The Best Joyce Byers Quotes

Joyce: So, you... you've been dreaming about bread sticks and lasagna?
Jim: I've been on a diet of watery soup, moldy bread, and maggots, so, yeah, I've been dreaming about bread sticks and lasagna. I mean, sue me.

Joyce: Anything?
[Hopper] No.
- This place is dead.
- All right, where to next?
Joyce: Hess Farm.

Joyce: The... the stamps on the package have that hammer with that hook thingamajig.
Murray: Sickle.
Joyce: Whatever.

Jonathan: [Jonathan enters the waiting room and nods to Mike] Yeah.
Mike: [Waking Dustin and Lucas] Guys, guys, he's up. Will's up, guys! Guys come on!
Mike: [Bursting into the hospital room] Byers!
Joyce: [Mike and Lucas pile on Will] Be careful. Be careful with him!
Dustin: Move!
[Yanks Mike and Lucas off Will to hug him]
Jonathan: Guys, guys, go easy on him.
Lucas: You won't believe what happened when you were gone, man.
Dustin: It was mental!
Lucas: You had a funeral...
Dustin: Jenniffer Hayes was crying...
Lucas: And Troy peed himself!
Will: What?
Dustin: In front of the whole school!
Mike: [Will coughs uncontrollably] You okay?
Will: It got me. The Demogorgon.
Mike: We know. It's okay. It's dead. We made a new friend. She stopped it. She saved us. But she's gone now.
Dustin: Her name's Eleven.
Will: Like the number?
Lucas: Well, we call her 'El' for short.
Dustin: She's basically a wizard.
Lucas: [whispering] She has superpowers.
Mike: More like a yoda.
Dustin: She flipped a van with her mind!
Mike: And it sailed over us!
[excited chatter continues]

- Look... look at him!
- Jonathan, wait!
- You're killing him!
Joyce: Just wait!
- No!
- No, leave it!
- You're killing him!
- Leave it!
- Wait, Jonathan, Jonathan!
- His neck! His neck!

[Shouting] Will?
- Will?
- Will?
- Will?
- Will!
Jonathan: Will!
- Will?
Joyce: Will!
- Where are you?

Joyce: He has a couple of friends, but, you know the kids, they're mean. They make fun of him. They call him names. They laugh at him, his clothes...
Jim: His clothes? What's wrong with his clothes?
Joyce: I don't know. Does that matter?
Jim: Maybe.

- -[prod sizzles]
- -[Demodog trills]
- -[Vecna grunts]
- -[tentacles whip]
- Joyce!
Joyce: Hop!
- -[snarling]
- -[Joyce gasps]
- -[growls]
- -Hey, assholes!

- Okay.
Joyce: How... how's Mike dealing with this?
- Is he, uh, okay?
Karen: Mike?
- Uh... I don't know.
- He skipped school yesterday.
- He's never done anything like that before.

[Man] Get him out. Go! Go!
Joyce: God! Hold on, sweetie!
- I'm right here. Just hold on.

- You're... you're mom.
- Hold him down.
- No! No! Let go! No! No! Let me go! Let go!
- No, let me go!
Joyce: I'm sorry.
- I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
- Let me go! Let go! Let me go!
- No! Let go! Let me go! Let me go!

Yuri: I present you… Kyrzran.
- You see that gray steeple over there?
- That is Yuri's warehouse.
Joyce: Looks like a church.
- Let's see what miracles it holds, yes?

- You mean...
- You mean, people like Scott Clarke.
- That was a joke.
- Mm. [chuckles]
Joyce: What's that?
- Wait here.

Jim: Guess you got my message, huh?
Joyce: Oh, no, I just have always wanted to visit the Soviet Union. With Murray.
Jim: You two getting along?
Joyce: He's the Starsky to my Hutch.

Joyce: Thank God!
- -[helicopters flying overhead]
- -[sobbing]

Joyce: I don't care if anyone believes me!

Joyce: What is your problem? We have had a very long day. We've been shot at, nearly blown up, walked god knows how many miles in 100 degree heat, stole a car, all while being chased by this gigantic psychopath, all so we could bring HIM to YOU because somehow you're the closest person who speaks Russian, which I can't believe but that doesn't matter because unfortunately we're here, so if you don't mind put that thing away, stop behaving like a jackass, and ask him what he's doing that is making my magnets fall off my damn fridge! Please!

- That's one minute too long.
- -Alexei.
- -[gasps]
[in Russian] What's going on?
- We gotta go. Vroom, vroom.
- Back to Hawkins. Come on.
Joyce: Come on.

- If things go sideways, I should mention
- I'm now a black belt in karate.
- Hello?
Joyce: Hello?
Murray: Hello?
- -Hello--
- -[welding sparks crackle]

- Oh!
- I'm happy you went to your… conference.
- That was quite the experience.
Joyce: Oh.

Yuri: [pretending to be someone else] Yuri was on sightseeing trip to see polar bears. And then bears got into plane and pull him out of cockpit and kill Yuri.
Joyce: No.
Yuri: Yeah. And he loved bears. They broke his heart. Or rather punctured it with their bear claws.

Murray: Then he probably met some new friends. And by friends, I mean the KGB. And believe me when I tell you, these people are the worst of the worst. I am talking torture, Joyce. And no matter how strong you think Jim is, they will break him. They will get his whole life story. And yes, that might very well include a planned date at Enzo's with you, his co-conspirator, making this all an elaborate ruse to capture you as well.
Joyce: You just made all that up.

Max: Do you think he heard that?
- It's just a phone. It could be anywhere.
- Right?
- Hey. Hey, can you hear me?
- It knows. It knows where we are.
Joyce: Oh, shit.

Nancy: Where did it go?
Jonathan: No.
- It has to be dead.
[Panting] It has to be.
[Hopper] Come on.
Joyce: Is that my house?

[Hopper] Oh, God!
Joyce: Hang on!
- Still think it was our government?

Joyce: Bob!
- Bob!
- What happened?
- No!
Joyce: No!
- He's gone! He's gone!
- Come on! Get in!

Murray: Wait, can you undress her?
Joyce: What?
Murray: The creepy doll. Can you remove her dress?
Joyce: I don't... Okay.
[undresses the doll]
Joyce: Jesus.
Murray: What?
Joyce: She has nipples.

- Hello?
Joyce: Hello?
Joyce: Hello?

- What we do or don't do won't change the outcome.
- We have to start the burn.
- Where you going?
- I'm going to think.
Joyce: What the hell is taking so long?
- Hey... doctors take forever, always.
- Just try and relax. Just be patient.


Joyce: Maybe I am a mess. Maybe I'm crazy. Maybe I'm out of my mind! But, God help me, I will keep these lights up until the day I die if I think there's a chance that Will's still out there!

- I'm all ears!
Joyce: I mean, fine.
- Just saying.
- Gah!
- Ugh!
- Gah!

Mr. Melvald: Okay, that looks like twenty-two dollars and fifty-six cents.
Joyce: Uh, yeah, you know, uh... I gave Jonathan all my money for... for the copies for the posters. Uh, I need an advance.
Mr. Melvald: Yes, well, of course. Of course.
Joyce: Thank you. Yeah, uh, I was thinking two weeks?
Mr. Melvald: Yes, I understand, but, you know, I have to pay Jeffrey for covering...
Joyce: Donald. I've been here ten years. right? Have I ever called in sick or missed a shift once? I've worked, uh, Christmas Eve and Thanksgiving. I don't know where my boy is. He's gone. I don't know if I'm... gonna ever see him again, if he's hurt... I, uh... I need this phone and two weeks' advance. And a pack of Camels!

- Maybe he came home.
[Stammers] You think I didn't check my own house?
- I'm not saying that.
- Has this always been here?
Joyce: What? I don't know.
- Probably. I mean, I have two boys.
- Look at this place.
- You're not sure?

Dr. Martin Brenner: Six.
Joyce: What?
Dr. Martin Brenner: Six. Six people have been taken this week. This thing that took your son... We don't really understand it. But its behavior is predictable. Like all animals, it eats. It will take more sons. More daughters. I want to save them. I want to save your son. But I can't do that. Not without your help.
Joyce: Stop. I know who you are. I know what you've done. You took my boy away from me! You left him in that place to die! You faked his death! We had a funeral. We buried him. And now you're asking for my help? Go to hell.

Murray: Joyce, there are certain things one can be late to in life. A dentist's appointment. A one-year-old's birthday party, because who cares? Little idiot's not gonna remember it. But for what is essentially a ransom exchange, for that, for that, I think you very much need to be on time! I'm sorry. I'm very tense.
Joyce: Clearly.

- Something's wrong.
- She's just drained.
- No, no, no, she won't wake up. El!
- El! [Echoing] Ell
[hopper] There's more blood.
- Oh, my god.
Joyce: This way.

Joyce: No... I... we're having electrical problems.

Joyce: Is there any way that you could...
- That you could reach will?
- That you could talk to him in this...
- The upside down.
[Whispering] Down. Yeah.
Nancy: And my friend Barbara?
- Can you find her, too?