The Best Tilghman Quotes

Dalton: You got quite a little enterprise going here.
Pat: What?
Dalton: You're going through a bottle every 30 minutes, you're skimming the till for 6 shots a bottle. On drafts, 1 every 10.
Dalton: [to Tilghman] I figure he's costing you about 150 a night.
Pat: [smiles at Dalton] So?
Dalton: So consider it severance pay. TAKE THE TRAIN.
Pat: [to Tilghman] I didn't hear you say that.
Frank: Well, I'm sayin' it now.
Pat: You sure?
Frank: GET OUT.

Frank: I got your plane ticket right here.
Dalton: I don't fly... too dangerous.

Frank: [after he, Red, Emmett, and Stoudenmire shoot Wesley dead] This is our town... And don't you ever forget it.

Frank: I need the best.
Dalton: Wade Garrett's the best
Frank: Wade Garrett's getting old.
Dalton: He's still the best!