The Best Lara Clarke Quotes

Lara: How do you take your coffee?
Danny: Cream and sugar.
Lara: I don't have any cream, sorry.
Danny: Just sugar, then. You and John ever come here?
Lara: [begins to walk away towards the kitchen] We used to.
Danny: He's not here now is he?
Lara: [stops in the doorway and looks at him]
Danny: I had to ask.
Lara: [walks back to Danny and hands back his cup] I don't have any sugar, either.

[Lara enters the containment ward and puts a gun to Gideon's head]
Lara: I'd like a word with my husband.
Gideon: You're not authorized. How did you get in here?
[She shows him one of John's original, removed eyeballs]

Danny: Lamar thinks you left John because he lost himself in Precrime instead of you.
Lara: [glares at him] I left him, because everytime I looked at him, I saw my son. Everytime time I got close to him, I smelled my little boy. That's why I left him. And now you can leave.

Lara: [starts fixing Lamar's bow tie]
Lamar: Listen, I'll tell you what I'll do. First thing Monday, I'll look over the Witwer evidence. And I'll have Gideon run the Containment files, see if anyone drowned a woman by the name of - what did you say her name was?
Lara: [freezes]
[Lamar's bow tie falls out of her hands]
Lara: Anne Lively
Lara: ... but I never said she drowned.