The Best Michael Rider Quotes

Knight: She Chose... Wesley. I've been dying to say that one all night.

Brad: [after seeing Pat with a broken nose] Did I explain it wrong? Is that it?
O'Connor: No, boss, you didn't.
Brad: Pat's got a weak constitution. You boys know that. That's why he's working as a bartender. He's my only sister's son. And if he doesn't have me, who's he got? And if I'm not there, you're there.
[to Jimmy]
Brad: I should've let you go, Jimmy.
Brad: [to Tinker and O'Connor] Well, one of you boys owes me an apology. Now I leave it up to you to decide which one of you wants to say "I'm sorry."
Tinker: [takes off his hat] I'm sorry, boss.
O'Connor: I'm sorry, boss.
Brad: I believe you, Tinker.
[walks over to O'Connor]
Brad: But you, O'Connor, somehow I don't believe you. Now you better try it again. 'cause if there's one thing I can't stand, it's a man who's untruthful.
O'Connor: I'm sorry, boss.
Brad: If there's one thing that disgusts me, it's a man who can't admit when he's wrong.
O'Connor: I swear to God, boss, I'm sorry.
Brad: You disgust me, O'Connor. You wanna know why you disgust me?
O'Connor: No, why, boss?
Brad: [punches him] 'cause you're a bleeder. You bleed too much. You are a messy bleeder.
[kicks him in the groin]
Brad: You're weak. You got no endurance for PAIN
[karate chops him and knocks him down]
Brad: . Awe, come on, get up. Hey, you'll be fine. Come on.
[to his men]
Brad: Well, help him up!
Brad: [Wesley's men stand him up] You're gonna be fine. And you know why? Because I like you.
[punches and knocks him out]
Brad: [to his men] Get this piece-of-shit coward out of here.

Dalton: Problem?
Pat: There's no problem. Just a little mistake, that's all.
Dalton: What's that?
Pat: My job. You don't get it, do you?
Dalton: Why don't you explain it to me?
Tinker: [ready to fight] I'LL EXPLAIN IT TO YOU.
O'Connor: [to Tinker] Hey, shut up, shithead.
[to Dalton]
O'Connor: Mr. Tilghman's changed his mind. And that's all you need to know, son.
Dalton: No, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to know a little bit more than that.
O'Connor: Mr. Tilghman may own this bar, but the liquor he serves is supplied to him by BRAD WESLEY. Now, Pat McGurn is in the employ of Mr Wesley, his uncle. Not Mr Tilghman.
Pat: You see, I'm stayin', and YOU'RE GOIN'.
Dalton: Oh, really?