The Best Larry Bishop Quotes

Hurley: I just don't feel comfortable in clothes.
Det. Phil Fish: Neither do I, but I wear them anyway
Hurley: You know something, you have never known real freedom
Det. Phil Fish: Out of the mouths of babes

Larry: I don't know what car wash allowed you to walk in twenty minutes late, but it wasn't owned by me and I own a fucking car wash.

Budd: Larry, there ain't nobody out there!
Larry: [strung-out tone] "There ain't nobody out there... Larry." What's your point? That you're not needed here?
Budd: My point is, I'm the bouncer... and there ain't nobody out there to bounce!
Larry: You're saying that the reason... that you're not doing the job... that I'm... paying you to do... is, that you don't have a job to do? Is that what you're saying? What are you trying to convince me of, exactly? That you're as useless as an asshole right here? Well guess what, Buddy. I think, you just fucking convinced me!