20 Best Jürgen Prochnow Quotes

Oleg: I couldn't let him die: he's my brother
Sergei: And he's my son. Do you think this is any easier for me?
Oleg: It would've worked, the doctor was treating him
Sergei: You disobeyed me: you put this family at risk
Oleg: You put this family at risk when you sent these men into the clinic
Oleg: [Raises his voice] they killed three people, what do you think is going to happen when the police start to investigate?
Sergei: [after slapping him] who are you to question my judgment? You are my first born. You of all people should give me respect
Oleg: I do respect you but this time you are wrong the doctor said he can be treated: he showed me how. All we need is the medicine!

Sergei: [Over the phone] what do you want?
Vladimir: I apologize for calling you out of the blue like this sir, your family is well?
Sergei: [Irritated] I said what do you want?
Vladimir: I have a business proposition
Sergei: Then call me during business time: not in the middle of the night
Vladimir: No, no, this can't wait. I hear there are "materials" for sale? Expensive "materials", dangerous ones
Sergei: Talk "straight", what "materials"?
Vladimir: Nuclear rods, highly enriched uranium
Sergei: So why are you calling me?
Vladimir: If anyone has the organization to "pull off" this kind of deal, it's you
Sergei: I'm flattered
Vladimir: I have a buyer here, a German, his willing to pay a great deal of money for them
Sergei: Then he is as stupid as you are, are you out of your mind? Nobody deals nuclear rods anymore: nobody
Vladimir: I'm sorry, it's a misunderstanding
Sergei: [Before hanging up] don't call me again

Muller: You are a Canadian spy working for the Allies. Code-name Moose.

Duke: I'll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken.

Sergei: [Talking privately] look at me, I want you to understand everything I've done, I've done for you and for our family
Josef: You killed my brother
Sergei: Because I loved him. Because I couldn't bear to see him suffer because there was no other way
Josef: There's more ways and other ways
Sergei: Not when you're dealing with nuclear materials: we cannot risk the authorities finding out. You know that? You don't know why I'm doing this? Because when I die, I want to leave you and your family a vast inheritance: wealth, respect. Can you understand that?
Sergei: [When he doesn't respond] one day you will, when your son grows older, you will and you will understand how much I love you: my only son

Muller: [interrogating Caravaggio] Look here, for every name you give me, I'll let you keep a finger. You give me something, and you'll keep something.
Caravaggio: Don't cut me.
Muller: Are thumbs fingers?
[to Lieutenant]
Muller: Ist ein Daumen ein Finger?
Interrogation: [phone rings] Telefon.
Muller: I'm sick of this room. I'm sick of this heat! And I'm sick of this damn telephone!
[hangs it up]

Maxwell: [Axel confronts Dent inside the warehouse] Mr. Foley. You got yourself involved in business that doesn't concern you. That was a mistake.

Duke: What have you discovered about the Fremen, Duncan? Tell me. Why haven't we heard from you?
Duncan: My lord, I suspect so much. I think they are the allies we seek. They are strong, fierce. They do not give their loyalty easily or quickly. As you know, the Imperium has never been able to take a census of the Fremen. Everyone thinks that there are but few, wandering here and there in the desert. My lord, I suspect an incredible secret has been kept on this planet: that the Fremen exist in vast numbers - vast. And it is they who control Arrakis.

Sergei: [after kidnapping him] who are you?
Jack: [while undercover] Ernst Meier
Sergei: I've been looking for you to make you an "offer"
Sergei: You know who I am?
Jack: No, all I know is that there's a very powerful man in the Russian syndicate that has been trafficking weapons grade uranium: specifically U-235 fuel rods. After the nasty business with Laitanan, these men brought me here. So I'm just assuming your "that man"
Sergei: Where did you get this information?
Sergei: [Irritated] from who?
Jack: Farhad Hassan or someone in his "camp". In either case, you're doing business with the wrong "people"
Sergei: And who are these "people?" The ones you work for?
Jack: I'm sure you can understand, I'm not at liberty to say
Sergei: [after Sergei orders one of his men to punch Jack] you should be less concerned about whom I work for and more concerned about the deal their willing to offer you
Jack: I'm not interested in your offer
Sergei: Two hundred million dollars: half of which is ready to be wired to you immediately. The other half you'll receive on final acquisition of the fuel rods
Sergei: [Pulls back Jack's hair] you pose a very difficult problem for me: show up out of nowhere, knowing far too much of my business yet I've never heard of you
Jack: You've never heard of me because I am good at what I do
Sergei: What I'm concerned about is that you're a cop
Jack: I just killed three people back at that garage. Vladimir Laitanan I stabbed in the eye. You really think I'm a cop?
Sergei: As a child, I saw KGB throw an entire family off the roof of a building: two of them were small children. I know what cops are capable of, so I ask you again, who do you work for?
Jack: I'm sorry I can't tell you that

Sergei: [Over the phone as CTU traces the call with Jack patched in] it's me, your father: don't hang up. Stay on the line, please? I know you have the rods
Josef: Yes, I wanted you to know
Sergei: The police know too, they are here
Josef: You told the police?
Sergei: Of course not, it was Vladimir's buyer, his a federal agent
Jack: Josef, just so we're up front, I'm here with your father. My name is Jack Bauer, I work with CTU
Josef: Do what you want with him, I don't care
Jack: Maybe you don't but your father cares about you: he negotiated immunity for you, all you need to do is bring the fuel rods in and you can put the rest of this behind you. It's the only way you'll be safe
Josef: Safe? Did my father tell you about my other brother? What he did to him?
Sergei: Oleg was dying, you know that
Josef: Yeah, we could've saved him. He would be alive if not for your "precious" deal
Sergei: Maybe your right, I don't know but that doesn't bring Oleg back and I cannot bear to lose another son
Josef: Don't worry about me, I'll be fine
Sergei: No, you won't be: you won't be anything, it's over. Federal agents are here going through everything. The entire city is under guard. If you don't bring the rods in, they will hunt you down. They will kill you, I won't be able to protect you. I don't want to see you hurt
Josef: If I hand over the rods, how does this work?
Jack: Tell us where you are and we'll bring you in
Josef: Just like that? After everything we've done?
Sergei: Yes, that's what I've told you: they've given us immunity. Please Josef, please? This is your last chance
Sergei: [after he doesn't respond] are you there?
Josef: Yes, I'm here
Jack: [to Sergei, referring to Josef] you need to bring him in now, before Farhad gets there
Sergei: Josef, did you hear that? You need to move
Josef: Alright, I'll call you on the road and let you know where to meet

Spice: Sire, we can't leave all this Spice.
Duke: Damn the Spice! Get out of there!

Thufir: Sector six through eighty progress reports, Sire.
Duke: Take it, Thufir.
Thufir: [speaking rapidly into a communications device] Sector six-eighty, copy the sixth the sum of the eighth quadrant of the ninth plus eight-four circles weave the eighth quarter the fourth, copy!
[the device hums briefly]
Thufir: [to the communication device] Eight! Thufir Hawat, Mentant, Master of Assassins.
Thufir: [to the Duke] The palace is now secure.

Sergei: I knew you were a cop. I should have trusted my instincts and killed you right on the spot
Jack: Oh, you can add it to your list of regrets. CTU has already acquired a great deal of intel on you
Jack: [after he doesn't respond] it's over: you know that right? You're finished. I mean on the very least we've got you on kidnapping and murder and that's before CTU rips this place apart and uncovers the rest of your criminal activity: luckily for you though, I'm only interested in "one thing" and that's the acquisition of those fuel rods. So if you were to cooperate, help me out there, that would a long way to reduce what is clearly is going to be a long prison sentence: that offer extends to both of your sons too: Josef and Oleg
Sergei: Oleg is dead, he was exposed to the rods and became ill with radiation poisoning. He was suffering and I shot him as if he was a sick dog. I murdered my own son... for nothing. You want to know where the rods are? I'll tell you but I want full immunity, not just for me but for my other son Josef
Jack: [Shakes his head] I don't think I could make that happen
Sergei: Then we have nothing to talk about
Jack: [after thinking it over] I'll see what I can do

Duke: [responding to Thufir's resignation, after Paul narrowly cheats death via a "hunter-seeker," with which his chamber was boobytrapped] ... Enough of this, Thufir! *If* you made a mistake, it was in over-estimating the Harkonnens. Their simple minds came up with a simple trick! Moreover, Paul survived this largely because of your training; you didn't fail there.

Sergei: You have a preference?
Farhad: No.
Sergei: Then take both.

Sergei: [Talking privately] if you touch my family, I swear to God...
Judge: [Interrupts him] you're not sitting in the right chair to be making threats. Who shot Renee Walker?
Sergei: [Confused] I don't know that name
Judge: She was a former FBI agent. Approximately six years ago, she worked undercover in your organization, earlier today she recognized one of your men was Red Square
Sergei: There is no Red Square: not anymore
Judge: Let me explain myself, this agent, Renee Walker, I considered her to be "my" family. So take a long hard look into my eyes, and realize I have no problem taking out each one of yours before they even get home today... unless I get the information I want
Sergei: Whoever killed her had nothing to do with me
Judge: [Sarcastically, referring to the penitentiary] enjoy your time in Marion... I'll tell your wife and daughter in law you said hello
Sergei: If I tell you, they'll kill my family anyway
Judge: We'll provide you with witness protection, I give you my word
Sergei: Moscow, the Russian government, their behind it: not me. Everything that happened today, all of it, was them
Judge: Who inside the government?
Sergei: I don't know
Judge: What'd you mean you don't know? You're talking about a hundred thousand people, I need names
Sergei: I don't know names, they never let me get close. The woman working with them arranged everything
Judge: What woman?
Sergei: The one that "planted" at CTU... Dana Walsh

Dr. Kynes: [whispering] Bless the maker and his water, bless the coming and going of him, may his passing cleanse the world.
Duke: What's that you're saying?
Dr. Kynes: Nothing.

Hugh: Are we having a problem?
Axel: Hef! Hugh Hefner! Axel Foley! l feel like I know you already cause l put your magazine up... Forget it. Here's some background on your guests. This is Thomopolis, he's into guns and drugs. And this is Max, and Max kills cops for a living!
Hugh: l don't know him or you. I think it's time all of you left.
Maxwell: I happen to be a major contributor.
Hugh: We appreciate it. Goodbye.
Axel: He appreciates it, Max, but take your ass home. You outdone your welcome. But it's been real, it's been nice. Everybody, party's over! Max fucked it up for everybody, so let's just go home.

Sergei: I knew you were a cop. I should have trusted my instincts and killed you right on the spot.
Jack: Oh, you can add it to your list of regrets.

Farhad: [after Sergei enters the room with his son Josef] yes? What is it?
Sergei: There is a man downstairs who's shown up to outbid you for the fuel rods
Farhad: [Amused] is this some feeble "attempt" to renegotiate terms?
Sergei: Not at all: this man Meier claims someone in your organization tipped him off to our deal
Farhad: That's not possible, his lying
Sergei: In light of his "sudden appearance", I am holding delivery of the rods for the time being
Farhad: What? You can't do that
Sergei: It's already done. I cannot take the risk of that we may be exposed
Farhad: The longer you delay, the more time my brother has to crush his enemies. If he manages to purge everyone in the military who opposes him, the uranium is worthless to me
Sergei: That's your concern: mine is to make certain this Meier is not a policeman. One of my men is interrogating him now
Farhad: [Irritated] that could take hours, even days
Sergei: Not days. I can promise you that
Farhad: You "promised" to assassinate my brother too, your failure to eliminate him has put me under enormous pressure and now because your people inability to maintain secrecy, your break our timetable to suit your needs...
Josef: [after putting a gun to Farhad's head] don't speak to my father that way: we have honored every agreement we've made with you, and spilled a lot of blood for it. My father has allowed you to stay here and hide from the Feds at great personal risk to our family
Farhad: [to Sergei] tell... him to put the gun down
Josef: [Ignores Farhad] no, we're not taking any more of your demands. Throw him out of here: let his own people "shelter" him if he thinks we're such fools, I'll drive him there myself if that's what it takes
Sergei: [Steps closer to Farhad] it would seem you used up our hospitality here. Perhaps it's best you joined your men at the rendezvous point to wait for delivery?
Farhad: And when will that be?
Sergei: When I think it's safe: not a moment before