The Best Javon 'Wanna' Walton Quotes

Sam: Many years ago, a battle of good versus evil was waged between Samaritan and Nemesis. Twin brothers who became sworn enemies. But let me start at the beginning. They were freakishly strong. They unintentionally hurt people. The residents of the town grew to fear the brothers. They waited until the family slept, boarded up their home, and set it on fire. The parents were burned alive, but the twins were unscathed. Samaritan grew to fight for justice, to be a protector. Nemesis, consumed by revenge, wanted the world to suffer as his parents had. Samaritan tried to contain his brother's fury, so Nemesis forged a powerful weapon. A hammer that he poured all his hate and rage into. It was the only thing that could destroy Samaritan. Nemesis lured him to the power plant, where he would defeat his brother once and for all. Nemesis knew his brother would come to save the innocent. The brothers were equally matched. With the hammer, Nemesis had the upper hand. But not for long. Samaritan and Nemesis died in the blast. This is the story we've all been told. But I believe Samaritan is still alive.

Stan: Watch out!
- That girl was gonna hork on you, dude.
- -[hisses]
- -[Diego] Move! Get down!
- -I can handle my own shit!
- -Yeah, sure you can. [grunts]
- -Fuck yeah!
- -Hey, watch your mouth!

Joe: I'm a troglodyte. Do you know what that is?
Sam: No clue.
Joe: It's Greek for a man who dwells in a cave. See, I'm a caveman. I live in a tiny apartment, and it's fine. I'm good with it. I like being alone. You know what bothers me? What really depresses me? Being around other people.

Sam: How strong are you?
Joe: Not as strong as I once was, things start to fall apart when you stop caring, and I stopped caring a long time ago.

Stan: Whoa! This is so cool.
Klaus: Hey, come on. Chop-chop, Stan.
- Gotta go see a man about a buffalo--
[groaning] Oh shit.
Klaus: So these weren't near-death experiences.
- These were actual-death experiences.

Stan: This is so cool.
Reginald: I adopted them instead of you.
Klaus: Dad!
Reginald: I'm not your father, young man.
- Not anymore.
Stan: What is this?
[gasps] Whoa.

- Oh shit.
Stan: No.
- Uncle Klaus!
- -[recording stops]
- -Viktor?
- Viktor?

- Hey.
- What do you say you and I go to America and terrorize an old friend of mine?
- Could be fun.
- -Hmm…
- -[man exhales]
Stan: Sure. I'm down.
Lila: Cool.

Stan: So…
- Do you got any food?
- Grace.
- Have you seen a briefcase?
Marcus: What are you doing?
- Worshiping.