The Best Joe Quotes

Joe: Have a blast.

Joe: [spoilers] You think i'm the good guy? I'm not the good guy... I'm the bad guy!
Cyrus: [Shocked on who Joe really is] Nemesis?

Sam: How strong are you?
Joe: Not as strong as I once was, things start to fall apart when you stop caring, and I stopped caring a long time ago.

Joe: If there was only bad people doing bad things, it'd be easy to get rid of them. But the real truth is, good and bad live in everybody's heart. And it's going to be up to you to make the right choice.

Joe: I'm a troglodyte. Do you know what that is?
Sam: No clue.
Joe: It's Greek for a man who dwells in a cave. See, I'm a caveman. I live in a tiny apartment, and it's fine. I'm good with it. I like being alone. You know what bothers me? What really depresses me? Being around other people.