50 Best Lucas Sinclair Quotes

Lucas: [seeing Steve's naked chest] When'd Steve get so hairy?
Dustin: Right? I keep telling him he needs to tame that jungle, but he claims the ladies dig it.

Steve: You ready?
Mike: Yeah.
Lucas: Ready.
Max: Ready.
Dustin: Light her up.
[Steve panting] I am in such deep shit.

Dustin: I don't see him.
Lucas: It's the lab.
- They were going back home.

Dustin: It's been way too long. You know what? Maybe you're right. Maybe this is all a trap and the bad men are coming to get us right now!
Lucas: It's not a trap! Why would the chief set us up? Nancy, maybe, but the chief?
Dustin: Lando Calrissian.
Lucas: Would you shut up about Lando!

- Do you hear me?
- The bad men are coming!
- "Mad hen."
- Does that mean anything to you?
- Like a code name or something?
Lucas: The bad men are coming!
- "Bad men."
- Bad men!
[Gasps] Stay here.

Lucas: No, this way.
- Okay, um...
- How does this even work?
- Try that side.
[Grunts] Son of a bitch!
- Pull it back. Pull it back.
- I am!
Lucas: One, two, three.
- Shit!

Mike: [El collapses] El! El, are you okay? El! Something's wrong!
Dustin: She's just drained.
Mike: No, she won't wake up!
[shaking her]
Mike: El. El! El!
Mike: [listening to her heartbeat] She's barely breathing.
Lucas: We gotta go!
Dr. Martin Brenner: Leave her!
[the boys stand protectively over El]
Dr. Martin Brenner: Step away from the child.
Mike: No! You want her, you have to kill us first!
Dustin: That's right!
Lucas: Eat shit!
Lucas: [Agents sneak behind the kids, capturing them] No, no! No! You idiot!
Dustin: Get off me!
Mike: Ow! Let go!
Dr. Martin Brenner: [rousing El] Eleven... Eleven, can you hear me?
Eleven: [groggy] Papa?
Dr. Martin Brenner: Yes, yes it's your Papa.
Mike: Get off of me!
Dr. Martin Brenner: I'm here now.
Mike: Let her go! Let her go you bastard!
Dr. Martin Brenner: [El whimpers] Shh, shhh. You're sick. You're sick but I'm going to make you better. I'm going to take you back home where I can make you well again. Where we can make all of this better. Where no one else gets hurt.
Eleven: Bad... bad...
[trying to pull away and reach for Mike]
Eleven: Mike... Mike! Mike!

- You have five seconds to wake her up.
- Four.
- -Three.
- -[grunts]
- Hey! Hey!
- Crit hit!
Lucas: No! No!

- I was being a total asshole.
- Please, can you just come outside and we'll talk?
- Will!
- -[pounding on door]
- -Hey, Will!
- Come on, man! We're sorry!
Lucas: Will!

Dustin: So, do you think Eleven was born with her superpowers, like the X-Men or do you think she acquired them, like Green Lantern?
Lucas: She's not a superhero; she's a weirdo.
Mike: What does that matter? The X-Men were weirdos.
Lucas: Well, if you love her so much, why don't you marry her?
Mike: What are you taking about?
Lucas: Seriously, Mike?
Mike: What?
Lucas: You look at her all like "Hi El. El. El, El, El! I love you so much! Would you marry me?"
Mike: Shut up, Lucas!

Lucas: Steve!
Max: Billy!
Mike: Holy shit!
- Shit!
- No one tells me what to do! [Grunts]
- Whoo! Get up!
Dustin: You're gonna kill him.

- -[Jonathan] Go!
- -[Nancy] Go, come on!
- -[creature roars]
- -[Jonathan] Go, go, go, go!
- -[Lucas] Come on!
- -[Nancy repeating] Come on!
Lucas: Come on! Come on!
Jonathan: Get in. Right here.
- -Drive! Drive!
- -[engine starting]

- She's never wrong, son.
- That's right. [Chuckles]
- Not hungry?
Lucas: Not really.
- Where you goin'?
- To hang out with Dustin.
[Softly] Sorry.

Lucas: What's the weirdo doing?
- Ei?
- Will.
- Superpowers.
- Did you see him? On Mirkwood?
- Do you know where he is?

[Lucas finishes explaining the events of season one to Max]
Lucas: It's crazy, I know.
Max: It's crazy, but... I really liked it.
Lucas: Liked it?
Max: Yeah. Well, I mean, I had a few issues.
Lucas: Issues?
Max: I just felt it was a little derivative in parts, but...
Lucas: What are you talking about?
Max: I just wish you'd had a little more originality, that's all.

Lucas: Is he okay?
- I don't know.
- I'm gonna get you home, okay?
- I'm gonna get you home. Hold on.
- All right, take it easy.
- I got him.
- Mike?
- Keep trick-or-treating. I'm bored anyways.
- What's wrong with him?

Lucas: Oh my God.
- -We've been calling you guys like crazy.
- -[Mike] I know.
- We came as soon as we heard.
- I'm sorry.

Lucas: If I get in good with these guys, I'll be in the popular crowd, and then you guys will be too.
Mike: Has it ever occurred to you that we don't want to be popular?
Lucas: So you wanna be stuck with the nerds and freaks for three more years?
Dustin: We ARE nerds and freaks!

Jonathan: Come on.
Lucas: Dustin farted!
Will: Bye, guys.
[Mike and Dustin] Bye, will.
Mike: See you, will.
[Chuckles] Stop.
- No, you stop.
Dustin: No, you stop.
Dustin: Yeah, scream!
- You're like a little girl.

- Ei, are you okay?
Lucas: Oh!
- Can you move?
- Here, help her up.

Dustin: Um... Hi, Max. I'm Dustin, and this is...
Lucas: Lucas.
Max: Yeah, I know. The stalkers.
Lucas: Uh, no. Actually... We weren't stalking you.
Dustin: No, we were just concerned because, you know, you're new and all.
Lucas: Yeah! For your safety.
Dustin: Mmm-hmm. There are a lot of bullies here.
Lucas: So many bullies, its crazy.
Max: Is that why you're wearing proton packs?
Dustin: Well, these don't function. But! I do have this handy-dandy little trap here. And look, it even opens and closes. Look, look, look...
[Opens Trap]
Dustin: Voila! It's cool, right? No? Okay! But, um... So, we were talking last night, and you're new here, so you probably don't have any friends to take you trick-or-treating, and you're scared of bullies, so we were thinking that it would be okay if you come with us.
Max: It'd be okay?
Dustin: Yeah! Our party's a democracy, and the majority voted you could come.
Max: I didn't realize it was such an honor to go trick-or-treating with you.
Dustin: Yeah, I mean, we know where to get the full-sozed candy bars. We figured you'd want in.
Max: That's presumptuous of you.
Dustin: ...Yeah. Totally. Uh, so, um... You'll come?
[Max walks away]
Dustin: We're meeting at the Maple Street cul-de-sac at 7:00. That's 7:00 on the dot!
[to Lucas]
Dustin: Presumptuous. That's a good thing, right?
Lucas: [sighs and walks away]
Dustin: Is it bad? Lucas, is it bad? Lucas? Son of a bitch, Lucas! Is it bad?

- Demogorgon.
Mike: Go, go, go, go, go!
Mike: Come on, come on.
Lucas: Go, go!

Mike: [returning to the gym] They're gone.
Lucas: What?
Mike: Nancy and Jonathan; his car's gone.
Dustin: They're probably just sucking face somewhere.
Lucas: Gross!
Mike: No! No way!
Dustin: Did they go with the Chief?
Mike: I don't know!
Eleven: No.
Mike: What? Did you see them? Do you know where they went?
Eleven: Yes.
Mike: Where? Where did they go?
Eleven: Demogorgon.

Dustin: You guys think he's okay?
Lucas: He's always weird when he has to go in.
- I don't know. He's quiet today.
- He's always quiet.

- and these agents were trying to shoot us...
- Yeah, it flipped over us...
- Then she squeezed the brains out...
Dustin: And blood was pouring out of their faces.
Mike: It was pouring out of their eyes.
Lucas: Agents just started grabbing us and stuff...
Dustin: ...Shot out of the wall...

Dustin: Hey, uh... remember when I said they wouldn't be stupid enough to go through Watergate?
Lucas: Yeah...
Dustin: I overestimated them.

Lucas: [while following the compasses along the train tracks] How much further?
Dustin: I don't know. These only tell direction, not distance. You really need to learn more about compasses!
Lucas: I'm just saying: how do we know when we get to the gate?
Dustin: Uh, I think a portal to another dimension is gonna be pretty obvious!

Lucas: Ugh.
- -When'd Steve get so hairy?
- -Right?
- I keep telling him he needs to tame that jungle, but he claims the ladies dig it.
Max: Let me see.
Lucas: What?

[Screaming] Shit!
- Help! Help! Help!
Mike: Dustin.
Dustin: Shit!
Lucas: Dustin!
Max: Dustin!
Steve: What happened?
[Whimpers] It's in my mouth!
- Some got on my mouth! Shit!

Mike: Is there a number we can call? For your parents?
Dustin: Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?
Lucas: Did you run away?
Mike: Are you in some kind of trouble?
Lucas: Is that blood?
[reaches for her]
Mike: [slapping his hand away] Stop it! You're freaking her out!
Lucas: She's freaking *me* out!
Dustin: I bet she's deaf.
[claps his hands at Eleven; she recoils]
Dustin: Not deaf.
Mike: All right, that's enough, all right? She's just scared and cold.
Mike: [handing her clothes] Here. These are clean, okay?
[El presses her cheek against them, then stands and tries to undress. The boys scatter; he stops her]
Mike: No, no, no!
Dustin: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!
Mike: See, over there? That's the bathroom. Privacy. Get it?
[shows El to the bathroom, tries to close the door and she stops him]
Mike: You don't want it closed?
Eleven: No.
Mike: Oh, so you can speak. Okay, well... how about we just keep the door just like this?
[cracks it]
Mike: Is that better?
Eleven: Yes.

Dustin: [after El flips the van to help them escape] Did- did you see what she did to that van?
Mike: [sarcastic] No, Dustin, we missed it.
Dustin: I mean that was... that was...
Lucas: Awesome. That was awesome.
[goes to El]
Lucas: Everything I said about you being a traitor and stuff... I was wrong. I'm sorry.
Eleven: Friends... friends don't lie. I'm sorry too.
Mike: Me too.
[Holds out his hand. He and Lucas shake]

Mike: [watching Dusting pace back and forth with a compass in front of him] Dustin, what are you doing? Dustin? Dustin!
Lucas: Dustin!
Dustin: I need to see your compasses.
Mike: What?
Dustin: Your compasses, all of your compasses. Right now!
Mike: [presenting their compasses on the table] What's exciting about this?
Dustin: Well, they're all facing North, right?
Lucas: Yeah, so?
Dustin: Well, that's not true North.
Mike: What do you mean?
Dustin: I mean exactly what I just said. That's not true North. Are you both seriously this dense? The sun rises in the East and sets in the West, right? Which means
Dustin: *that's* true North.
Mike: So, what you're saying is the compasses are broken?
Dustin: Do you even understand how a compass works? Do you see a battery pack on this?
Mike: No.
Dustin: No, you don't, because it doesn't need one. The needle's naturally drawn to the Earth's magnetic North Pole.
Lucas: So what's wrong with it?
Dustin: Well, that's what I couldn't figure out, but then I remembered: you can change the direction of a compass with a magnet. If there's a presence of a more powerful magnetic field, the needle deflects to that power. And then I remembered what Mr Clarke said: the gate would have so much power...
Mike: -disrupt the electromagnetic field.
Dustin: Exactly.
Lucas: Meaning if we follow the compasses North...?
Dustin: They should lead us to the gate.

- He wasn't gonna eat us.
Lucas: He was crawling to come say hello?
- Guys!
Max: No, no, no. Hey, guys, why are you headed towards the sound?
- Hello?
- Hello?

Nancy: Okay, so this... Mind Flamer thing...
Dustin: Flayer. Mind Flayer.
Nancy: ...what does it want?
Dustin: To conquer us, basically. It believes it's the master race.
Steve: Like the, like the Germans.
Dustin: Uh, the Nazis?
Steve: Yeah, yeah, the Nazis.
Dustin: Uh, if the Nazis were from another dimension, totally. It views other races, like us, as inferior to itself.
Mike: It wants to spread and taker over other dimensions.
Lucas: We are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it!
Steve: [sarcastic] That's great! That's great, that's really great.
Nancy: Okay, so if this thing is like a brain that's controlling everything, then if we kill it...
Mike: We kill everything it controls.
Dustin: We win.
Lucas: Theoretically.
Jim: [looking in the D&D manual] Alright great, so how do you kill this thing, do you shoot it with fireballs or something?
Dustin: No, no, no fireballs. Uh, you summon an undead army because, uh, zombies, you know, they don't have brains, and the Mind Flayer, it likes brains...
[awkward pause]
Dustin: It's just a game. It's a game.

Jonathan: [Jonathan enters the waiting room and nods to Mike] Yeah.
Mike: [Waking Dustin and Lucas] Guys, guys, he's up. Will's up, guys! Guys come on!
Mike: [Bursting into the hospital room] Byers!
Joyce: [Mike and Lucas pile on Will] Be careful. Be careful with him!
Dustin: Move!
[Yanks Mike and Lucas off Will to hug him]
Jonathan: Guys, guys, go easy on him.
Lucas: You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man.
Dustin: It was mental!
Lucas: You had a funeral...
Dustin: Jenniffer Hayes was crying...
Lucas: And Troy peed himself!
Will: What?
Dustin: In front of the whole school!
Mike: [Will coughs uncontrollably] You okay?
Will: It got me. The Demogorgon.
Mike: We know. It's okay. It's dead. We made a new friend. She stopped it. She saved us. But she's gone now.
Dustin: Her name's Eleven.
Will: Like the number?
Lucas: Well, we call her 'El' for short.
Dustin: She's basically a wizard.
Lucas: [whispering] She has superpowers.
Mike: More like a yoda.
Dustin: She flipped a van with her mind!
Mike: And it sailed over us!
[excited chatter continues]

Mike: Lucas do you copy? It's Mike? Lucas?
Lucas: Hey. It's Lucas.
Mike: I know it's you. And say 'over' when you're done talking so I know you're done. Over.
Lucas: I'm *done*. Over.
Mike: I'm worried about Will. Over.
Lucas: Yeah. This is crazy. Over.
Mike: I was thinking... Will could have cast protection last night... but he didn't. He cast Fireball. Over.
Lucas: What's your point? Over.
Mike: My point is... he could've played it safe... but he didn't. He put himself in danger to help the party. Over.
Lucas: Meet me in ten. Over and out!

Max: What is this?
Lucas: A ticket to the game. I know you never want to go to my games, but this one is kind of a big deal.
Max: A big deal? Lucas, you really care about this?
Lucas: Yeah, I... I do. Maybe you should find something you care about too.
Max: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Lucas: Uh...
Lucas: You're just... It's... It's like you're not even here anymore. It's... It's like you're a ghost or something.
Max: A ghost? Really?
Lucas: Max, I know something's wrong.
Max: Yeah, right. Something must be wrong with me because I broke up with you.
Lucas: No. No, that's... that's not what I meant.
Max: Lucas, look, people just change, okay? That's it. I've changed. It's that simple.
[gives ticket back to Lucas]
Max: Good luck.

Mike: Guys, guys! This is crazy. We can't just wait around.
Lucas: Mike, in case you forgot, we're still fugitives. The bad men are still looking for us.
Dustin: Yeah and we don't even know where your sister is.
Mike: El can find them.
Dustin: [pointing] Mike, look at her! I still think we should stick to the Chief's plan.
Lucas: Exactly. We stay here, keep El out of sight and keep her safe. That's the most important thing, remember? Besides, she's okay. She's with Jonathan.
Dustin: Yeah and she's kind of a badass now, so...
[begins to walk away]
Mike: Well, where are you going? You just said stick to the plan!
Dustin: I am, I'm just going to get some chocolate pudding! I'm telling you lunch lady Phyllis hoards that shit!
Mike: Are you serious?
Dustin: El needs to be recharged!

Dustin: Guys I really think we should turn back.
Lucas: Seriously, Dustin? You want to be a baby, then go home already!
Dustin: I'm just being realistic, Lucas!
Lucas: No you're being a big sissy!
Dustin: Did you ever think maybe Will went missing because he ran into something bad? And we're going to the exact same spot where he was last seen? And we have no weapons or anything?
Mike: Dustin, shut up.
Dustin: I'm just saying: does that seem smart to you?
Mike: Shut up, shut up... did you guys hear that?

Mike: What was Will saying? "Like home... like home... but dark"?
Lucas: And empty.
Dustin: Empty and cold... wait, did he say cold?
Lucas: I don't know- the stupid radio kept going in and out.
Dustin: It's like riddles in the dark.
Mike: "Like home"... like his house?
Lucas: Or maybe like Hawkins!
Eleven: Upside down...
Lucas: What'd she say?
Mike: Upside down...
Lucas: What?
Mike: Upside down. When El showed us where Will was, she flipped the board over, remember? Upside down: dark, empty.
Lucas: Do you understand what he's talking about?
Dustin: No.
Mike: Guys, come on, just think about it: when El took us to find Will, she took us to his house, right?
Lucas: Yeah and he wasn't there.
Mike: But what if he was there? What if we just couldn't see him? What if he was on the other side?
[flips the game board right side up]
Mike: What if this is Hawkins...
[flips it right side down]
Mike: ... and this is where Will is? The upside down.
Dustin: Like the Vale of Shadows.

Max: Lucas...
Lucas: Yes, yes I'm here. I'm here.
Max: I... I can't feel or... see anything.
Lucas: I know. I know. It's okay. We're gonna get you help, okay? Just... Just hold on.
Max: Lucas, I'm scared. I'm so scared. I'm so scared.
Lucas: I know. I know. I know.
Max: I don't wanna die. I'm not ready.
Lucas: You're not gonna die. Hang on.
Max: I don't wanna go! I'm not ready.
Lucas: You're not gonna die! Just hang on! Max. Max! Max! No, no, no, Max. Stay with me. Stay with me! Don't go, Max! Max stay with me. Just look at me, Max. Max, look. No. Stay with me, Max. Hang on. Just hang on. Erica, help! Max? Max? Max? Max? Max, stay with me. Max, stay with me. No! No! Max! Max! Please, stay with me! No! Max! Max!

Lucas: Gross.
- No. No way!
- Did they go with the chief?
- I don't know.
- What? Did you see them?
- Do you know where they went?
- Yes.
- Where? Where did they go?
- Demogorgon.

- What is wrong with you?
[Softly] Mike...
- What?
- Mike, come on.
- Don't do this, man.
- Mike...
- Mike, where are you going? Mike!
Lucas: Mike!

Mike: [trying to get to the Heathkit] It's locked.
Lucas: What?
Dustin: [to El] Hey, do you think you can open it? With your powers?
Mr. Clarke: Boys?
[they freeze]
Mr. Clarke: Assembly's about to start.
Mike: We know. We're just... you know...
Lucas: Upset.
Dustin: Ye-yeah, definitely upset.
Mike: And we need some alone time.
Dustin: To... cry.
Mr. Clarke: Yeah, listen, I get it. I do. I know how hard this is. But let's just be there for Will, huh? And then...
[tosses the keys to Mike]
Mr. Clarke: the Heathkit is all yours for the rest of the day. What do you say?
[Noticing El]
Mr. Clarke: I don't believe we've met. What's your name?
Eleven: Eleve...
Mike: Eleanor! She's my, uh...
Lucas: Cousin!
Dustin: Second cousin!
Mike: She's here for Will's funeral.
Mr. Clarke: Ah well, welcome to Hawkin's middle, Eleanor. I wish you were here under better circumstances.
Eleven: Thank you.
Mr. Clarke: Where are you from exactly?
Eleven: Bad place...
Dustin: Sweden!
Mike: I have a lot of Swedish family.
Dustin: She hates it there.
Lucas: Cold.
Dustin: Subzero.
Mr. Clarke: [Confused] Shall we?

- This isn't some lord of the rings book.
- The hobbit.
- Shut up!
- Hey!
Mike: Stop it!
[Softly] Do I make myself clear?
- Do I make myself... clear?
[Mike and Dustin] Yes, sir.
Lucas: Yeah.

Mike: [after the boys listen to the walkie talkie] We keep losing the signal. But you heard it, right?
Lucas: Yeah. I heard a baby.
Mike: What?
Lucas: Mike, you obviously tapped into a baby monitor. It's probably the Blackburns next door.
Mike: Uh, did that sound like a baby to you? That was Will.
Lucas: Mike...
Mike: Lucas, you don't understand. He spoke last night- words! He was singing that weird song he loves. Even El heard him.
Lucas: Oh well, if the weirdo heard him, then I guess...
Dustin: Are you sure you're on the right channel?
Mike: I don't think it's about that. I think somehow, *she's* channeling *him*.
Dustin: Like Professor X!
Lucas: Are you actually believing this crap?
Dustin: I don't know, I mean... do you remember when Will fell of his bike and broke his finger? He sounded a lot like that.
Lucas: Did you guys not see what I saw? They pulled Will's body out of the water. He's dead!
Dustin: Well, maybe it's his ghost; maybe he's haunting us.
Mike: It's not his ghost.
Lucas: And how do you know that?
Mike: I just do.
Lucas: Then what was in that water?
Mike: I don't know! All I know is, Will's alive. Will is alive! He's out there somewhere. All we have to do is find him.
[El tries the radio again]
Mike: This isn't gonna work. We need to get El to a stronger radio.
Dustin: Mr. Clarke's Heathkit Ham Shack!
Lucas: The Heathkit's at school. There's no way we're gonna get the weirdo in there without anyone noticing. I mean... *look* at her.
[the boys stare. El stares back, confused]

Mike: Four years ago!
Dustin: Just saying.
Lucas: Later.
- It was a seven.
- Huh?
- The roll, it was a seven.
- The demogorgon, it got me.
[Grunts] See you tomorrow.

Dustin: This is mental.
Mike: At least she can talk.
Lucas: She said 'no' and 'yes'. Your three-year-old sister says more.
Dustin: She tried to get naked.
Lucas: There's something seriously wrong with her. Like wrong in the head.
Dustin: She just went like...
[mimics taking off clothes]
Lucas: I bet she escaped from Pennhurst.
Mike: From where?
Lucas: The nuthouse in Kerley County.
Dustin: You got a lot of family there?
Lucas: Bite me! Seriously, though, think about it: that would explain her shaved hair and why she's so crazy.
Dustin: Why she went like...
[mimics taking off clothes]
Lucas: She's an escapee is the point. She's probably a psycho.
Dustin: Like Michael Myers.
Lucas: Exactly! We should've never bought her here!
Mike: So you just wanted to leave her out in that storm?
Lucas: Yes. We went out to find Will, not another problem.

Dustin: [watching Mike give El a sleeping bag] You really think she's psycho?
Lucas: Wouldn't want her in my house.

Jim: [all boys trying to speak at once] Okay, okay, okay, one at a time, all right?
[points to Mike]
Jim: You. You said he takes what?
Mike: Mirkwood.
Jim: Mirkwood?
Mike: Yeah.
Jim: Have you ever heard of Mirkwood?
Officer: I have not. It sounds made up to me.
Lucas: It's from Lord of the Rings.
Dustin: Actually, The Hobbit.
Lucas: Who cares?
Dustin: He asked.
Lucas: [mocking] He asked!
Mike: Shut up, guys!
Jim: Hey, hey! What did I just say? Shut up. One at a damn time.
[to Mike]
Jim: You.
Mike: Mirkwood. It's a real road, it's just the name that's made up. It's where Cornwallis and Kerley meet.
Jim: Yeah I think I know that.
Mike: We can show you if you want.
Jim: I said that I know it.
Mike: We can help look.
Dustin: Yeah.
Jim: No.
[boys protest]
Jim: No. After school, you all go home. Immediately. That means no biking around looking for your friend, no investigating, no nonsense. This isn't some Lord of the Rings book.
Dustin: The Hobbit.
Lucas: Shut up!
[boys try to punch each other with Mike stuck between them]
Mike: Stop!
Jim: Do I make myself clear?
[stands over the boys]
Jim: Do I make myself... clear?
Mike: Yes sir.