The Best Gene - Mayor's Aide Quotes

Mayor: What the hell's the matter with you people? You've caused more damage than that goddamn thing did!
Gene: All right, Mayor, calm down. Have some candy.
Mayor: [flails his arms around like a child having a tantrum, knocking the bag of candy out of Gene's hand] No, I don't want any candy! Leave me alone!

Mayor: We can use this. "The mayor who destroyed Godzilla".
Gene: I don't think we should exploit this. It could backfire.
Mayor: Listen to me, idiot, I do the thinking around here. It's a magnificent idea.
Gene: You know what I think about you and your campaign?
[he gives Ebert a thumbs down gesture and walks away]
Mayor: Gene, wait a minute, where are you going? I need you!

Gene: Didn't we agree that we weren't going to have any sweets until after the election?
[Gene tries to take away Ebert's bag of sweets but Ebert grabs his hand]
Mayor: [threateningly] Back off, Gene.

Mayor: Do you believe this?
Gene: I don't know what's going on.
Mayor: You never know what's going on.
Gene: Thank you.