The Best Lonnie Quotes

Cap: Hey, what's happened? Nobody come down to the boat.
Wexler: Shut up, Cap.
Cap: Yeah, but you guys said...
Lonnie: Cap! Later
Wexler: The word is that that Mannix is nobody to fool around with, so we got to move fast.
Chili: How?
Wexler: Well, we'll use the same plan we had for Diana: kill her, dump her off Cap's boat. Lonnie, I'd, uh, I'd like you to take care of that for me.
Lonnie: Me?
Wexler: I need somebody I can depend on. Besides... you have a... way with women.
Cap: Fog's coming in now, though. You're gonna have to wait for it to lift.
Wexler: Of all the boats in the marina, you have to have one with a busted radar!
Cap: Still ain't no better boat on the coast! You can ask anyone!
Wexler: All right. All right! Wait. Just let me know when it's over. Lonnie... this time, no mistakes.
Chili: Lonnie, about the foul-up, I really feel bad.
Lonnie: Get lost.

Peggy: Look, I have a son. He needs me. He's only 10 years old.
Lonnie: I grew up by myself. He'll get by. What does he want to be when he grows up?
Peggy: A boy with a mother.
Lonnie: Don't we all.