The Best Klim Dokachin Quotes

Counselor: Mr. Dokachin, we must find this ship, and you're the only one who can help us.
Klim: Who are you?
Counselor: Deanna Troi, ship's counselor.
Klim: [referring to Riker] He probably figures that we don't get to see a lot of handsome women out this way. And someone like you might get a little more cooperation from me... He's probably right.

[the Enterprise is contacting a local starship depot regarding the destroyed Vulcan ship]
Lt. Worf: I have made contact, Commander.
Commander William T. Riker: On screen. I'm Commander William Riker from the Federation Starship Enterprise.
Klim: Klim Dokachin, Quartermaster, Surplus Depot Zed One Five.
Commander William T. Riker: I need some information about a Vulcan ship, the T'Pau. It was sent to you a few years ago.
Klim: Did you arrange an appointment?
Commander William T. Riker: An appointment? No.
Klim: Then I will be unable to help you. You may communicate with scheduling.
[transmission ends]
Commander William T. Riker: Who does he think he is?
Counselor: The Quartermaster of the supply yard, with information you need.
Commander William T. Riker: Right. Mr. Worf, re-establish communication.
Lt. Worf: Aye, sir.
Commander William T. Riker: Mister Dokaychin?
Klim: Dokachin. Klim Dokachin.
Commander William T. Riker: Mister Dokachin, the information I need involves a matter of major importance to the Federation. I'll need access to your logs, your files. My people can do the work.
Klim: I don't allow outsiders into my computer system..
Commander William T. Riker: All right, one of your people can do the work.
Klim: I wish I had the people to spare. I don't.
Commander William T. Riker: [becoming indignant] Well, sir, what would you suggest?
Klim: I don't know. Contact me when you reach orbit.
[transmission ends]
Commander William T. Riker: I don't believe this.
Counselor: He's king of his particular hill, Commander. You'll have to treat him that way.
Commander William T. Riker: [smiles at Troi] Counsellor, this feels like a perfect job for you.