Top 50 Quotes From Matthew Goode

Henry: Isn't there something called forgiveness through good intention?
Lady: Only for Catholics.

Hugh: Because there's nothing like a friend's engagement to make a woman want to do something that she'll later regret with the fiancé's better looking chum.

Matthew: [Matthew Clairmont entered Hamish Osborne's house. Old opera song on the background. Hamish Osborne pouring red wine to the goblet and gave it to Matthew Clairmont] I see you'd redecorated.
Hamish: I thought the place does need to brighten up.
Matthew: Looks like a wedding cake.
[Matthew Clairmont drinking the red wine]

Hamish: You didn't come all the way up here to diss my interiors, Matt. What's going on?
Matthew: It's complex.
Hamish: Isn't it always with you?
Matthew: This is even more.
Hamish: What? Fucked up? Look at the two of us. A vampire friends with a demon.
Matthew: I came up here to get away from a witch.
Hamish: When you say "get away", do you mean?
Matthew: [very serious] I'm craving her.

Hugh: Love will make a man do strange things, I suppose.
Alan: In this case, love just lost Germany the whole bloody war!

Diana: [as she wakes up] You craved me. All this time, you resisted.
[about Juliette]
Diana: Did you love her?
Matthew: Once. She was Gerbert's creature. He trained her to infiltrate my heart and my family.
Diana: And I took her life.
Matthew: You saved mine.
Diana: I don't regret it.

Henry: [to Mary] You're a great catch, but you're also a woman I happen to be falling in love with.

Matthew: [as Diana puts her boat away] Do you actually think it's safe down here in the dark, Dr Bishop?
Diana: Are you stalking me?
Matthew: I'm merely pointing out that rowing on your own is a risk. So... The Book Of Life, what did you do with it?
Diana: I don't know what that is.
Matthew: A witch of your powers, how could you not know?
Diana: [in reference to her magic] Just because you saw me in the library. That was unusual for me... I don't use magic.
Matthew: Don't lie to me, Diana. I can feel your power. If you want the book, why don't you go get it?
Diana: I told you I gave it back.
Matthew: I don't believe you.
Diana: Okay, let's say I'm lying. What are you going to do? Rip my head off to get the truth out of me?
Matthew: [coming closer] I could. But it's not how I operate.
Diana: I'm going to say this to you one more time. I don't have your book.
Matthew: Ashmole 782 has been missing for centuries and yet you were able to call it up. Aren't you curious why? That book has never appeared to me or anyone else, no matter what we've done. Only to you. It could be the key to our survival, so isn't it strange that the only creature who can summon it is a witch who can't control her magic?

Matthew: I'll never let you go again.

Hugh: If you run the wires across the plugboard matrix diagonally, you'll eliminate rotor positions 500 times faster.
Alan: This is actually not an entirely terrible idea.
Joan: That's Alan for "thank you."

Matthew: Magic is desire made real.
Diana: That's what my aunts says.

Matthew: What spell have you put on me?

Diana: [Diana confronting Matthew] I love you. Tell me how you feel. Forget the Covenant. Forget the Congregation. How do you feel?
Matthew: You know how I feel.
Diana: Say it!
[Matthew walks away the room]

Diana: We are bound together. My magic started coming out when I met you.
Matthew: Three weeks ago, you'd never even heard of me. You don't know me! You have no idea what I'm capable of. You don't even know yourself.

Matthew: Are you off to the library?
Diana: Yes.
Matthew: Well, you should know that it's absolutely full to the brim with creatures. Waiting to see if you can call the book up again. I thought we'd... Would you let me take you out for the day instead?

Diana: What would I taste like?
Matthew: [very serious] Don't ever... say that... to me.
Diana: I only ask to understand.
Matthew: It would take but a moment. You wouldn't be able to stop me if I struck and I wouldn't be able to stop myself.
Diana: [rising from her chair and walking to him] I'm safe with you.
Matthew: [turning her around] The smell of you... It would take but a moment. You wouldn't be able to stop me if I struck and I wouldn't be able to stop myself.
[inhaling her scent]
Matthew: willow sap... chamomile honey. Frankincense. Lady's mantle. Ancient things I thought I'd forgotten. It's not only your scent. I can hear your witch's blood moving in your veins. When I touch your skin and it rushes to the surface.

Matthew: Your magic's behaving as though it's waking up from a long sleep. It's restless. It wants to get out.

Alan: Uh, that's my sandwich.
Hugh: You don't like sandwiches.

Jon: What is this? Another ultimate weapon?
Adrian: Yes. You could say that.
[Veidt turns on TVs with remote]

Marcus: [shaking Diana's hand and inhaling her scent] Wow! AB negative. Don't suppose I could take some of you blood, could I? It's tough getting a sample from a living witch.
Diana: No, thank you.
Miriam: [slightly irritated, to Matthew] If your friend isn't here to give blood, what is she here for exactly?
Matthew: I wanted to show Diana that the work we're doing here proves beyond all doubt that creatures are dying out. Vampires are failing to sire. Demons are increasingly prone to madness.

Matthew: My love. With you in my life, there's a beginning, a middle and an end. When you're gone, my life will be over.

Diana: The book's a palimpsest. Old words hidden under new. It was heavy. It smelt. It smelt odd. Three pages were cut out. The only page I saw showed a baby floating in an upside-down vessel. It was probably the alchemical child, although I've never seen it represented like that before.
Matthew: Thank you.

John: The boys, we're going to get some lunch.
[no response]
John: Alan?
Alan: Yes?
John: I said we're going to get some lunch.
[no response]
John: Alan?
Alan: Yes?
John: Can you hear me?
Alan: Yes.
John: I said we're off to get some lu-...
[disrupts himself]
John: This is starting to get a little bit repetitive.
Alan: What is?
John: I had asked, if you wanted to come have lunch with us.
Alan: No, you didn't, you said you were going to get some lunch.
John: Have I offended you in some way?
Alan: Why would you think that?
John: Would you like to come to lunch with us?
Alan: What time's lunch time?
Hugh: [Frustrated] Christ, Alan, it's a bleeding sandwich.
Alan: What is?
Hugh: Lunch.
Alan: Oh, I don't like sandwiches.
John: Nevermind.

Diana: You know, your mother's right, I should go home. I don't want you to feel responsible for me and your mother does not want me here.
Matthew: Her bark is worse than her bite.
Diana: Well, maybe, but Sarah's right. I should be with them. And the Madison coven, they can protect me.
Matthew: You can't go back to Madison. It's not safe amongst the witches.
Diana: I'm not going to go into hiding my whole life. I have to face Knox at some point, Matthew.
Matthew: It's not just about Knox. The photographs of your parents. They were staged to make it look like a fear of devil worship, but I examined them. Underneath the debris there was a chalk circle. A witches' circle. Your parents weren't killed by humans. Your parents were killed by witches.

Matthew: [over the phone] How are you?
Diana: Ysabeau has been keeping me entertained. Telling me stories about you.
Matthew: Yes, I was afraid of that.
Diana: According to her you're a mix between Superman and Lancelot.

Diana: I'm just surprised you find a southern exposure comfortable.
Matthew: You don't believe everything you read, do you?

Diana: Tell me.
Matthew: If I do, there is no turning back. You have to understand what I mean.
Diana: Ysabeau made me understand. Tell me.
Matthew: [Matthew approached nearer to Diana. Raised his left hand, and so is Diana's right hand, touching its fingertips] From this moment, we will always be one.
Matthew: [Holding each other's hands] Diana, I love you.

Adrian: It doesn't take a genius to see that the world has problems.
Edward: No, but it takes a room full of morons to think they're small enough for you to handle.

Matthew: I was born a human. We didn't keep track of birthdays back then. But I'd estimate it was in 500 and then I was reborn as a vampire in the year 537.
Diana: The things you must have seen.

Matthew: Is it ASHML 782? I'm assuming you used more than magic to retrieve it.
Diana: Why do you care? Alchemy's not your area.
Matthew: his is about a great deal more than just alchemy. Where's the manuscript now?
Diana: The same place it always is. You can take books out of the Bodleian. Excuse me.
Matthew: Dr. Bishop, please hear me out. No one has seen that book in a long time, and it's not just me who wants it. Word is spreading. It might be safer for you if the creatures of Oxford knew it was no longer in your possession.
Diana: Is that a threat?
Matthew: No. It's a warning. You need to be careful.

Adrian: [Nixon finishes his speech on Veidt's TVs] Do you see? It's your super powers retreating from war. I've saved the Earth from hell. We both have. This is as much your victory as it is mine. Now we can return. Do what we were meant to.
Rorschach: We were meant to exact justice! Everyone's gonna know what you've done...
Adrian: Will they? By exposing me, you would sacrifice the peace so many died for today.
Dan: Peace based on a lie.
Adrian: But peace! Nonetheless.
Jon: ...He's right. Exposing Adrian would only doom the world to Nuclear destruction again.
Laurie: No... we can't do this.
Jon: On Mars, you taught me the value of life. If we hope to preserve it here, we must remain silent.
Rorschach: Keep your own secrets...
[the others look as Rorscach leaves, then Jon and Adrian make eye contact]
Dan: Don't even think about it.
[Goes after Rorscach]
Dan: Rorscach! Wait.
Rorschach: [Turns] Never compromise. Not even in the face of Armageddon. That's always been the difference between us, Daniel.
[Leaves the building]
Adrian: I've made myself feel every death... see every innocent face I've murdered to save humanity.
[Turns to Jon]
Adrian: You understand, don't you?
Jon: Without condoning... or condemning. I understand.
Rorschach: [Outside, in the snow, Rorscach comes across a copy of Jon standing in the snow] Out of my way. People have to be told.
Jon: You know I can't let you do that.
Rorschach: Suddenly you discover humanity. Convenient.
[Takes off his mask]
Rorschach: If you'd cared from the start, none of this would've happened.
Jon: I can change almost anything... but I can't change human nature.
Rorschach: Of course, you must protect Veidt's new Utopia. One more body amongst foundations makes little difference. Well, what are you waiting for? Do it...
[Jon hesitates]
Rorschach: DO IT!
[Jon makes Rorscach explode into a pile of blood]

Diana: [as they sit in his rooms, near tears] You were right about creatures coming to look for the book. Peter Knox from the Congregation and there was this Scandinavian witch. I don't know... I don't know who she was.
Matthew: [with his back to her] Try to calm down. Your adrenaline is very high.
Diana: You can smell my adrenaline?
Matthew: Course I can...
[as she relaxes and he turns around]
Matthew: Thank you. Why did you come to me? Last time I saw you, you said you never wanted to see me again.
Diana: I have no one else to talk to.
Matthew: You must have friends.
Diana: No one I can trust.
[gets up to leave]
Diana: It was a mistake to come here. I'm sorry I disturbed you.
Matthew: Does Knox want the book?
Diana: He says it has the witches' first spells in it. Is that what you think it is?
Matthew: Peter Knox believes that witches created everything and everyone. I'm obviously not of that opinion. Does he know you sent it back?
Diana: Yes... . He wants me to try and get it out again.
Matthew: Will you?
Diana: I don't want him to have it.

Lady: [watching racing cars] How fast!
Henry: That *is* the general idea.

Matthew: [Opening narration, season one] Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to the humans now. We, creatures, have all but disappeared. Daemons... vampires... witches... hiding in plain sight. Ill at ease even with each other. But, as my father used to say, in every ending, there is a new beginning.

Henry: [to Mary] If you're trying to get rid of me, I'm going to make it as hard and horrible as I can.

Hugh: Damn you, you and your machine.

Matthew: [catching her in the woods] There's nothing wrong with you, Diana. There never was.
Diana: Normally, when you're spellbound that's it. You're bound for life. Until that person sets you free.
Matthew: But not you.
Diana: No, I think they tied it to need. If I was ever in trouble, I could still call upon my magic and I wouldn't be alone. Matthew, you were in their stories. The spell was somehow tied to me too. To my need for you. They knew I'd fall in love with you.

Diana: [as they walk around the castle] Does your mother use the whole house?
Matthew: Well, she used to. Now most of it's closed up.
[indicating to the door]
Matthew: That used to be Philippe's office.
Diana: I know you told me he died in the Second World War. Then Ysabeau spent the next few decades wiping out covens in South America. I remember my aunts telling me that some witches worked with the Nazis. They played a part in his death.
Matthew: Yes, but that has nothing to do with you.
Diana: For her it does.

Matthew: [to Diana] Witch power is in your blood and it's in your bones. You were born to be a witch, just as you were born to have blonde hair. Or those blue eyes.

Matthew: After Cecilia, I swore to myself that I would never get involved with another warm-blood again and you know that!
Hamish: But Matt, you've never talked about another woman the way you do about Diana Bishop.

Adrian: You wanna know my past? Okay. Happily. It's a matter of public record that by seventeen both my parents were dead, leaving me alone. I guess you could say I've always been alone. I mean, they say I'm the smartest man in the world, but the truth is I've often felt stupid at being unable to relate to anybody. Well... anyone living, that is. The only person with whom I felt any kinship died three hundred years before the birth of Christ. Alexander of Macedonia. His vision of a United world, well... it was unprecedented. I wanted... needed to match his accomplishments, and so I resolved to apply antiquity's teachings to our world today, and so began my path to conquest. Conquest not of men, but of the evils that beset them. Fossil Fuels. Oil. Nuclear Power. Like a drug, and you, gentlemen, along with foreign interests, are the pushers.
Lee: Now listen.
Adrian: No. You listen. The world will survive. And it deserves more than you've been able to provide. So let's cut to it, shall we? Privately I'm worth more than all of your corporations combined, I could buy and sell you three times over, which is something you should factor into your decision should you choose to make our disagreement public. I think you know the way out.
Adrian: The toy people wanna talk to you about some new villains for the Ozymandias line. Seems all the old villains are dead.
Lee: Mr Veidt?
Adrian: I think I have some ideas.

Matthew: [to Diana, about his house] Can't stay in the same place for too long. Humans tend to get suspicious, so I closed it up and left. But I've dropped by over the years. Updated the plumbing. Put in the electricity.

Miriam: [about Diana] You're craving her.
Matthew: Miriam, how I feel about Diana Bishop has absolutely nothing to do with you.
Miriam: She's a witch, you're a vampire. You know the rules. It's forbidden by the terms of the Covenant.
Matthew: The Congregation isn't about to enforce a thousand-year-old rule.
Miriam: Does Diana even know about it? Because Marcus doesn't seem to think so.

Henry: Sorry about that, there was rather a queue.
Tom: It's popular, that's a good sign.
Henry: Oh, you don't know the place?
[Tom shakes head]
Lady: You'll laugh at me, but I've hardly ever been in a public house. Matthew wasn't really a pub man, and Papa goes into the Grantham Arms about once a year to have a drink with the tenants.
Henry: Well I'm afraid my life is an altogether rougher affair.
Lady: [Smiling widely] Consider me warned.
Tom: So the car's a success?
Henry: Well, I wasn't convinced it would be, but it is. You must have a go sometime.
Tom: I hope that's a real offer.
Henry: You know, I didn't realize you were so keen, Tom. Blast! You could have driven there today.
Tom: You know I came to Downton as a chauffeur
Henry: Oh, Mary told me. But then, not every chauffeur has a real love for cars.
Tom: That's true enough.
Henry: [Turning to Mary] I'll tell you who was talking about you the other day: Evelyn Napier.
Lady: [Without emotion] Oh, how is he?
Henry: He's well. Still single, of course, and, I suspect, still pining for you.
Lady: He will pine in vain, but I'm very fond of him.
Henry: La bell dame sans merci.
Tom: What does that mean?
Henry: It means... Lady Mary knows what she's about. I'll tell you what, next time we're all down south, why don't we all have dinner?
Lady: I'd love that.
Tom: You are funny.
Lady: What do you mean?
Tom: The way you have to keep making excuses for why you'll meet.
[Turning to Mary]
Tom: You to watch him drive cars,
[Turning to Henry]
Tom: you to have dinner with a friend. Why can't you just say, "I'd love to spend more time with you"? When can we do it?
Lady: You see? He may have assimilated in some ways, but he still fights playing by the rules.

King: /w/ll carry on faithfully embracing duties which you entrusted me at birth.
- I will work tirelessly against all those who work against us.
- And until our work here is done, the world may be mine, but the power and glory belong to you forever and ever.
- Thank you, lord, for helping me to get there.

Matthew: I took my mother's name when she sired me. She lived in France with my step-father, Philippe. He's no longer with us.
Diana: He died?
Matthew: Mm. Yes. We can be killed... if you try hard enough.

Matthew: Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We creatures have all but disappeared. Daemons, vampires, and witches hiding in plain sight, ill at ease, even with each other. But, as my father used to say, in every ending... there is a new beginning.

Adrian: Dan. A world united in peace... there had to be sacrifice.
Dan: No! You haven't idealized mankind but you've... you've deformed it! You mutilated it. That's your legacy. That's the real practical joke.

Miriam: We've run this lab for years without being noticed. Flown under the radar of humans and creatures. Then suddenly, it's all jeopardized because you decide to mate with a witch.
Matthew: That is enough, Miriam.
Miriam: Don't even begin to deny it. I'm the only one of us who's mated before. I know the signs.

Diana: The house has been known to misbehave with new people. They're letting it get used to you.
Matthew: So it's haunted?
Diana: We're witches. Of course, it's haunted. Okay.
Matthew: What's it capable of?
Diana: Slamming doors, flickering lights. One time, the whole second floor disappeared for a week.