The Best Joe Krutel Quotes

Joe: The hottest stock on the street right now is you.
Joe: You get to decide your own future, starting right now.
Joe: And if you choose to play it safe, because you think the doors are closing, then that's exactly what's going to happen.

Joe: Hey am I crazy or are their palm trees greener than ours?
Spencer: Nah, they're just thristier

Dallas: Do you gentlemen have any idea how difficult it is to operate the greatest brand in sports?
Joe: You own the New England Patriots, too?

Joe: Spencer Strasmore is a greedy fucking pig.

Joe: ...protocol is for losers.

Spencer: My dad worked in the mills in Bethlehem, alright ? Provided a decent living. He took care of us. Supported us. Nothing lavish.
Joe: Right.
Spencer: So one day he gets a call into the big boss's office. First time he's met him in 30 years.
Joe: So what did the boss say?
Spencer: Nothing.
Joe: Nothing? What the fuck kind of story is this?
Spencer: You see it's not about what the boss said. It's what he didn't say, Joe. He didn't say anything interesting at all. So after 30 years my dad finally had a chance to sit across from the man who was running everything. And you know what he saw?
Joe: What?
Spencer: Nothing. Nothing special. My dad realized in that moment he could have been that guy sitting behind that desk. But he realized it too late. We're all just a bunch of guys, Joe. Some of us believe that we could do anything. Some of us believe we can't. So when you ask me why I want to do this. My answer is because I know what guy I wanna be.