The Best Nimue Quotes

Nimue: Revenge is the only sustenance I require.

Nimue: No more bowing and scraping, my beloveds. That is not what I want. I want an army, long hidden from the eyes of man. I want the forgotten people out of the dark! Those who have lived in dust, who have gnawed on dry bones while dreaming of blood! That is what I want. Give me an army like that and we will make the daytime world weep!

Hellboy: Sorry! Did I interrupt?
Nimue: On the contrary. You've arrived just in time.

Nimue: You are a king. We belong together, you and I.
Hellboy: We do. But it's not going to work, you know, cause I'm a Capricorn and you're fucking nuts!

Nimue: Out of the ashes, a new Eden will emerge.
Hellboy: Okay, I'd appreciate a prophecy with more relatable stakes.

Nimue: Why do you fight for those who hate and fear you?