The Best Audrey Timmonds Quotes

Audrey: Wait, I don't get it... If he's the first of his kind, how can he be pregnant? Doesn't he need a mate?
Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: Not if he reproduces asexually.
Audrey: Where's the fun in that?

Audrey: [surrounded by baby Godzillas, seeing a potential escape route] You see that?
Victor: Alright, on three.
Audrey: Okay.
Victor: [pauses] Three!

Audrey: How close did you get to the thing?
Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: ...I got pretty close.

[Animal is about to sneak out of his apartment]
Audrey: What are you doing?
Victor: Can't let Lucy know. She'll hurt me.

[about breaking up with Nick]
Audrey: It's been eight years. Some people change.
Dr. Niko Tatopoulus: Most people don't.