The Best Maques Quotes

Counselor: I'm glad you stopped by.
Maques: I'm glad to have stopped, also.

Maques: Your mother... told me... of your need.
Counselor: Need?
Maques: Erm... A moment, erm... Husband. You need a husband. I... need a wife.
[toothy smile]

Maques: [about Lwaxana] Always, there is a part of her that is... um, a part of her that is... dark.
Counselor: Dark?
Maques: A part of her that... cannot be seen.

Counselor: Milton was speculating that in heaven, roses wouldn't have thorns.
Hedril: Heaven?
Counselor: Oh. Oh, uh, heaven is, well, it's um... how can I put it?
Maques: [after Lwaxana explains telepathically] Yes, I see. Thank you. "Heaven."
Counselor: Mother, you're supposed to be avoiding telepathy.
Lwaxana: I'm only trying to help, dear.
Counselor: You don't look well.
Lwaxana: I'm just tired. Maybe I'll sit down.
[Sits and watches Hedril play]