The Best Perla Haney-Jardine Quotes

Bill: Mommy is still angry at Daddy.
B.B.: Why?
Bill: Well sweety, I love Mommy, but I did to Mommy what you did to Emilio.
B.B.: You stomped on Mommy?
Bill: Worse. I shot Mommy. Not pretend shoot, like we were just doing. I shot her for real.
B.B.: Why? Did you want to see what would happen?
Bill: No, I knew what would happen to Mommy if I shot her. What I didn't know is, when I shot Mommy, what would happen to me.
B.B.: What happened?
Bill: I was very sad. And that was when I learned, some things, once you do, they can never be undone.

[the Bride sees B.B. for the first time]
B.B.: Freeze, Mommy!
Bill: Bang bang!
[pretends to be shot]
Bill: Oh! She got us, B.B. I'm dying.
B.B.: Oh, I'm dying, I'm dying...
Bill: Fall down, sweetheart. Mommy shot you.
[both fall down and pretend to die]
Bill: [in a narrative tone] But little did Quick-Draw Kiddo know that little B.B. was only playing possum, due to the fact that she was impervious to bullets.
B.B.: [sits up] I am pervious to bullets, Mommy.
Bill: Hey, get back down there. You're playing possum.
[in a narrative tone]
Bill: So, as the smirking killer approached what she thought was a bullet-ridden corpse, that's when little B.B. fired!
[B.B. gets up and pretends to shoot the Bride]
B.B.: Bang bang!
Bill: You're dead, Mommy... so die.
[the Bride is still shocked]
Bill: B.B.
[comes out of it and acts out a huge death scene]
The: Oh, B.B., you got me. I should have known... you are the best.
[collapses to the ground and pretends to die]
B.B.: Oh, Mommy, don't die. I was just playing.
The: I know.

Flint: I had a good reason for what I was doing. And that's the truth.
Emma: You and the truth, sitting in prison, having three meals a day together. I live in the presence of great truth...
[points at her daughter's bedroom]
Emma: ...and that is the truth that you left behind right there in that bedroom.
[Penny walks out of her room, Flint walks up to her]
Flint: Penny. I missed you.
Penny: I miss you too, Daddy.
Flint: I promise I'll make you healthy again. Whatever it takes, I'll get the money.
Emma: You get out of here. Now.
Flint: [exits through the window] I'm not a bad person. Just had bad luck.