Top 50 Quotes From Milla Jovovich

K: [upon seeing a post-apocalyptic waste-land Las Vegas, which is under about 10 stories of sand] What happened to it?
Alice: Desert must have taken it back. Five years. No one to keep the sand back.

Alice: Sometimes I feel like this has been my whole life. Running. Killing.

Alice: [after checking the armory and weapons room] Nice!

Alice: Watch the tank! The tank!

Alice: Umbrella.
Claire: Of course. I remember them coming for us.
Alice: This whole thing, Arcadia, was a lie.
Claire: No, it's worse than that. It's a trap.

Hellboy: Sorry! Did I interrupt?
Nimue: On the contrary. You've arrived just in time.

Claire: Everyone is grateful for you helping us out.
Alice: But how long am I gonna stay?
Claire: Don't get me wrong, we really are grateful. They're all talking about what you did, and they're scared.
Alice: I don't blame them, people have a habit of dying around me.
Claire: Not just you.

[Becky comes up to Alice and embraces her]
Luther: Who's this?
Becky: I'm Becky.
Luther: Hi, Becky.
Becky: [points to Alice] This is my mom.
Luther: Your mom? Ah.
Alice: Long story.

[first lines]
Alice: My name is Alice. I worked for the Umbrella Corporation, the largest and most powerful commercial entity in the world. I was head of security at a secret high-tech facility, The Hive, a giant underground laboratory developing experimental viral weaponry. But there was an incident. The virus escaped and everybody died. Trouble was... they didn't stay dead.

Rain: You can't kill me.
Alice: I don't have to.
[Alice shoots the ice at Rain's feet, she falls in with the Las Plagas Undead]

Dr. Isaacs: I made you.
Alice: Yeah. Big mistake.

Alice: I'm missing you already.

Luther: We thought they sent you. We've been launching flares for days to get their attention.
Alice: Flares?
[she gives an incredulous smirk]
Luther: Yeah.
Alice: Who's gonna see flares from Alaska?
Luther: Alaska?
Angel: Alaska?
Alice: Arcadia. I've been there. It's in Alaska. It's a town, or so we thought.
Luther: A town? I don't think so.

Becky: [looks at a track of Alice clones] Mommy, who are they? Mommy, is that you? You're my mommy, aren't you?
Alice: I am now.

Alice: There's a child here.
Rain: Your problem, not ours.
Alice: All heart. You haven't changed a bit.
Rain: I don't know you lady.

Alice: [to White Queen] I knew your sister. She was a homicidal bitch.

[a weapons cache emerges from the floor]
Alice: Oh, yeah.

Alice: There's something down there.
Jill: Where?
Alice: There.
Peyton: I don't see anything.
Alice: Well, that doesn't alter the fact that there *is* something down there.

Alice: [from trailer] We fought the infection. We survived the apocalypse. And now, we face extinction.

- Kaplan, are you okay?
- Kaplan!
- No!
- No!
Alice: Oh, God!
- Hold on!

Peyton: We find the building with the thickest walls and strongest doors and we barricade ourselfs in, sit tight, wait for help.
Alice: There won't be any help. According to Ashford, Umbrella know they can't contain the infection. So at sunrise this morning, Raccoon City will be completely sanitized.
Terri: What do you mean by "sanitized"?
Alice: A precision tactical nuclear device.
Jill: What yield?
Alice: Five kilotons.
Jill: [scoffs] Fuck me.

Luther: Nice landing.
Alice: I think technically it's called crashing.

Alice: What happened?
Red: When Isaacs died, I could bring myself back online and stop attacks on the remaining human settlements. You saved them.
Alice: Why am I still alive?
Red: The antivirus only destroyed the T-virus within your body. It didn't harm the healthy cells. You are now free of infection.
Alice: I thought I would die. You and Alicia, you lied to me.
Red: We had to know if you were willing to make the sacrifice, to give up your life for others. This was something no one at Umbrella would have done. Alicia Marcus was right about you.
Alice: I *was* one of them. I was created by Umbrella, just an instrument for them.
Red: No. You became something more than they ever have anticipated. The clone became more human than they ever could be. And you have one more step to make.
Alice: What do you mean?
Red: [opens the file, uploading it into Alice] Before she died, Alicia downloaded her memories for you. The childhood you never had combined with the woman she could never become.

Alicia: I still own 50% of this company.
Dr. Isaacs: And what do you intend to do with that?
Alicia: You are co-owner of this corporation, but Wesker... Wesker is still an employee.
Wesker: I don't have to take your orders. My loyalties are with him.
Alicia: I know. Albert Wesker, you're fired.

Alice: You're still armed.
Doc: Yes, I am.
Alice: Claire would be so disappointed.
Doc: In a few minutes, Claire will be dead, along with everybody you know.
Claire: That's sweet.
Doc: Sorry. My love.

[first lines]
Alice: [narrating] My name is Alice. I worked for the Umbrella Corporation in a secret laboratory developing experimental viral weaponry. There was an incident. A virus escaped. Everybody died. Trouble was, they didn't stay dead. This was the start of an apocalypse that would sweep the entire world. The men responsible for this disaster took refuge underground and continued to experiment with the deadly T-Virus. They felt secure in their high-tech fortress. But they were wrong.

Alice: My name is Alice and I remember everything.

Alice: You know I have the strangest feeling I know you.
Luther: Yeah, I get that a lot. You're a sports fan, huh? Do you like basketball?
Alice: Not really.
Luther: No? Well, maybe just a fan of fine timepieces.
[they look at a distant rooftop billboard with Luther modeling a luxury wristwatch]
Angel: Yeah. Luther here is our resident superstar.

- Open the doors!
Alice: Open the doors!
- Now!

Alice: Waiting for a written invitation?

Dr. Isaacs: We've played a long game, you and me, but now it's over.
Alice: Yes. Yes, it is.
Dr. Isaacs: I made you...
Alice: Yeah. Big mistake!

Alice: It was raining.
Albert: Climate control. Wind, rain. They can even make it snow if they wanted to.
Alice: Why build such a place?
Albert: Simple. The Umbrella Corporation derived its primary income from the sale of viral weaponry, something that's impossible to test in the real world. They re-created the center of New York, simulated an outbreak, showed it to the Russians, and sold them the virus. They simulated an outbreak in Moscow, sold it to the Americans. An outbreak in Tokyo.
Alice: Sold it to the Chinese.
Ada: An outbreak in China.
Alice: Sold it to the Japanese.
Albert: Exactly. Everyone had to have it. The Umbrella Corporation built a new arms race. Only, this time, it was biological rather than nuclear. Highly profitable. And this is where it all happened. This is Umbrella's greatest creation. The belly of the beast.
Alice: So why don't we just get the hell out of here?

[first lines]
Alice: My name is Alice. I worked for the Umbrella Corporation, the largest and most powerful commercial entity in the world. I was head of security at a secret high-tech facility called the Hive, a giant underground laboratory developing experimental, viral weaponry. There was an incident. A virus escaped. A lot of people died. The trouble was, they didn't stay dead. The computer that controlled the Hive was a state-of-the-art artificial intelligence: the Red Queen. The Red Queen responded to the threat of the viral outbreak in an extreme way. She went homicidal.
The: You're all going to die down here.
Alice: The Red Queen attempted to kill everyone, whether they were infected or not. I managed to escape, but this was only the beginning. Viral outbreaks spread like wildfire, first across the United States, then the world. The T-Virus didn't just bring the dead back to life. It mutated them in terrifying ways. Despite the apocalypse they had created, the Umbrella Corporation continued to experiment with the deadly virus. I was infected. But the virus bonded with me on a cellular level. I developed powers.
Dr. Isaacs: Your genetic structure is the key.
Alice: I became different. Powerful. Unstoppable. As I got stronger, the human race became weaker. I tried my best to lead what survivors I could find to safety, but we were pursued relentlessly. Even my friend Jill Valentine was seized and brainwashed by Umbrella.
Jill: Shoot to kill.
Alice: Finally, I confronted the head of the Umbrella Corporation, Albert Wesker. He robbed me of my powers, but I still managed to defeat him. At last, we thought it was over. We thought we had survived the horror. But we were wrong. Once again, we found ourselves fighting for our lives.

Alice: Please wait.
Albert: Last words?
Alice: Thank you.
Albert: For killing you?
Alice: For making me human again.

Alice: I can help you get the virus.
- I have access to security codes, surveillance plans, the works.
- But there's gonna be a price.
- Name it.
- You have to guarantee me that you will bring this corporation down.

- Just do it now!
Alice: I can't!
Rain: Please.
- Do it.
- Kill her.
- Just do it.
- Kill her now!
- Kill her!

Alice: Boys? You mind?
Leon S. Kennedy: Shall we?
Barry: My pleasure.

Major: [as Alice prepares to throw him out of the helicopter] Wait! Killing me won't make things right.
Alice: No, but it's a start!

Alice: I can help you get the virus.
- I have access to security codes, surveillance plans, the works.

The: Don't listen to the traitor Wesker. I am in control now. Project Alice, Ada Wong, stay where you are.
Alice: [to Ada] Let's move.
The: Project Alice, you're all going to die down here.
Alice: I've heard that before.

Rain: I'm coming for you!
Alice: Good luck with that.

Alicia: Time is running out, Alice. You must kill him soon.
Dr. Isaacs: It's good to see you too, Alicia. Marcus created the T-virus to save her, but the effects didn't last. But I've been waiting years for her to die.
Alice: I'm not... I'm not a clone.
Dr. Isaacs: Really? You must have wondered why you remember nothing of your childhood. Your father, your mother...
Alice: Memory loss.
Dr. Isaacs: No. You have no memory because you had no life, nothing before the mansion, when we created you 10 years ago.
Alice: I know who I am.
Dr. Isaacs: I don't think so. You're nothing more than a puppet whose strings were cut and then you wondered around for a little while thinking you were a real girl, but you're not. You're just a clever imitation, a facsimile. A rather troublesome one, at that.
Alice: You're lying to me.
Red: I'm afraid he's not. You were created in her image, as was I. My likeness and voice were based on childhood recordings of Alicia Marcus, made by her father. Your genetic structure is based on her DNA, tweaked to avoid the progeria aging disease that afflicted her. I'm the child she was. You are the woman she would have been.
Alicia: No. You are so much better than I ever could be. I let this happen. I was weak. You cannot afford to be.

Alice: You don't look very good, Bennett.
Bennett: Yeah, I'm looking forward to playing with your pretty face.

[after Alice realizes Peyton coughs and has a zombie bite injury, she aims her gun at him]
Jill: [points her gun at Alice] Hold it. What do you think you're doing?
Alice: He's wounded. The infection's spreading.
Peyton: I'm fine.
Alice: You should take care of him now. It'll be more difficult later. You know that.
Jill: No. If it comes to that, I'll take care of it myself.
Alice: As you wish.
[to Peyton]
Alice: It's nothing personal. But in an hour, maybe two, you'll be dead. And moments later, you'll become one of them. You'll endanger your friends, try to kill them, probably succeed. I'm sorry. That's just the way it is.

[from trailer]
Alice: Good thing we like a challenge.

Alice: [after hiding out from zombies in the cemetery!] There's too many of them. Let's get out of here...

[last lines]
Alice: You won't have to wait that long, boys. Because I'm coming for you. And I'm gonna be bringing a few of my friends.

Major: And now... Now we'll discover which is superior. Fight him.
Alice: No.
Major: Fight him, or they die.
Alice: What makes you think I care?

Alice: What is this? What have you done to me?
Albert: You were the only one to successfully bond with the T-Virus, to fully realize her powers. Well, now I have need of you. The old you. So I've given you back your gift. You are the weapon.
Alice: I'm gonna kill you.
Albert: Perhaps. But first, you have work to do.

Claire: Alice, you were my friend?
Alice: I like to think so.
Claire: Was I a good person?
Alice: Why would you ask that?
Claire: I don't know, I just, I have this feeling that I let people down.
Alice: You're not the only one.
Claire: What do you mean?
Alice: We struggle, we fight, we watch our friends die. Survival is a bitch.