The Best Mador Quotes

Arthur: Swear faith to me, and you shall have mercy! I need battle lords such as you!
Uryenes: [scornfully] A noble knight swear faith to a squire?
Mador: NEVER... NEVER!
Arthur: You're right... I'm not yet a knight.
Arthur: [Hands Excalibur to Uryenes and kneels]
Arthur: You, Uryenes, will knight me. Then as knight to knight... I can offer you mercy.
Merlin: [Alarmed] What's this? What's this?
Mador: Keep it, Uryenes!
Uryenes: [hesitates and then touches Excalibur to Arthur's shoulder] In the name of God, St Michael and St George, I give you the right to bear arms and the power to mete justice!
Arthur: That duty I will solemnly obey, as knight and king.
Merlin: I never saw this.
Uryenes: Rise... King Arthur.
Uryenes: [Uryenes kneels before Arthur] I am your humble knight, and I swear allegiance to the courage in your veins. So strong it is, its source must be Uther Pendragon. I doubt you no more!