The Best Keisha Castle-Hughes Quotes

Bronn: It's against my code to hurt a woman.
Obara: It's amazing how many men we've beat seemed to have this code.

Trystane: I told you, I'm not hungry.
Obara: We're not here to feed you. We're here to kill you.
Nymeria: You want her to do it or me?
Trystane: We are family. I don't want to hurt you.
Nymeria: Her... or me?
Trystane: [draws his sword] You.
Nymeria: Good.
Obara: Smart boy.
[Trystane squares off with Nymeria, preparing to fight... .but is suddenly speared through the back of head by Obara and drops to the floor, dead]
Nymeria: [indignant] You're a greedy bitch, you know that?

FBI: Sheryll'll join me interviewing Mrs. Gilman's bereaved sister.
FBI: You should try doing that hand-holding bit by yourself sometime.
FBI: My hands are not as soft as yours. Clinton, get with the ICE office in Port Chester. Tell 'em we want to talk to Mr. Gilman's co-workers today. Don't let 'em stall you. They had a bad apple; they gotta suck it up and cooperate.
FBI: I'll sweet-talk them.
FBI: Hana, everyone he spoke to on the Net, every site he visited, opinion expressed, his jollies, his follies...
FBI: Yeah, I got it.
FBI: Young Agent Crosby, how are those guns? All mended?
FBI: [flexing his biceps] 100%, boss.
FBI: Excellent. Do us a favor. Next time a fugitive throws a refrigerator down a staircase, don't try to catch it.

Olenna: The last time a Tyrell came to Dorne, he was assassinated. Hundred red scorpions, was it?
Ellaria: You have nothing to fear from us, Lady Olenna.
Olenna: You murder your own prince, but you expect me to trust you?
Obara: We invited you to Dorne because we needed your help. You came to Dorne because you needed our help.
Olenna: What is your name again? Barbaro?
[Nymeria chuckles]
Obara: Obara.
Olenna: [nods] Obara. You look like an angry little boy. Don't presume to tell me what I need.
Nymeria: Forgive my sister. What she lacks in diplomacy, she makes...
Olenna: Do shut up, dear.
[Olenna turns to Tyene]
Olenna: Anything from you?
[Tyene opens her mouth, but before she can say even one word, Olenna interrupts her]
Olenna: No? Good. Let the grown women speak.
Ellaria: The Lannisters have declared war on House Tyrell. They have declared war on Dorne. We must be allies now if we wish to survive.
Olenna: Cersei stole the future from me. She killed my son. She killed my grandson. She killed my granddaughter. Survival is not what I'm after now.
Ellaria: You're absolutely right. I chose the wrong words. It is not survival I offer. It is your heart's desire.
[Ellaria rings a bell]
Olenna: [smiles] And what is my heart's desire?
Ellaria: Vengeance.
Ellaria: Justice.
[to Olenna's surprise, Varys appears. He looks at Olenna gravely]
Lord: Fire and Blood.

Obara: When I was a child, Oberyn came to take me to court. I'd never seen this man and yet he called himself my father. My mother wept, said I was too young and a girl. Oberyn tossed his spear at my feet and said: 'Girl or boy, we fight our battles. But the gods let us choose our weapons'. My father pointed to the spear and then to my mother's tears.
[Obara takes her spear and thrusts it into the ship captain's head]
Obara: I made my choice long ago.

[at Yara's ship, the Sand Snakes talk about killing the Lannisters. Obara drinks from a wineskin]
Tyene: You can't have them all. It's not fair.
Obara: I'm oldest.
Tyene: Mama will want Cersei for herself.
Obara: She's not my mama.
Nymeria: You can have Cersei. I want the Mountain.
Obara: [sneers] The Mountain killed Father. He'll crush you with one hand.
Tyene: Father got careless. That's what Mama says.
Obara: [angrily] Will you shut up about "Mama"?
[Obara hands her wineskin to Nymeria]
Nymeria: [mocking Tyene] "Mama, mama, mama".
Tyene: Maybe I'll kill you both before we take King's Landing. And then I won't have to share.
[Obara and Nymeria look at each other. Nymeria throws the waterskin at Tyene]
Obara: [mocking Tyene] "Mama"!

FBI: Hey, boss, I scrubbed Gilman's phone. No trace of any girlfriend.
FBI: Gilman didn't cheat because he's looking for a relationship. Intimacy's not in his tool kit.
FBI: Neither is sharing. He's got no social media presence. Joined Facebook in 2009, posted one picture of his daughter, and hasn't been back since.
FBI: Yeah, sounds about right.
Detective: What's he doing, inspecting suspicious marbles?
FBI: It's old, Detective, maybe from his childhood. It's interesting to me that he kept it.

Richard: Who are you?
The: I am the Creator. All will rejoice in my light.
[raises her arms in supplication, clouds part before the sun]
Cara: If she's the Creator, I'm the Queen of Tamarang.
Zeddicus: She's healing people I couldn't.
Kahlan: Maybe. But the Creator lives in the Spirit World. This woman is flesh and blood. I'm going to find out who she really is.
Richard: Kahlan, be careful. Whoever she is, she's very powerful.