The Best Noah Mills Quotes

Jesse: You have the right to remain silent, and please, for everyone's sake, do.

Jesse: You say that calm, but it sounds bad.
Norman 'Boom Boom' Gates: Ah, that's just bomb-side manner.

Jesse: You put cameras up all around your house?
[Clayton HIckey nods]
Jesse: To record yourself making making meth?
[Clayton nods again]
Jane: We're going to need that footage.

Kai: I spent way too many nights in bars like this when I surfed.
Jesse: Really? Didn't figure you for a party guy.
Kai: Why not? I'm -I'm fun.
Jesse: [unconvincingly] Sure.
Kai: I'm fu- Also there wasn't much else to do at most of the posts where I was stationed. You know, bars are actually the best places to get into fights.
Jesse: Like, on purpose?
Kai: Sometimes. I was working through a lot of anger issues back then, okay?

Jesse: I got into cars and street racing a long time ago.
Lucy: Oh, I feel like there's a story.
Jesse: Well, it all started when I watched "The Fast and the Furious".
Lucy: I was wrong.
Kai: Wait. I'm sorry. The movie about cars?
Jesse: First off, it's a movie about *family*. And are you serious, dude? You haven't watched it? Oh, right, it's not part of the Nora Ephron Cinematic Universe.

Kai: Bottom line, they won't crack.
Kate: Did You try "Say Anything"?
Jesse: Not familiar with that technique.
Kate: It's not a technique. It's a movie.
Kai: 1989. John Cusak, Ione Skye.
Lucy: You don't know what a Game Boy is, but you know "Say Anything"?
Kai: Oh, it's such a good film.
Kate: About the power of love. Anyway, I... I think it would... it would help us get through to David. Lucy, you up for it?
Lucy: Me? Uh... Sure. Yup. Worth a shot.

Nico: My grandfather, Lucas, he was a World War II resistance fighter. He always used to tell me, 'If you're doing something, and it makes you scared, it's probably because it's the right thing.' And he fought Nazis, so...
Karli: Seems like good advice.
Nico: You know, when I was a kid, I was actually a Captain America fan.
Karli: Don't know if I should tease you about that yet or not.
Nico: He made me believe that there was decent people in this world. I didn't think that there could be another Captain America until I met you.
Karli: [taken aback]
Nico: Back then, there was just good and bad. But the world's more complicated now. People are lost, they need a leader who looks like them, who understands their pain... Someone who understands that today's heroes don't have the luxury of keeping their hands clean.

John: [enraged] WHERE IS SHE?
Nico: It wasn't me... It wasn't me!
[John proceeds to ram the shield multiple times into Nico, killing him as onlooking pedestrians watch in horror; all the while recording and taking photos of John]

Jesse: [while watching the kidnapping of Ernie on video] The problem is: we sort of need Ernie to find Ernie

Robbie: [Coming up off the floor, shirtless] I'm Robbie
Caroline: I'm uncomfortable.
[the wet shirt dripping on her]
Caroline: You're getting me wet.
Robbie: That's the point.
[Robbie smiles]
Caroline: You're Max's boyfriend.
Robbie: It's cool.
Caroline: No it's not - back up Jersey Shore.
[He moves back a step]
Caroline: You're pathetic, and that's coming from someone who's homeless and wearing white after Labor Day.

Brother: [chuckles] You still remember the scriptures you memorized in Catholic school.
Jesse: Well, mostly I remember that the nuns; they didn't like me too much.
Brother: If the nuns liked you too much, you might've rebelled against God and not them.
Jesse: You saying that was strategy?
Brother: I'm saying it worked. You still remember verses. Many drift away, and they forget it all.
Jesse: Nah, I think it's more just habit than belief at this point.

Norman 'Boom Boom' Gates: You need to leave, Holman.
Kai: No, I'm not going.
Jesse: Now's not the time to be a pain in the ass, Kai.
Kai: Hey, you used to think I was a pain in the ass for always going solo.
Jesse: Yeah, well, now you're being a pain in the ass for sticking around.
Kai: I'd call that growth.
Norman 'Boom Boom' Gates: You know, all that love is nice...
Kai: Love is a strong word.
Norman 'Boom Boom' Gates: But if you're sticking around, at least be useful?

Jane: He grows on you.
Jesse: Does he, though?

Nick: Now there's all these rumors going around about Tennant and I back in Orlando.
Nick: But I just want to say, *It's just a conference.* All right? Like nothing happened, all right. Everything was purely professional. And this - this TNT nickname? Come on .
Jane: [Awkward pause] Yeah, they didn't know.
Nick: Hmm?
Jane: Ernie's got something.
[Tennant leaves]
Nick: Hmm. Where's my backpack?
Jesse: It's just
[Jesse points to the front of the squad room]
Nick: Can you - ?
Lucy: Sure.
[Torres walks away]
Jesse: TNT?
Kai: Okay, what happened in Orlando?
Lucy: I have *so* many questions!

Jesse: Wait. You talked to Lucy?
Ernie: Yeah, we were video chatting.
Jesse: How come she doesn't video chat me?
Ernie: Clearly she likes me best.

Jesse: I'm afraid I've got more bad news.
Kasie: Are you gonna tell me the professor was actually a cylon this whole time?
Jesse: No, but I still haven't found any sign of the missing cell phone or the person who took it. There's nothing in this apartment.
Kasie: Frak!
Jesse: So say we all.
Kasie: Oh, a fellow Battlestar fan? Well, I knew I liked you better than Agent Hanna.
Jesse: He's not a fan of sci-fi?
Kasie: He's not a fan of subtlety! I show him *one* email from DoD, and he storms out of here and arrests McGee. No questions asked.
Jesse: I'm pretty sure a lotta questions were asked. It was an interrogation.
Kasie: Of a fellow agent?
Jesse: Look, Agent Hannah was doing his job.
Kasie: He can do it somewhere else, because Sam Hannah is not allowed to set foot in this lab *ever* again.
Sam: That's gonna be a problem.
Kasie: [pause] Let me call you back.
Jesse: [laughs] Copy.

Jane: "Make a circle, protect your dude?" That's not really biblical, is it?
Jesse: Sure. It's from the first Book of Ass Whooping.