The Best Milan Sova Quotes

Milan: First you set me up in the bar. Then you shoot me in the back.
Xander: My boss does it to me. I did it to you. It's a vicious circle.

[before entering Yorgi's club]
Milan: Everyone in this club's got two things in common; they're filthy rich and they're criminals.
Xander: I'll fit in perfect, except for the filthy rich part.

Milan: My name is Milan Sova, Czech Secret Police. When you are here, you are under my jurisdiction. You take my orders, you do what I say. And if you become any kind of an inconvenience, I'll shoot you.
Xander: That's great, is this were I'm staying?
Milan: You are here because your government is putting pressure on my government. This is an internal affair, a Czech affair that you are interfering with. I will warning you once, don't shit in my lawn. Get whatever information your government seeks, and get out.
Xander: Let's get this straight. You may not want me here, but I definitely don't want to be here. Two, I've never been under anyone's jurisdiction, and three, if you're gonna shoot anybody, shoot the monkey that sold you this suit.