The Best Howard Hamlin Quotes

Howard: I want to live in a world where people can trust each other. And I bet you do, too.

Howard: Seventeen years. Eighteen in July, actually. All those years we built this place together. And all that time I've supported you. Looked up to you, deferred to you. Because I always thought you had the best interests of the firm in mind.
Chuck: I have!
Howard: You did. For a long time. But you've let personal vendettas turn your focus away from what's best for HHM. You've put your needs first. To our detriment.
Chuck: I don't think that's accurate.
Howard: And the moment that I mildly suggest, with empathy and concern, that maybe it's time for you to consider retirement... the first instinct you have is to sue me? To sue the firm? Well, I... I-I don't even know. I-In what world is that anything but the deepest betrayal of everything we worked so hard to accomplish? In what world is that anything but the deepest betrayal of our friendship?

Howard: You were wrong about that.
- We were caught flat-footed in front of our co-counsel.
- Which, I don't need to tell you, does not reflect well on hhm.
- Or on you.
- That'll be all.
- You can go.

Howard: You can't hide who you really are forever

Howard: Ah. That's me.
Jimmy: Well, Howard, this was, um...
- Thanks for lunch.
- I'll get the next one.
- Thanks for taking the time.
- Good to see you, Jimmy.

Howard: You're perfect for each other... You have a piece missing.

Howard: Fuck you, Jimmy.

- Jimmy.
- Howard.
- Jimmy.
- Howard.
Howard: Kim.
- Chuck.
- Kim.

Howard: So, have you thought any more about the job?

Chuck: So this is about my condition? Look! Look! You see?
Chuck: See? I'm better!
[picks up a table lamp]
Chuck: Howard, I'm fine!
Howard: This is not what "fine" looks like.

Howard: [over intercom] Get me Kevin wachte/I at mesa verde.
- Cancel everything
- I have lined up this morning.
- Calling now.

Howard: You've mistaken my kindness for weakness. I'd like to think that tonight made a difference. I'd like to think that this ends it... Probably not.

Howard: It's very possible... it's likely that we're losing Mesa Verde.
Chuck: Losing them? We just got them! Why? Where are they going?
Howard: They're going with Kim Wexler. She left the firm.
Chuck: Kim left? Oh, Howard. Well, where is she going? Is it Rich Schweikart? Or did Reeves and Green get her?
Howard: No. Not another firm. She's going into private practice.
Chuck: What? Well, that's completely... How is she going out on her own? *Why* is she going out on her own?
Howard: Well, the why is the why. The how is that she's pooling her resources... with Jimmy.
Chuck: Kim and my brother... partners at law.
[shakes head]
Chuck: He's Svengali. The man is Svengali.

Saul: There you go! Kick a man when he's down!
Howard: Jimmy, you are always down.

Howard: Kim?
Kim: I just... um... I just... had to know... what were you thinking?
Howard: About?
Kim: What were you thinking when you came to Jimmy on the day of his brother's funeral and laid that shit on him? That Chuck killed himself, what's wrong with you?
Howard: I thought... I thought I owed it to Jimmy to tell him.
Kim: Owed it to him? Did you owe it to Rebecca? You tell her your theory; that Chuck intentionally set himself on fire? Well, I guess not. I guess you just saved that one for Jimmy.
Howard: Kim, I didn't do it to hurt Jimmy.
Kim: No, you did it to make yourself feel better.
Howard: That... That's not what I was trying to do!
Kim: To make yourself feel better by unloading your guilt. Who cares what it does to Jimmy, right? As long as Howard Hamilon is okay.
Howard: Kim, I don't think that's fair!
Kim: *FAIR*? Let's talk about fair! Hey, let's let Jimmy dig around the fire damaged wreck where his brother died *SCREAMING*! and then let's let him pick up a keepsake or two! That is so... *SO FAIR*! And did I hear you right? You want him to serve on the board of a scholarship committee? A scholarship that Chuck, never in a million years, would've given to Jimmy. *NEVER*! It is just... I mean... Oh what's this too, huh Howard? What's in this? One last "Screw You, Little Brother" from beyond the grave? Am I really supposed to *DO THIS TO HIM*?
Howard: Alright, Kim. What can I do to make it better?
Kim: Nothing... there is nothing you can do. Just stay away.

Cary: [Pointing to painting of Charles McGill] I'm sorry. I'm kind of new here. I have to ask, who is that?
Howard: Charles McGill. The 'M' in 'HHM'. Greatest legal mind I ever knew.
Cary: Wow. I hope someone says that about me someday.
Howard: Well, maybe there are more important things.

Howard: Who are you?
Lalo: Me? Nobody. I just need to talk to my lawyers.
Howard: Oh, is that right? You want some advice? Find better lawyers.

Howard: Jimmy, I'm sorry you're in pain.
Jimmy: You're sorry. You're sorry? You killed my brother, and you say you're sorry? Let me tell you something. The job offer, it didn't upset me. It amused me.
[Blows air]
Jimmy: Big job at the illustrious HHM. A chance to play at the palace. Little old me?
Howard: I was trying...
Jimmy: [Interrupts Howard] You have no idea what's going on! You're a teensy, tiny man in a teensy-weensy little bubble.
Howard: Oh, Jimmy.
Jimmy: Oh, don't you fucking ''Oh, Jimmy'' me! You look down on me? You pity me?
[Howard starts walking away]
Jimmy: Walk away. That's right Howard. You know why I didn't take the job? Because it's too small! I don't care about it! It's nothing to me! It's a bacterium! I travel in worlds you can't even imagine! You can't conceive of what I'm capable of! I'm so far beyond you! I'm like a god in human clothing! Lighting bolts shoot from my fingertips!

Howard: You gotta listen to me. The man needs help.
Kim: Howard, I know Jimmy, and you're wrong.
Howard: You know who really knew Jimmy? Chuck.

Howard: There's really no need to...

- Wonderful to see you.
- Howard.
Howard: Kevin.
Kim: Good to see you two.
- Hi, Paige. Hi, Kevin.
- Great to see you.
- Please have a seat.
Paige: Thank you.
Howard: Kevin, how's your grandson?
Kevin: Out of control, running around in circles.

Saul: You have meddled with the primal forces of nature, Mr. Hamlin, and I won't have it!
Howard: What can we do for you, Jimmy?

Howard: That couldn't have gone better.
- Pleasure to meet you.
Kevin: I'll see you soon.
Kim: Thanks for setting this up.
- Talk to you.
Howard: Lovely to meet you, Paige.

Chuck: Coming.
- Hey.
Howard: Catch you at a bad time?
- Not at all. Come in.
- I hear clinking.
- Does that mean we have something to celebrate?
- We sure do.

Howard: But yes, I will land on my feet. I will be okay.
[to Jimmy]
Howard: But you? Far from it. You two... You two are souless. Jimmy you can't help yourself. Chuck knew it. You were born that way.
[to Kim]
Howard: But you? One of the smartest and most promising humans I've ever known, and this is the life you choose. Oh, good - phony compassion, no, very, very believable but I'm far from done! You're perfect for each other. You have a piece missing. I-I thought you did it for the money, but now, it's so clear, screw the money, you did it for fun. You get off on it. You're like Leopold and Loeb - two sociopaths. No, you know its true, you just don't have the guts to admit it. I'm going to make it clear to everyone because I'm going to dedicate my life to making sure that everybody knows the truth; believe it. You can't hide who you really are forever.

- Give Chuck my love, would you?
- Oh, there you are. Betsy, Craig.
Betsy: Hi. Oh, Craig, you need your own purse.
Howard: Did it work out?
Betsy: Yeah. Heh, heh, heh.
Betsy: It was very nice.
- You look lovely today.
- Oh, thank you so much.

- Where did it come from?
- Didn't it just fall out of your locker?
Howard: I don't see how.
- You don't think one of the members could have--?
- Maybe somebody on staff.
- Oh.

Kim: I don't know what image you have of him, past or present, or whatever he did or said, but Jimmy is a good lawyer. And he works very hard.
Howard: Did your friend send you in here to say that?
Kim: No. I'm saying it because I believe it.
Howard: Well, duly noted. Want to know what I believe? I believe that you're way out of your depth in this matter. So the next time that you want to come in here and tell me what I'm doing wrong, you are welcome to keep it to yourself. Because I don't care.