The Best Warhawk Quotes

Warhawk: If we don't beat this guy, it's the end of everything.
Future: We've been there before.
Warhawk: Not like this. What are you supposed to do when you have the weight of the world on your shoulders?
Green: [puts his hand on Warhawk's shoulder] Plant your feet.

Warhawk: Well kid, I gotta admit. I was wrong about you.
Green: An understatement. You saved the world.
Superman: Think you could get used to it?
Batman: You're saying you want me with you full-time?
Aquagirl: We could really use you.
Batman: I don't know. You guys play awfully rough.
Big: Come on, it'll put you one up on the old Batman. He never made it past part-timer.
Superman: Yeah, he wasn't what you call a "joiner."
Batman: Maybe he and I have something in common after all.
[Walks away from the League members]
Superman: More than you think, son. More than you think.

Warhawk: [after Batman uses the Kyrptonite on Superman the next time he attacks them, they pull his suit off to reveal a starfish-like alien on his chest] Lantern, Barda, you've been around the galaxy once or twice. Ever see anything like this?
Big: Never.
Green: [uses her ring to conjure up a magnifying glass to get a closer look] Whatever it is, it appears to have somehow embedded itself in his skin
Batman: Any chance of getting it off?
Green: I must remind you, this is not just one alien species before us, it's two, and I do not yet understand the subtleties of their interaction.
Warhawk: I'll take that as an "I don't know."

Warhawk: This is a little weird for everybody. I'm Warhawk, Rex Stewart.
Green: Your mother, who is she?
Warhawk: Kinda obvious, don't ya think?
Batman: Even if it isn't, leave it be. You don't wanna know too much of your future.
Future: Trust me, you really don't.
Static: Shayera was one cranky pregnant lady. Although to be fair, if I'd laid an egg that size...
[Lantern looks shocked]
Warhawk: He's kidding, Dad.

[last lines]
Warhawk: [to Green Lantern] Dad?

Big: [the rest of the League is objecting to Batman joining the team] I thought we were a team. Slaves on Apokolips are treated with more respect.
Green: Please. Anger just clouds the issue.
Warhawk: Does it? My beak tells me this stinks.
Aquagirl: I'm afraid Barda and Warhawk have a point. No offense.
Superman: This isn't up for discussion. Like it or not, Batman stays.
[Nobody says anything. Barda and Lantern exit without saying anything to Batman. Warhawk stops in front of him]
Warhawk: Just keep out of my way, junior. Hawks eat rodents like you for breakfast.
[Aquagirl follows him out, giving Batman a sympathetic look as she does]
Batman: Maybe this was a mistake.
Superman: No, I need someone I can trust.