The Best Kevin Wachtell Quotes

- Well, I'll get out of your hair.
- Best of luck to all of you.
- You too, Howard.
- I appreciate we got you all to ourselves, billyjust needs a consultation.
- I'm so sorry, um, but, uh...
- Would you excuse me for just a moment?
Kevin: Sure.

- Wonderful to see you.
- Howard.
Howard: Kevin.
Kim: Good to see you two.
- Hi, Paige. Hi, Kevin.
- Great to see you.
- Please have a seat.
Paige: Thank you.
Howard: Kevin, how's your grandson?
Kevin: Out of control, running around in circles.

Howard: That couldn't have gone better.
- Pleasure to meet you.
Kevin: I'll see you soon.
Kim: Thanks for setting this up.
- Talk to you.
Howard: Lovely to meet you, Paige.

- Oh, really?
- ...starting with Eisenhower.
- But the story goes back even further than that--
Kevin: Norm! Can I have a sec, please?
- Kevin, hey, how's it going?
- Uh, I'm sorry.
- I'm sure this will just be a moment.