The Best Lorry Goldman Quotes

Mayor: We can use this. "The mayor who destroyed Godzilla".
Gene: I don't think we should exploit this. It could backfire.
Mayor: Listen to me, idiot, I do the thinking around here. It's a magnificent idea.
Gene: You know what I think about you and your campaign?
[he gives Ebert a thumbs down gesture and walks away]
Mayor: Gene, wait a minute, where are you going? I need you!

Mayor: Do you believe this?
Gene: I don't know what's going on.
Mayor: You never know what's going on.
Gene: Thank you.

Mayor: What the hell's the matter with you people? You've caused more damage than that goddamn thing did!
Gene: All right, Mayor, calm down. Have some candy.
Mayor: [flails his arms around like a child having a tantrum, knocking the bag of candy out of Gene's hand] No, I don't want any candy! Leave me alone!

Dan: ,,, and Hit him in the face with a banana cream pie.
Judge Harry T. Stone: [Confused] That's a deadly weapon?
Paul: I could have sworn it had thawd.
Judge Harry T. Stone: Ah!

Luis: Ok, we're all here
Jack: What kind of changes are we talking about?
Luis: Don't worry Jack, they're not "deal breakers". His still going to give up all the terrorist cells he deals with, he just wants to go to a class two detention, not maximum security
Jack: And you're going to give it to him right?
Luis: Yeah
Douglas: My client's not happy you're not holding him in Florida
Luis: His getting himself a new cell. That's it
Chase: Give him Florida, it doesn't make a difference
Luis: [to Chase and Jack] I let you two do your jobs, why don't let me do mine?
Jack: Because we don't want this thing going south over some small "detail," Salazar's unstable and we can't predict what's going to push his buttons and to be frank, there's too much at stake
Luis: listen Jack, I know you spent the last two years getting Salazar and I respect that but there's protocol I have to follow...
Jack: [Interrupts him, before taking him to the side to talk privately] Luis, come here for a second
Jack: Putting him away is not the point here: if he doesn't talk: we haven't accomplished anything. I didn't lose two years of my life to arrest some "drug dealer." Salazar does business with terrorist cells around the world. Brining them down is our only objective, are we clear?
Luis: I understand but if you give Salazar everything he asks for, his just going to want more. This is the deal and his going to take it

Gene: Didn't we agree that we weren't going to have any sweets until after the election?
[Gene tries to take away Ebert's bag of sweets but Ebert grabs his hand]
Mayor: [threateningly] Back off, Gene.

Douglas: [Referring to the deal he made with the government, while sitting in an interrogation room inside a prison] is that my life you're holding in your hands?
Douglas: [Putting the file folder on the table] it's ready to be signed
Ramon: [Sensing Jack is watching him] are you out there Jack?
Douglas: Forget about Bauer
Ramon: How could I forget about the man that put me here? Pretended to be my friend. I'm concerned about you Jack: the things you did to get me here, I wouldn't wish on anyone. Let's face it, you'll never be the same and hey, neither will I. So I guess we're in the same boat. I'm about to name names Jack, this is a big moment for both of us. That makes me happy because we're both connected now. Maybe we always have been
Douglas: I marked the changes
Ramon: I don't need to see the changes but I do need a pen. Unless you want me to sign it in my own blood. It's kind of funny "my own blood"

Dorothy: What can I say to make you understand?
Fred: I don't know. Maybe I'm too stupid.
Dorothy: Fine, then maybe there is something I can say. And I want to apologize for this story before I begin. Have you ever heard of a little town called St. Olaf?
Fred: No.
Dorothy: Perfect. Now, as it was told to me, and I have to admit that I wasn't listening that closely, there was this farmer named Nils Nibelung. And he had a pig named Brunhilde, and she won all the blue ribbons at all the county fairs. Well, Nils also had a daughter named Fricka, and she won red ribbons, usually as runner-up to the pig.
Fred: Does this story have a point?
Dorothy: You asked that at just the right time. Anyway, one April, Nils decided to breed Brunhilde, that's the pig, not the daughter, and he chose April because that's when pigs are at their most beautiful and desirable. Unfortunately, so was Fricka. So while Brunhilde and the pig were doing their thing, Fricka and the local pig breeder were doing theirs. God, I hope I got the names right! Anyway, when Nils heard about it, he banished Fricka from his house and his life forever.
Fred: So?
Dorothy: So, after a while, he lost interest in the pig's company and he ate her. And he died St. Olaf's loneliest man.
Fred: Is that the end of the story?
Dorothy: God, I hope so!
Fred: I don't get it.
Dorothy: Fred, let me put it this way. She is sixteen, she is scared, and she is carrying your grandchild. Do you really want to abandon her?