The Best Pat McGurn Quotes

Morgan: [pointing angrily at Dalton] If you're not drinking, YOU'RE outta here!
Carrie: [to Dalton] Hey, don't let him bother you. Morgan was born an asshole and just grew bigger.
[introduces herself]
Carrie: I'm Carrie Ann. If you need anything...
[taps him on the shoulder]
Carrie: ANYTHING, you just let me know.
[Dalton nods]
Carrie: You got a name?
Dalton: Yeah.
Carrie: Well, what is it?
Dalton: Dalton.
Carrie: [laughing] Oh my God! Shit! I've heard of you!
Pat: [raps bar] Carrie Ann! What're you waiting for? Christmas? MOVE!
Carrie: [muttering] Ah shut up. I'm going. Jesus Christ.

Dalton: Problem?
Pat: There's no problem. Just a little mistake, that's all.
Dalton: What's that?
Pat: My job. You don't get it, do you?
Dalton: Why don't you explain it to me?
Tinker: [ready to fight] I'LL EXPLAIN IT TO YOU.
O'Connor: [to Tinker] Hey, shut up, shithead.
[to Dalton]
O'Connor: Mr. Tilghman's changed his mind. And that's all you need to know, son.
Dalton: No, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to know a little bit more than that.
O'Connor: Mr. Tilghman may own this bar, but the liquor he serves is supplied to him by BRAD WESLEY. Now, Pat McGurn is in the employ of Mr Wesley, his uncle. Not Mr Tilghman.
Pat: You see, I'm stayin', and YOU'RE GOIN'.
Dalton: Oh, really?

Dalton: You got quite a little enterprise going here.
Pat: What?
Dalton: You're going through a bottle every 30 minutes, you're skimming the till for 6 shots a bottle. On drafts, 1 every 10.
Dalton: [to Tilghman] I figure he's costing you about 150 a night.
Pat: [smiles at Dalton] So?
Dalton: So consider it severance pay. TAKE THE TRAIN.
Pat: [to Tilghman] I didn't hear you say that.
Frank: Well, I'm sayin' it now.
Pat: You sure?
Frank: GET OUT.