The Best Matt Garetty Quotes

Matt: Andrew, don't fart. We'll never find you again.

Matt: [yelling in joy] I can fly!

Matt: There's something wrong with Andrew.

[last lines]
Matt: Hey, Andrew.
Matt: I just wanted to say that... I'm sorry and, uh... I hope... that you know that I did what I had to do. You're not a bad person. I know that. That's all that matters. And, uh, I want you to know that I'm gonna be better from now on. I'm gonna help people. I'm gonna find out what happened to us down there. I don't care how long it takes. I'm gonna get answers. I'm gonna do it for you, and I'm gonna do it for Steve. And... I just... I love you, man. I didn't ever get a chance to tell you but I love you. And guess what.
[Matt moves the camera to show a Tibetan monastery in the background]
Matt: You made it. Whoo-hoo!
Matt: Isn't it beautiful? Goodbye, Andrew.

Matt: Oh, my God, I can see your head is, like exploding right now.
Andrew: What?
Matt: This is the beginning of your downfall - hubris - right there.
Andrew: What's "hubris"?
[Matt mocking laughs]
Andrew: No, what does "hubris" mean, Matt?
Matt: Seriously?
Andrew: What does "seriously" mean?

Matt: Dude. I haven't had sex since summer.
Andrew: I haven't had sex since ever.
Steve: Really?
Andrew: Really?
Steve: That is completely unacceptable.
Matt: Well...
Steve: How are you guys so cool? How are you guys so cool, man?
Matt: Liquid nitrogen.

Andrew: Wow, look, a rave.
Matt: Oh, wow, look. A nerd with a camera.

Casey: What are you guys doing? Are you playing a prank on your cousin? That's mean, Matt.
Matt: Just watch.

Matt: Andrew! Andrew, look at me! This has to stop right now, okay? This is really, really bad. What happened to you?
Andrew: Why did you catch him?
Matt: Listen, just focus okay?
Andrew: I dropped him! Why did you catch him?
Matt: Andrew, this is not a game, do you understand? You're hurting people!
Andrew: You're weak, Matt! You're all weak. I'm stronger than all of this!
Matt: Andrew, listen to me, okay? Just... I need you listen. Just focus for a second.
Andrew: Do not tell me what to do!
Matt: They can't stop us, it's not too late for us to go.
Andrew: It is too late. I'm done! It's over... god, you treated me like shit! You left me alone!
Matt: Andrew, you're not alone up here. I'm here with you! I should've been with you all along, but I'm here now. We can stop this right now, you and me. Andrew, we can just fly away, we can get out of here. We can be family! Andrew? Andrew, look at yourself. This isn't who you are!
Andrew: Apex predator...
Matt: What?
Andrew: I'm an apex predator!