The Best Kevin John Hunter Quotes

Joe: Well, now, what can I do for you, Kevin John?
Kevin: I want to hire you.
Joe: You want to hire me, huh? Okay, step into my office and let's talk about it. How about some coffee, Peg?
Peggy: I'll have to make it, Joe.
Kevin: [looking around Mannix's office] Hey, this is really neat. You must do okay.
Joe: Thanks. Have a seat, Kevin John.
[Kevin John sits down]
Joe: Now, uh... what's this all about?
Kevin: I want you to prove that Bull Evans was murdered.
Joe: Who's Bull Evans?
Kevin: He was a fighter. Almost champ once. He was my friend.
Joe: Uh, you, uh, said he was murdered. How?
Kevin: Hit by a car the other night.
Joe: Oh, and you think it was deliberate?
Kevin: I was there when it happened. But I can't prove anything. But he told me.
Joe: Did you, uh, go to the police? You know, they won't charge you anything.
Kevin: Yeah, I went. They said it was hit-and-run. Because I'm only 12, nobody'll listen to me. I was hoping you'd be different.
Joe: I'm listening, Kevin John.
Kevin: Bull said Larry Gates killed him.
Joe: Oh. Who's Larry Gates?
Kevin: He's a fighter, too.
Joe: Did your friend say why Larry Gates wanted to kill him?
Kevin: No, but Bull said he did, and I believe him. I want you to prove that. I can pay you. I have eight dollars and... some change I saved up. It's all yours. I work at Johnson's Grocery three afternoons a week. If this ain't enough, I can give you more. But you've just gotta help me, Mr. Mannix.
Joe: [sighs] Well... let's not worry about my fee just yet, hmm? Now, where can I get in touch with you?
Kevin: We don't have a phone. You can reach me at Johnson's Grocery.
Joe: Oh.
Kevin: [hands Mannix a business card] Here. Here's the number. You just leave a message, and Mr. Johnson'll make sure I get it. My address is on the other side.
Joe: Oh. All right, I got it.
Kevin: You know, I've been looking all over for help, and you're the first person that's even gonna try. Thanks.
[to Peggy as he leaves]
Kevin: He's okay, you know that?
[walks out the door and leaves]