The Best Ned Trent Quotes

Ned: You broke your code. You killed an innocent bystander, Ray. And it's just eating you up inside, isn't it? But guess what? I'm comin', Ray. I'm comin' to take all the pain away.

Ned: Good. Nice sense of irony, blowing up the bomb unit. Ned, you may ask yourself, "Why is it my turn to die?" Ask God. He kills all the time. Why shouldn't I?

Ned: [to old couple trying to get on elevator; the old man is wearing a colorful shirt] Where are you going? Hey, use the stairs, this one's full. Get outta here! Get a new shirt.

Ned: Who gave you permission to smile? Shut up!

Ned: Open the casket.
Priest: Who are you?
Ned: [draws his gun] I said open the fucking casket!
[they open the casket, then he walks away in disgust]
Ned: Bitch.