The Best Karli Morgenthau Quotes

Sharon: You know, when you came to Madripoor, you reminded me of a young me. I took you in, gave you an opportunity, and you betrayed me.
Karli: Because you wanted to control a world that hurt you. But I wanted to change it. I'm not interested in power or an empire. I have bigger dreams.
Sharon: What, like this? Come back and work for me again. All of you. We can make a difference together.
Karli: You just want me because you need your muscle back. Without us Super Soldiers, how much power does the Power Broker really have?

Karli: How many times do we have to pay with our lives just to be citizens on this goddamn planet!

Nico: My grandfather, Lucas, he was a World War II resistance fighter. He always used to tell me, 'If you're doing something, and it makes you scared, it's probably because it's the right thing.' And he fought Nazis, so...
Karli: Seems like good advice.
Nico: You know, when I was a kid, I was actually a Captain America fan.
Karli: Don't know if I should tease you about that yet or not.
Nico: He made me believe that there was decent people in this world. I didn't think that there could be another Captain America until I met you.
Karli: [taken aback]
Nico: Back then, there was just good and bad. But the world's more complicated now. People are lost, they need a leader who looks like them, who understands their pain... Someone who understands that today's heroes don't have the luxury of keeping their hands clean.

John: Morgenthau! Let's finish this!
Karli: I didn't mean to kill your friend. I don't want to hurt people that don't matter.
John: ...You don't think Lemar's life mattered?

Sam: It's not a better place if you're killing people. It's just different.
Karli: You're either brilliant or just hopelessly optimistic.
Sam: Well, can't I be a little bit of both?