Top 20 Quotes From Spencer Strasmore

Spencer: I didn't choose football. Football chose me.

Spencer: Well, you better start sharpening your 'machetes', 'cause I never fucking retreat. That's how I operate!

Spencer: In the end, Nothing is black & white. That is why you have to find your own truth. Some people call it rationalisation, i call it being practical. Look, to say i don't care what everyone thinks, that would be a lie. You will always care about what your friends and family think. But, At the end, You only got yourself and the fucks you choose to give. Everything else is someone's else problem.

Spencer: You know people don't just hand things over. When they tell you no, you ask again. When they still won't give it to you, you just have to fucking take it.

Spencer: At some point, the only way to succeed is to not give a fuck.

Dallas: Big takes vision, Spencer. Do you have a vision?
Spencer: I do.

Doctor: Straight your head for me, would you...
Spencer: Ah... You can't get lost in my eyes now.
Doctor: Any Headaches?
Spencer: Finance related
Doctor: Impaired vision?
Spencer: Ah... Depends on what brand of Taquilla I drink
Doctor: Not trouble sleeping?
Spencer: Ah... That all depends on who I am with Doc. You know the Life

Spencer: Never announce yourself when the perp is on the run.

Ticket: Are you Vin Diesel?
Spencer: No, I'm bigger and better looking.

Joe: Hey am I crazy or are their palm trees greener than ours?
Spencer: Nah, they're just thristier

Spencer: Suicide doesn't only kill the person who commits it, it also kills the ones they left behind.

Spencer: Advice is a funny thing. Everyone wants to give it. No wants to take that shit. I prefer to make my decisions based off instinct because there's a rhythm to it. It's all too much fucking information if you ask me. Sometimes the right move is the flip of a coin, but the only problem is, you're at the mercy of where it lands.

Spencer: Ricky, here's my first bit of financial advice. Don't invest in depreciating assets. If it drives, flies, floats or fucks, lease it.

Vernon: How is Rod?
Spencer: He's still dead, my man.

Spencer: If they had Snapchat and Instagram back when I was your age... shit, I would have been put on a lifetime ban.

Spencer: Some people are in a constant state of conflict. They need it to survive. Others despise it but no matter how hard they try, they can't avoid it. Where do I stand? Do you need to ask? To the victor goes the spoils.

Spencer: Identity is a funny thing. Just when you think you define yourself. Live has defined you. There's always another challenge, another chapter. It's all about getting outside of your comfort zone. Until you do, you'll never know what you're capable of.

Spencer: If you're not being ambitious then you're not really trying.

Spencer: The only thing worse than losing is being a cunt.

Spencer: My dad worked in the mills in Bethlehem, alright ? Provided a decent living. He took care of us. Supported us. Nothing lavish.
Joe: Right.
Spencer: So one day he gets a call into the big boss's office. First time he's met him in 30 years.
Joe: So what did the boss say?
Spencer: Nothing.
Joe: Nothing? What the fuck kind of story is this?
Spencer: You see it's not about what the boss said. It's what he didn't say, Joe. He didn't say anything interesting at all. So after 30 years my dad finally had a chance to sit across from the man who was running everything. And you know what he saw?
Joe: What?
Spencer: Nothing. Nothing special. My dad realized in that moment he could have been that guy sitting behind that desk. But he realized it too late. We're all just a bunch of guys, Joe. Some of us believe that we could do anything. Some of us believe we can't. So when you ask me why I want to do this. My answer is because I know what guy I wanna be.