The Best Morgan Quotes

Morgan: What am I supposed to do?
Dalton: There's always barber college.

Morgan: You know, I heard you had balls big enough to come in a dump truck, but you don't look like much to me.
Dalton: Opinions vary.

Morgan: [pointing angrily at Dalton] If you're not drinking, YOU'RE outta here!
Carrie: [to Dalton] Hey, don't let him bother you. Morgan was born an asshole and just grew bigger.
[introduces herself]
Carrie: I'm Carrie Ann. If you need anything...
[taps him on the shoulder]
Carrie: ANYTHING, you just let me know.
[Dalton nods]
Carrie: You got a name?
Dalton: Yeah.
Carrie: Well, what is it?
Dalton: Dalton.
Carrie: [laughing] Oh my God! Shit! I've heard of you!
Pat: [raps bar] Carrie Ann! What're you waiting for? Christmas? MOVE!
Carrie: [muttering] Ah shut up. I'm going. Jesus Christ.

Morgan: Mind your own business, Dad!