The Best Supervisory Special Agent Jess LaCroix Quotes

FBI: Gilman's been an ICE officer for ten years. He knows our bag of tricks. All this cool whiz-bang stuff isn't gonna catch him.
Special: So what's your cool stuff, gut instinct?
FBI: I like to educate my gut. I go backwards. What's Gilman's story? Who are his close friends, family?
Special: Well, his neighbors say that he doesn't talk about his family, but his wife has a sister in White Plains that she's close to.
FBI: Good, I'll start with her.

Michelle: Connie was divorcing him. She was telling him Saturday night she wanted him out before the kids woke up.
FBI: Why did your sister want a divorce?
Michelle: She found out he cheated on her. She found his pills for a urinary infection.
FBI: What was their marriage like before?
Michelle: Tom's a control freak. And Connie was like this "yes, sir" wife, and she never stood up for herself.
FBI: But the divorce was her idea, right?
Michelle: I told her that she didn't deserve to be treated...
Michelle: If I just kept my stupid mouth shut, none of...
FBI: Michelle, this was not your fault, okay? And you're doing great work now. You're giving us solid information.

Assistant: A bus full of children. What does he want? Is he just reckless? What's his ultimate objective?
Jess: Money.
Special: So he'll ask for ransom?
Jess: Unless he can make more by trafficking the kids. Like I said, he's motivated by money.

FBI: Sheryll'll join me interviewing Mrs. Gilman's bereaved sister.
FBI: You should try doing that hand-holding bit by yourself sometime.
FBI: My hands are not as soft as yours. Clinton, get with the ICE office in Port Chester. Tell 'em we want to talk to Mr. Gilman's co-workers today. Don't let 'em stall you. They had a bad apple; they gotta suck it up and cooperate.
FBI: I'll sweet-talk them.
FBI: Hana, everyone he spoke to on the Net, every site he visited, opinion expressed, his jollies, his follies...
FBI: Yeah, I got it.
FBI: Young Agent Crosby, how are those guns? All mended?
FBI: [flexing his biceps] 100%, boss.
FBI: Excellent. Do us a favor. Next time a fugitive throws a refrigerator down a staircase, don't try to catch it.

FBI: Now, we all know what Mr. Gilman did to get his spot on the Most Wanted. Our job is not to bring justice to Mr. Gilman. Our job is to bring Mr. Gilman to justice.

Special: I may have something.
Assistant: Yeah?
Special: A report from Givens' probation officer. He did an unannounced home visit, and in it, he stated that Givens was there with a woman.
Special: This woman have a name?
Special: Terri Prader.
Assistant: Uh-huh.
Jess: [seeing Terri's driver's license picture] That's her. That's Givens' girlfriend.
Assistant: Based on?
Jess: Based on the fact that it looks like his birth mother. He used to carry a picture of her in his wallet.

FBI: Hey, boss, I scrubbed Gilman's phone. No trace of any girlfriend.
FBI: Gilman didn't cheat because he's looking for a relationship. Intimacy's not in his tool kit.
FBI: Neither is sharing. He's got no social media presence. Joined Facebook in 2009, posted one picture of his daughter, and hasn't been back since.
FBI: Yeah, sounds about right.
Detective: What's he doing, inspecting suspicious marbles?
FBI: It's old, Detective, maybe from his childhood. It's interesting to me that he kept it.

Special: Has Givens ever abducted anyone before?
Jess: Not that I'm aware of. His specialty was home invasion robbery, but he's been in the slammer for ten years. I'm sure he picked up some new tricks.

Jess: Now, what about this bus? What, did it head south, east, west?
Special: We've been scrubbing as much surveillance video as possible, but so far, no luck.
Special: Yeah. It could be anywhere.
Jess: And Givens' girlfriend?
Assistant: What... what girlfriend?
Jess: I don't know who she is or where she lives, but I know that he's got one.
Assistant: You-you-you... you do? How?
Jess: Givens was an orphan. He's constantly seeking strong women to take care of him.
Assistant: Oh, right. Be... okay.
Jess: It's true.
Assistant: Uh... all right, w-we need hard evidence here, Jess. The clock's ticking, we don't have time to play shrink.
Jess: Well, we don't have any hard evidence. All we have is to play shrink.

Assistant: All right, so, the prints on the gas pump were a match to this man, Sam Givens, and he is the gunman from our bus. Same height, spent time in the Army, and he is missing that pinky finger. Now, Givens just got out prison after serving ten years on a series of violent robberies, and the arresting agent was none other than our own Jess LaCroix from the Fugitive Task Force. Agent LaCroix has agreed to work with us on this case. He caught Givens once, we're hoping he can do it again. Ladies and gentlemen, Jess LaCroix, one of the best in the business.
Jess: [shaking hands] It's good to see you again, Jubal.
Assistant: You, too. Thanks for coming. I know you guys are busy.
Jess: 26 kids are missing. These are the ones we do for free.

FBI: This is a fugitive case now. Your job is done.
Special: Really? I saw those children. My job is done when Gilman's in custody.
FBI: Jubal will tell you, I work with a small team, people who've known me for years.
Special: Agent LaCroix...
FBI: It's nothing personal. My team has a shorthand, no wasted motions.
Special: Yeah, I caught one of your talks in Quantico three years ago. I know how you work. Just give me this: call me for the takedown.
FBI: No promises. You have passion, Agent Bell. Hold on to it; it's useful.

FBI: Tell us about Tom's family.
Michelle: Connie said that his mom ran off when he was young, and I think his dad passed three years ago.
FBI: And what about his friends, did you know them?
Michelle: I don't know if he had any. He was always off on his own, playing with the dog. He barely even talked to his own kids.

Tali: Dad, does Wally mind the hood?
FBI: He's okay, honey. It's not hurting him. Keep holding that leash.
[moving across the room]
FBI: Ready?
[Tali nods]
FBI: Okay.
[she removes Wally's hood]
FBI: Let's see how that wing is doing.

FBI: Tell us what he was like with you.
Jules: He was shy. First time, he didn't even take off his t-shirt and shorts. He didn't want any extras, just the massage. After, he said he wouldn't be back. Guess who showed up a week later. He wasn't so shy the second time.
FBI: You have sex?
Jules: Uh-huh. He came by every week; massage, then sex. If I wasn't available, he'd wait. Always he'd say that's it, he was never coming back.
FBI: Because he felt guilty?
Jules: He said if his wife found out, he'd lose his family.
FBI: But he kept on coming back.
Jules: He was like "why fight it?".
FBI: People always leave him anyway.
Jules: Yep, like that.
FBI: [her phone buzzes] They got a hit on the phony IDs.
FBI: [they turn to leave] By the way, Jules, Gilman was taking an antibiotic for an STD, so... you take care of yourself.

FBI: The ICE office in Port Chester will have Gilman's co-workers ready for us in an hour. I was just at his bank. He withdrew 35K Saturday morning. Running money. He had a plan.
FBI: Nothing impetuous about our boy.
Detective: Sounds like this isn't your first rodeo with family annihilators.
FBI: You know they come in four flavors? There's the self-righteous type who blames everybody, especially his wife, for all the crap in his life. There's the guy who can't get his act together and feels humiliated by his failures. And then we have the self-pitying loser who feels like his family has let him down. Then there's the paranoid fella who thinks his family's in danger from the outside world. You know, moral decay or the bogeyman. So how does he protect them? He kills his family himself.

FBI: You a hunter? On your keychain, that's a sight wrench.
Lane: Yes, sir, I hunt.
FBI: Is Tommy a hunter?
Lane: A good one. And he lets you know it. He likes to hunt alone. He can spend days in the woods.
FBI: Does he have a... favorite spot?
Lane: Yeah, but he wouldn't tell me where.
FBI: You said he liked to show off. I'm sure he sent you some photos of his hunts.
Lane: [showing them his phone] Sure.
FBI: Now, where would your Fortress of Solitude be?

FBI: While I was staring at the wall back there, I was thinking about Gilman's dilemma. He needs to put miles on the odometer. He knows we've got everything covered. He would've anticipated having to change his appearance and use a fake ID. Being a deportation officer, arresting undocumented aliens, he would have had the pick of all the fake IDs they had. Right?
FBI: I guess we're going back to Port Chester.
FBI: You, Crosby, and Hana. Sheryll and me, we're going to a massage parlor.