The Best Maj.-Gen. Hector Ross Quotes

Major: Horse Guards first. Let them know you're there!
Major: Oh, they'll know, sir!

Major: Your regiment's to be broken up.
Major: What!
Major: Lord Fenner suggested your men be given to other battalions, that your colours be sent home, and that your officers either exchange their regiments, sell their commissions, or make themselves available for our disposal.

Major: Not being a little hard on Girdwood, are you?
Major: At Foulness, sir, Colonel Girdwood gave orders that deserters were to be shot out of hand. I saw one killed. He hunted men through the marshland like they were rats. He wants to see a battle? He'll see a battle!

Major: Bloody day, Sharpe, bloody day.
[hands him a flask]
Major: How many have you lost?
Major: [over the cannon fire] Thirty today sir.
Major: And how many have you got left?
Major: Hundred and twenty can still do duty. Eighty six still in strength. But maimed or sick, though, they'll be made to go to hospitals.
Major: You're expecting replacements of course?
Major: Yes sir.
Major: From the Second Battalion, Chelmsford?
[Hands Sharpe a letter]
Major: Lord Fenner, Secretary of State at War, works for the Secretary of State of War, doesn't know what a war is, of course. Politicians, Sharpe, they're not fit to lick your jakes out!
Major: [looks at the letter] What am I supposed to see, sir?
Major: Down at the bottom, some mention of the South Essex.
Major: [reads] Second Battalion now a Holding Battalion.
Major: Few boys perhaps. Good man waiting on replacement if you're lucky.
Major: [reads further] No draft available.
[Looks up]
Major: But there were eight recruiting parties last I heard!
Major: It can't be black and white, Fenner's said you've got no replacements, so there you are.