The Best The Specialist Quotes

Ray: You like watching them die? You like taking them down? Now I'm taking you down. You're finished in the agency. You're going no higher. You're as dead as those people in the river. We both are.

Ray: [to a pregnant lady on the bus] Here, why don't you take my seat.
[as soon as he gets up, one of the punk kids jumps into the seat]
Ray: That seat's taken.
Punk: Fuck you.
Ray: Excuse me?
Punk: Fuck you.
Ray: [nods, then removes his sunglasses and hands them to the lady] Hold these, please.
[she does; he flips the punk out of the seat and starts kicking him in the chest repeatedly. More punks attack him, one of which pulls out a switchblade knife and tries to use it on Ray; he stops it]
Ray: I hate knives.
[he makes the goon drop the knife, beats him up, then karate kicks the initial offender out of the bus through the side window]
Ray: [calmly, to the pregnant lady] I believe there's a vacancy.

Ned: You broke your code. You killed an innocent bystander, Ray. And it's just eating you up inside, isn't it? But guess what? I'm comin', Ray. I'm comin' to take all the pain away.

Ned: Who gave you permission to smile? Shut up!

May: You know, the next time you order a hit you might want to consider taking out your decorator.
Tomas: You like to live dangerously, don't you?
May: A little danger never killed anyone. Right, baby?
Tomas: Sometimes.

Ned: [to old couple trying to get on elevator; the old man is wearing a colorful shirt] Where are you going? Hey, use the stairs, this one's full. Get outta here! Get a new shirt.

Tomas: Hey, you!
[Ray looks around]
Tomas: Yeah, I'm talking to you. You think you know me? I asked you a question. You think you know me? 'Cause the way you're looking at me, we must be old friends. Where did we meet?
Ray: Nowhere.
Tomas: [grabs Ray] Nowhere. You like the bitch? Huh?
[Ray starts to walks away]
Tomas: [grabs Ray again] Maybe you like me.
Ray: No, I don't like you.
Tomas: Then don't stare so hard. Somebody could...
[pulls out switchblade]
Tomas: ...put something in your eye.

Ned: Open the casket.
Priest: Who are you?
Ned: [draws his gun] I said open the fucking casket!
[they open the casket, then he walks away in disgust]
Ned: Bitch.

Ned: Good. Nice sense of irony, blowing up the bomb unit. Ned, you may ask yourself, "Why is it my turn to die?" Ask God. He kills all the time. Why shouldn't I?