess don't last forever.
Ken: Right on, Lotso. This way everybody.
Lotso: Got a lot to look forward to, folks. The little ones love new toys.
Buzz: What a nice bear!
Rex the Green Dinosaur: And he smells like strawberries.
Woody: Ugh.

Ken: [Giving Andy's toys a tour of the daycare, Ken passes his dollhouse] And this... well, this is where I live. It's got a disco, it's got a dune buggy, and a whole room just for trying on clothes.
Barbie: [gasps] You have everything!
Ken: Everything... except someone to share it with...
[he walks away]
Barbie: [sighs lovingly]

Chunk: [Buzz has just successfully made it to the window over the Caterpillar Room door, at sunset, and now he hears two voices approaching in the hallway below] Heh, heh heh heh... You think they had a fun playtime?
Twitch: Shh! They might hear you!
[Buzz hears giggling to his left and looks over to another doorway where Barbie and Ken are talking to each other]
Ken: Okay, now you start.
Barbie: I...
Ken: love...
Barbie: you! Oh!
Ken: See? That time I said "love"! Okay, now me first.
[Buzz gives them a strange look]
Barbie: [overlapping] Ooh! Okay okay okay...
Ken: I...
Barbie: love...
Ken: you! You see what I mean? It changes every time!
Barbie: [laughing] You are so smart!
[Twitch and Chunk pass them]
Twitch: [grabbing Ken's collar] C'mon, Romeo. We're late.

Warhawk: Well kid, I gotta admit. I was wrong about you.
Green: An understatement. You saved the world.
Superman: Think you could get used to it?
Batman: You're saying you want me with you full-time?
Aquagirl: We could really use you.
Batman: I don't know. You guys play awfully rough.
Big: Come on, it'll put you one up on the old Batman. He never made it past part-timer.
Superman: Yeah, he wasn't what you call a "joiner."
Batman: Maybe he and I have something in common after all.
[Walks away from the League members]
Superman: More than you think, son. More than you think.