The Best Jules Quotes

Jules: I couldn't believe it was the same guy. But then they said he had a birthmark on his back. How can a guy kill his own kids?
FBI: Good question. The booker said Gilman was your regular client.
Jules: Okay, look, I only do theraputic oil massage. Rub, no tug. Feel me?
FBI: I'm feeling those stiletto heels. Hey, Jules, we're not here to bust your chops about your sex work. We just wanna catch Gilman, okay?

FBI: Tell us what he was like with you.
Jules: He was shy. First time, he didn't even take off his t-shirt and shorts. He didn't want any extras, just the massage. After, he said he wouldn't be back. Guess who showed up a week later. He wasn't so shy the second time.
FBI: You have sex?
Jules: Uh-huh. He came by every week; massage, then sex. If I wasn't available, he'd wait. Always he'd say that's it, he was never coming back.
FBI: Because he felt guilty?
Jules: He said if his wife found out, he'd lose his family.
FBI: But he kept on coming back.
Jules: He was like "why fight it?".
FBI: People always leave him anyway.
Jules: Yep, like that.
FBI: [her phone buzzes] They got a hit on the phony IDs.
FBI: [they turn to leave] By the way, Jules, Gilman was taking an antibiotic for an STD, so... you take care of yourself.